Another mass killing Another person who transformed a weapon Into the angel of death, Into the plague of the death of the firstborn (and then some), Into a modern herem, the biblical command to exterminate Men, women, children, all. This time it was Las Vegas, Before that it was Orlando, San Bernadino, Charleston, Marysville, Newton, Aurora Colorado … and let us say “Amen.” We could tour the country, bathed in the blood, But not the blood of the lamb. These sacrifices don’t cleanse, They don’t atone, They don’t renew. What is idolatry? Allowing the same sin to repeat again And again and again. Worshiping the interpretation Of the law so that killing is frequent, Widespread, almost normal. Aren’t we told to live by our faith? Why does this lament never end? Because we wring our hands, offer yet more prayers, succor the victims, mouth bland platitudes, … And do nothing.