Ambition or Integrity:
The Politician's Dilemma
I begin with the obvious. In the pursuit of political ambitions, people seeking or holding political office may unwittingly prioritize personal recognition and achievement over the call to compassion and integrity. Ambition can cloud judgment, leading to compromises in values for the sake of "success."
Two things can happen. Driven by the desire for acclaim, individuals may find themselves torn between ambition and the ethical imperatives of their calling. Or, more typically, they may conflate ambition with the ethical imperatives, not feeling torn at all. They may naively think that being famous (or powerful or wealthy) serves the common good.
The matter is further complicated when politicians are self-identified Christians. Consciously or unconsciously, they may justify their conflation of ambition with integrity as the will of God. They may say to themselves: "God calls me to lead," not realizing that their desire for recognition and achievement is the guiding force in their lives.
Complications deepen when politicians are immersed in partisan politics, viewing themselves as "in a battle for the good" by promoting their party's success and defeating the opposition. Along this path, partisan politics, with its combative ethos, can overshadow their moral compass, leading them to equate their party's victory with God's will.
Somewhere in this process, the capacity to distinguish personal recognition and achievement from serving the common good, with its attendant virtues of compassion and integrity, becomes lost. Politicians may sell their souls to the devil and label it "Christianity." They may attend prayer breakfasts and worship services, or invite people to pray with and for them. They wrap Jesus in an American flag and call it servant-leadership.
In such instances, open and relational theology offers a critical lens. It proposes that God is within each person (and also beyond each person) as an inwardly felt call to love others and serve the common good. It sees this call as different from the temptations of fame, fortune, and power, and recognizes that fame, fortune, and power can get in the way of being a true servant-leader. Indeed, the very desire to be, or be known as, a "leader" can obstruct openness to the call of God. The call of God within each of us is a call toward love and humility.
Politicians who think this way will always ask themselves whether their actions and policies and rhetoric truly serve the common good, and not simply the partisan good. They will be challenged, again and again, to reconsider their motives and recalibrate their goals in light of compassionate action and ethical integrity. For a politician facing this dilemma, discerning whether actions serve personal ambition or authentically contribute to societal well-being becomes essential. How to do this?
Discerning God's Will and Embracing Humility
For a politician navigating the complexities of ambition and integrity within the context of open and relational theology, discerning God's will involves self-awareness and introspection. It involves stepping back from the thrill of political battle into the heart of a prayerful relation with the God of love. Here are key steps they might consider:
- Practicing Discernment: Engage in regular practices of discernment, both individually and within a trusted community. This involves prayerful reflection, meditation on scriptures, and seeking spiritual guidance from mentors or advisors who prioritize ethical integrity over personal ambition.
- Seeking Wisdom: Look beyond immediate political goals and seek wisdom from diverse sources, not just partisan our familiar religious sources. Learn from sources that emphasize serving the common good and fostering relational harmony rather than personal gain.
- Seeking Humility: Seek humility as a virtue that counters the allure of personal acclaim. Recognize that true leadership is rooted in service and sacrificial love, modeled after Jesus' teachings rather than the pursuit of power or recognition. Embrace the freedom to be anonymous.
- Detaching from Outcome: Practice detachment from outcomes and recognition, focusing instead on the integrity of actions and their alignment with compassionate values. This shift allows space for God's guidance to be discerned more clearly, free from the distractions of ego and ambition.
- Accountability Partners: Regularly evaluate motives and actions with accountability partners who share a commitment to ethical leadership and the common good. Make sure some of the partners are not of one's political tribe. This practice helps in maintaining integrity and staying true to the deeper callings of public service.
By integrating these practices into political life, a politician can cultivate a mindset that is less driven by personal ambition and more attuned to the transformative power of relational and ethical integrity. In doing so, they can find freedom from the need for personal acclaim, focusing instead on embodying God's will through compassionate and servant leadership. The world will be a better place,
- Jay McDaniel