Divine Love-Energy
Ten Ways to Participate in the Flow of Amipotence
"Amipotence is best understood when we think of 'power' as 'energy.' In the case of amipotence, this energy is the energy of divine and human love. When given attention, the transformational power of divine and human love-energy can dynamically flow together in ways that create life-changing possibilities for loving actions, moment by moment."
"This divine but undetected influence inspires the gardener not only to plant and prepare but also to seek solutions when creaturely conditions are not conducive to growth. And this same divine but hidden influence, persuasively nudges the seed at just the right time to split, sprout, and move up through the soil. Such is the transformational power of divine love-energy—the most powerful influence in the universe. It has been working this way for nearly 14 billion years. This is amipotence in action.
Gayle Hansen Browne, in Brown, Brandon; Stedman, Fran; Young, Deanna. Amipotence: Expansion & Application (p. 318). SacraSage Press. Kindle Edition.
Throughout the world today there is a yearning for wholeness. The yearning is a divine desire within the human heart. It includes, but also goes beyond, the need for satisfying relationships with other people or a reconnection with the natural world. The desire carries within it a certain a trust that there exists, coursing through the fabric of reality, a kind of energy—a love-energy—that is inherently on the side of life’s flourishing, combined with a desire to participate in it, to flow with it and in it.
Flowing in this energy does not necessarily make life easy or happy: tragedies still occur, sometimes quite terrible. Witness the violence in the world, the suffering and the missed potential. But flowing in love-energy does give life a kind of beauty, even amid suffering. Flowing in the love-energy unfolds moment by moment, day by day, in stops and starts, and at varying degrees of intensity. The idea of "flowing" can be misleading if it suggests smoothness and ease. Flowing in love-energy can be bumpy, and at one level it includes all the normal human emotions: anxiety, pleasure, suffering, hope, despair, joy, and sorrow. The flowing is inherently empathic, which means that there is suffering with the sufferings of others: their agony becomes your agony, their distress your distress. Flowing is relational. And yet, even in the vicissitudes, there is a deeper sense of trust, of vitality, of love. There is, in the flowing in love-energy, a certain kind of peace: a peace that surpasses all understanding.
This love-energy is not just found in human life; it is a cosmic force. The theologian Thomas Oord describes it as "the most powerful force in this universe and every other that might exist." However, it is not a force of coercion but an energy of attraction. We feel drawn to it, as we are drawn to beauty. Beauty - natural beauty or soul beauty, moral beauty or tragic beauty - cannot force us to do anything, but we can be attracted to it. Beauty is an object of desire and so is love-energy. It calls to us.
This energy, which Gayle Hansen Browne following Oord calls “Amipotence,” is not all-powerful. It cannot reverse the past or manipulate events so that they always turn out as we wish. It cannot stop a speeding bullet or a falling bomb. Yet, it is an energy that can be trusted and felt. Indeed, a person can have faith in it. This trust emerges not from an expectation of perfection but from the recognition that this energy continually invites us toward life, connection, and flourishing, moment by moment.
In her essay Amipotence in Action, Browne describes this love-energy as present in human relationships, in the bursting forth of seeds into plants in her garden, and in the unfolding of the universe as entities bond with one another. Building on her insights, we might ask: In what contexts, and through what channels, can this divine love-energy be felt and experienced? I propose ten channels through which this love-energy flows:
1. Human Relationships
The most immediate and familiar channel for divine love-energy is human relationships. In acts of kindness, compassion, and mutual support, we experience the transformative power of amipotence. These moments of connection remind us that love-energy flows not only within individuals but between them, as a binding force that fosters understanding, empathy, and shared joy. It can be found in healthy family life, in friendships, and in many forms of healthy community life.
2. The Natural World
The natural world is a profound mediator of divine love-energy. From the resilience of ecosystems to the bursting forth of seeds into plants, we can sense this energy as it sustains and nurtures all forms of life. Trees, animals, rivers, and the cycles of nature invite us into a relationship of interconnection and mutual care, reminding us of our place within the larger web of life. For many people, the natural world - the hills and rivers, trees and stars, oceans and mountains - are a primary context for experiencing love-energy.
3. Creativity and Art
Divine love-energy often reveals itself in the act of creation. Whether through music, painting, poetry, or storytelling, creative expression channels this energy into forms that inspire, heal, and connect. Art serves as a bridge between the ineffable and the tangible, allowing us to feel the flow of love-energy in ways that transcend words.
4. Spiritual Practices
Prayer, meditation, rituals, and other spiritual practices open our awareness to the presence of divine love-energy. These practices create space for us to sense the connection between our inner lives and the greater whole, attuning us to the gentle yet powerful flow of amipotence. In moments of stillness, we often feel this energy most deeply, as an abiding presence that offers guidance, peace, and renewal.
5. Encounters with Spirit and Ancestors
Across cultures, people have reported experiencing divine love-energy through encounters with spirits or ancestors. These experiences—whether through dreams, visions, or intuitive moments—serve as reminders that the flow of love-energy is not confined to the physical world. Spirits and ancestors act as mediators, channeling divine love into our lives and deepening our sense of connection to the broader cosmos.
6. Acts of Service and Justice
When we engage in acts of service and work toward justice, we participate in the flow of divine love-energy. These actions align us with amipotence by channeling love-energy into the healing of the world. In caring for others, advocating for equity, and working toward the common good, we become active participants in life’s flourishing, embodying the energy that seeks to uplift and sustain all beings.
7. The Experience of Listening and Being Listened To
One of the most profound ways to experience divine love-energy is through the act of non-judgmental listening. When we are truly heard by another—when someone listens without judgment, with compassion and openness—we feel the flow of love-energy as a transformative presence. Likewise, when we listen to others in this way, we channel this energy outward, creating a space of connection and understanding. In these moments, divine love-energy flows through the relationship, fostering trust, healing, and mutual respect.
8. Play and Joyful Expression
Divine love-energy often manifests in moments of play and joy, where spontaneity and creativity flow freely. Play—whether through games, laughter, dance, or shared moments of lightheartedness—connects us to others and to the deeper rhythms of life. In such moments, we feel the energy of life itself, vibrant and uncoerced, inviting us to celebrate existence. Joyful expression, like the laughter of children or the unselfconscious movement of dance, reveals the divine love-energy coursing through the world, reminding us of its capacity to inspire delight and renewal.
9. Awe and Galactic Wonder
Awe is a powerful channel for divine love-energy, often arising when we encounter something vast, beautiful, or deeply mysterious. From the beauty of a flower to the breathtaking immensity of a starry sky, awe opens us to the sacredness of existence. Galactic awe, in particular, reminds us of the universe’s grandeur and our interconnectedness with it. When we gaze at the Milky Way, or see images from the James Webb telescope, or contemplate the origins of the cosmos, we can feel the flow of love-energy that sustains and binds the universe. Awe humbles and uplifts us, inviting us to participate in a reality far greater than ourselves, yet deeply intimate in its embrace of all things.
10. Creative Transformation
Divine love-energy is profoundly evident in moments of creative transformation, when individuals break free of addictions, find the strength to forgive others, or learn to reframe past traumas in new and healing ways. This transformative energy works not by coercion but by invitation, opening new possibilities for growth and healing. In such moments, people experience the love-energy as a source of renewal, offering fresh perspectives and the courage to embrace a better future. Creative transformation reveals the presence of divine love-energy as a force that empowers change, fosters resilience, and reorients lives toward flourishing. This kind of transformation also includes courage in the face of suffering, the ability to endure hardship and live with a sense that there is meaning in life, all of it, beyond the vicissitude of pain, disappointment, and tragedy,
Participating in the Flow
Divine love-energy, or amipotence, flows through these many channels, inviting us to experience and share it in our daily lives. As Gayle Hansen Browne so beautifully articulates, this energy is not merely an intellectual concept but a felt presence—a dynamic force that animates and sustains the universe. By recognizing and engaging with these ten channels, and discovering others as well, we can open ourselves to the transformative power of this love-energy, contributing to a world where life flourishes in its many forms.
Some people may believe in this love-energy as an inherent aspect of the universe but not believe in God as separate from it. For them God is the love-energy, and there is no need to use the word "God" to name it, if other names seem better. Others may see this love-energy as coming from something more—a divine source that transcends the energy itself. The value of Hansen’s perspective lies in its openness: it makes room for both points of view and for the many places in between. This inclusivity reflects the very nature of divine love-energy, which draws us into connection without coercion, leaving space for diversity, exploration, and wonder.
- Jay McDaniel
Flowing in this energy does not necessarily make life easy or happy: tragedies still occur, sometimes quite terrible. Witness the violence in the world, the suffering and the missed potential. But flowing in love-energy does give life a kind of beauty, even amid suffering. Flowing in the love-energy unfolds moment by moment, day by day, in stops and starts, and at varying degrees of intensity. The idea of "flowing" can be misleading if it suggests smoothness and ease. Flowing in love-energy can be bumpy, and at one level it includes all the normal human emotions: anxiety, pleasure, suffering, hope, despair, joy, and sorrow. The flowing is inherently empathic, which means that there is suffering with the sufferings of others: their agony becomes your agony, their distress your distress. Flowing is relational. And yet, even in the vicissitudes, there is a deeper sense of trust, of vitality, of love. There is, in the flowing in love-energy, a certain kind of peace: a peace that surpasses all understanding.
This love-energy is not just found in human life; it is a cosmic force. The theologian Thomas Oord describes it as "the most powerful force in this universe and every other that might exist." However, it is not a force of coercion but an energy of attraction. We feel drawn to it, as we are drawn to beauty. Beauty - natural beauty or soul beauty, moral beauty or tragic beauty - cannot force us to do anything, but we can be attracted to it. Beauty is an object of desire and so is love-energy. It calls to us.
This energy, which Gayle Hansen Browne following Oord calls “Amipotence,” is not all-powerful. It cannot reverse the past or manipulate events so that they always turn out as we wish. It cannot stop a speeding bullet or a falling bomb. Yet, it is an energy that can be trusted and felt. Indeed, a person can have faith in it. This trust emerges not from an expectation of perfection but from the recognition that this energy continually invites us toward life, connection, and flourishing, moment by moment.
In her essay Amipotence in Action, Browne describes this love-energy as present in human relationships, in the bursting forth of seeds into plants in her garden, and in the unfolding of the universe as entities bond with one another. Building on her insights, we might ask: In what contexts, and through what channels, can this divine love-energy be felt and experienced? I propose ten channels through which this love-energy flows:
1. Human Relationships
The most immediate and familiar channel for divine love-energy is human relationships. In acts of kindness, compassion, and mutual support, we experience the transformative power of amipotence. These moments of connection remind us that love-energy flows not only within individuals but between them, as a binding force that fosters understanding, empathy, and shared joy. It can be found in healthy family life, in friendships, and in many forms of healthy community life.
2. The Natural World
The natural world is a profound mediator of divine love-energy. From the resilience of ecosystems to the bursting forth of seeds into plants, we can sense this energy as it sustains and nurtures all forms of life. Trees, animals, rivers, and the cycles of nature invite us into a relationship of interconnection and mutual care, reminding us of our place within the larger web of life. For many people, the natural world - the hills and rivers, trees and stars, oceans and mountains - are a primary context for experiencing love-energy.
3. Creativity and Art
Divine love-energy often reveals itself in the act of creation. Whether through music, painting, poetry, or storytelling, creative expression channels this energy into forms that inspire, heal, and connect. Art serves as a bridge between the ineffable and the tangible, allowing us to feel the flow of love-energy in ways that transcend words.
4. Spiritual Practices
Prayer, meditation, rituals, and other spiritual practices open our awareness to the presence of divine love-energy. These practices create space for us to sense the connection between our inner lives and the greater whole, attuning us to the gentle yet powerful flow of amipotence. In moments of stillness, we often feel this energy most deeply, as an abiding presence that offers guidance, peace, and renewal.
5. Encounters with Spirit and Ancestors
Across cultures, people have reported experiencing divine love-energy through encounters with spirits or ancestors. These experiences—whether through dreams, visions, or intuitive moments—serve as reminders that the flow of love-energy is not confined to the physical world. Spirits and ancestors act as mediators, channeling divine love into our lives and deepening our sense of connection to the broader cosmos.
6. Acts of Service and Justice
When we engage in acts of service and work toward justice, we participate in the flow of divine love-energy. These actions align us with amipotence by channeling love-energy into the healing of the world. In caring for others, advocating for equity, and working toward the common good, we become active participants in life’s flourishing, embodying the energy that seeks to uplift and sustain all beings.
7. The Experience of Listening and Being Listened To
One of the most profound ways to experience divine love-energy is through the act of non-judgmental listening. When we are truly heard by another—when someone listens without judgment, with compassion and openness—we feel the flow of love-energy as a transformative presence. Likewise, when we listen to others in this way, we channel this energy outward, creating a space of connection and understanding. In these moments, divine love-energy flows through the relationship, fostering trust, healing, and mutual respect.
8. Play and Joyful Expression
Divine love-energy often manifests in moments of play and joy, where spontaneity and creativity flow freely. Play—whether through games, laughter, dance, or shared moments of lightheartedness—connects us to others and to the deeper rhythms of life. In such moments, we feel the energy of life itself, vibrant and uncoerced, inviting us to celebrate existence. Joyful expression, like the laughter of children or the unselfconscious movement of dance, reveals the divine love-energy coursing through the world, reminding us of its capacity to inspire delight and renewal.
9. Awe and Galactic Wonder
Awe is a powerful channel for divine love-energy, often arising when we encounter something vast, beautiful, or deeply mysterious. From the beauty of a flower to the breathtaking immensity of a starry sky, awe opens us to the sacredness of existence. Galactic awe, in particular, reminds us of the universe’s grandeur and our interconnectedness with it. When we gaze at the Milky Way, or see images from the James Webb telescope, or contemplate the origins of the cosmos, we can feel the flow of love-energy that sustains and binds the universe. Awe humbles and uplifts us, inviting us to participate in a reality far greater than ourselves, yet deeply intimate in its embrace of all things.
10. Creative Transformation
Divine love-energy is profoundly evident in moments of creative transformation, when individuals break free of addictions, find the strength to forgive others, or learn to reframe past traumas in new and healing ways. This transformative energy works not by coercion but by invitation, opening new possibilities for growth and healing. In such moments, people experience the love-energy as a source of renewal, offering fresh perspectives and the courage to embrace a better future. Creative transformation reveals the presence of divine love-energy as a force that empowers change, fosters resilience, and reorients lives toward flourishing. This kind of transformation also includes courage in the face of suffering, the ability to endure hardship and live with a sense that there is meaning in life, all of it, beyond the vicissitude of pain, disappointment, and tragedy,
Participating in the Flow
Divine love-energy, or amipotence, flows through these many channels, inviting us to experience and share it in our daily lives. As Gayle Hansen Browne so beautifully articulates, this energy is not merely an intellectual concept but a felt presence—a dynamic force that animates and sustains the universe. By recognizing and engaging with these ten channels, and discovering others as well, we can open ourselves to the transformative power of this love-energy, contributing to a world where life flourishes in its many forms.
Some people may believe in this love-energy as an inherent aspect of the universe but not believe in God as separate from it. For them God is the love-energy, and there is no need to use the word "God" to name it, if other names seem better. Others may see this love-energy as coming from something more—a divine source that transcends the energy itself. The value of Hansen’s perspective lies in its openness: it makes room for both points of view and for the many places in between. This inclusivity reflects the very nature of divine love-energy, which draws us into connection without coercion, leaving space for diversity, exploration, and wonder.
- Jay McDaniel