Areas of Exploration
and Sample Titles
and Sample Titles
1. Process Philosophy & Theology
- Kindness, Beauty, Creativity: The Mood of Process Philosophy
- Divine Love-Energy: Ten Ways to Participate in the Flow of Amipotence
- Amipotence with or without God: In Appreciation of Tim Burnette
- God Beyond the Solid: Divine Love as a Relational Field whose Body is the Universe
- God as Infinite Receptivity: Dombrowski’s Friendly Amendment to Oord’s Theology
- What does Amipotence Sound Like? Marian Anderson Singing at the Lincoln Memorial
- Three Types of Process Philosophy: Speculative, Experiential, and Mathematical
- Process and Memory: The Experience of Pastness
- Embracing the Many: A Mysticism of Multiplicity
- Two Ultimates: Creativity and God
- Process Theology and the Trump Movement: Reimagining Six Trumpian Themes in a Process Spirit
- The Stalinization of America: Seeking a Christian Alternative
- Deconstructive Populism: The Visceral Delight of Tearing Things Down
- The Politics We Need: Love, Relationality, and the Amipotent Vision
- The Dense Fog of Sycophancy: Process Theology, Jesus, and Integrity in Political Life
- Constructive Political Leadership: A Whiteheadian-Shakespearean Approach
- Us versus Them: Competitive Sports, Partisan Politics, and Process Philosophy
- Christians Against Trump
- Lead us not into Sleaziness: Process Theology & The Charlatan
- The Politics of Scowling: Core Characteristics of the Fascist Personality
- Banquo's Silence: Misplaced Loyalty, Servile Flattery, and the Erosion of Dignity
- Reflections on a Ruthless, Insecure King: Insights from Freud and Whitehead
- Hegel and Whitehead: Springboards for Reflection
- Perpetual Perishing and Beauty: The Wild Swans of Coole by WB Yeats
- Romantic Banter as Embodied Metaphysics: Whitehead's Philosophy in Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing"
- Your Hero is My Villain: A Lesson from Shakespeare
- The Myriad-Minded Soul: Whitehead, Shakespeare, and the Enjoyment of Contrasts
- The Art of Holding Up a Mirror: What Open and Relational Theology can learn from Shakespeare
- The Art of Holding Up a Mirror: What Process Philosophy can learn from Shakespeare
- I, Too, am a Wanderer: A Process Theology of Asteroids
- My Friend, My Fellow Pilgrim: A Process Theology of Asteroids
- The Unseen Embrace: A Process Theology of Gravity
- Solid Bodies Colliding in an Event-Based Ontology
- From Solids to Events: Condensed Matter Physics and Whitehead’s Philosophy
- Teach us To Feel: What Extraterrestrials May be Looking For
- The Creative Void: Exploring the Metaphysics of Empty Space
- Whitehead, Wormholes, and the Longing for Cosmic Connections
- A Sanctuary of Listening: Hospitality as the Heart of the Church
- A Walk in the Woods: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
- From Transaction to Transformation: Rethinking Atonement with Nichole Torbitzky
- Jimmy Carter: Faith in Action
- God after Deconstruction for Christians influenced by Buddhism: Oord, Fuller, Cobb
- Praying to the Stars: Amipotence and Intercessory Prayer
- Two Friends Beneath the Stars: God as the Heart and Whole of the Universe
- What does Leadership Sound Like? Marian Anderson Singing at the Lincoln Memorial
- Jingle Bells and Gentle Tears: The Metaphysics of Listening to Holiday Music
- Sound, Chaos, and the Creativity: Avant-Garde Music, Process Philosophy, and Iannis Xenakis
- Singing Old Hymns in New Ways: Jay McDaniel and Al Gephart
- Process Theology and the Statue of Liberty
- You Should be Dancing: Process Theology and the Bee Gees
- The Migration of Religion to Popular Culture: Taylor Swift and Process Theology
- Send in the Clowns: A Process Theology of Playful Resilience
- Grace, Play, and Laughter: An Open and Relational Theology of Humor
- Play, Grace, and Laughter: A Process Theology of Humor
- A Refusal to be Detached: Reflections on Divine Bathos
- The Puckish Side of God: Toward a Process Theology of Mischief
- The Flying Elbow Drop: A Process Reflection on Professional Wrestling
- Shared Earth, Shared Kinship: Renewing Our Relationship with Animals
- Biopoetic Crickets: Process Theology and the Enjoyment of Chirping
- Helping Others Flourish: A Process Theology of Butterflies
- Metamorphosis and Beauty: A Process Theology of Butterflies
- From Amipotence to Ecopotence: De-sentimentalizing Divine Love through Ecology
- Ecological Civilization on My Balcony: Zhihe Wang, Meijun Fan, and Junfeng Wang on China's Future