Alphabetical Index of Titles
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1917: Watching War Movies as a Spiritual Practice
22.4 Trillion Digits So Far: Pi and Process Theology
280 Billion Songbirds Lost. My Grief is Complete. A Poem.
8 Points of Process Theology: Color in the Details
"A" is for Attention: Patricia Adams Farmer
Abandoning Yourself to the Rhythm: Ecstatic Dancing and Spirit Possession
About Open Horizons
Acceptance Speech After Setting the World Record in Goosebumps: Andrea Gibson
Accepting Jesus as your Personal Lord and Savior: A Process Appreciation
Accumulating Wealth versus Following Jesus: John Cobb
Act of Creative Ijtihad
Ada María Isasi-Díaz: Mother of Mujerista Theologies
Adventures in Imagination: Beyond Philosophical Boxes and Theological Pep Rallies
Advice to a Young Writer: Patricia Adams Farmer
Aesthetic and the Ethical: John Cobb
The Aesthetic Side of God: Charles Hartshorne on God's Enjoyment of Our Enjoyment
Aesthetic Value and Relational Power: Bob Mesle
After Calamity: Death of God and New Possibilities
After Great Pain, Finding a Way Out: Joan Chittister
After Hug Withdrawal: Springboards for Reflection on Post-Pandemic Community
After Mass Shootings: Bradley Artson, John Cobb, Nicholas Kristof
After the Cultural Backlash: Imagining a Process Populism
After the Earthquake
After the Synagogue Attack: A Muslim and Christian Appreciation of Rabbi Bradley Artson's Response
Against Totalitarian Rigidity: Freedom for Adventure
Albert Camus: My Favorite Atheist
Aliens and Psychedelics: Novel Directions in Process Philosophy
All I Have to Do is Dream? Pop Harmonies as Windows to God
All is Void and there is no Buddha
All of Us Praying for All of Us
The Allegory of the Cave: A Footnote to Plato
The Alone with the Alone: Henry Corbin, Ibn' Arabi, and Process Theology
Alternative Worlds: Ursula Le Guin, Process Theology, and the Kesh People
Altizer on Altizer: The God of Novelty and Ashes
Alzheimer's and the Consequent Nature of God: Still Alice
Am I, too, meant to be a Mother of God?
Amanda Gorman and the Institute for Ecological Civilization: Two Signs of Hope
Amanda Gorman, Bruce Springsteen and Healing the Soul of the Nation
Ambition, Greed, Deception, and Revenge: Feudal Loyalty in American Society
The America I Believe In: Sophia Said
America the Ugly: Our History of Slavery and Rapacious Businessmen
America's Night on Bald Mountain: Haunted by a Feral, Monstrous Mood
America's Real Culture War: Between an Obsession with Money and Lovingkindness
American Rage: The Piano Version
The Amipotent God as Amida Buddha: Thomas Oord and Pure Land Buddhism
Amplifying Silent Voices: What the Next Generation is Thinking About
Anaïs Maviel: Without Great Black Music
"And Beauty for All" Movement
And Beauty for All: Lubarsky, Goddard, and Farmer
And Breathe Normally: A Socially Literate Film on Immigration and Friendship
And God said "What's Up?" - Twenty-Five Divine Colloquialisms
And Macrina Laughed: A Tribute to Macrina Wiederkehr
And Now for the Real Stars: The Staff at Memory Care Centers who dance with the Residents
Andrew Davis: Philosophical Foundations of Process Thinking (Video Series)
Angels are Made of Light: Film Review
Angels are Made of Light: Film Trailer and Discussion
The Anger of Achilles: The Iliad and Process Theology
Angkor Wat: The Temple as Event
Animal Experience: A Whiteheadian Analysis
The Animals in Our Lives: A Book Recommendation
Ann Lamott and Process Theology
Ann Lamott: Theology for the Rest of Us
The Arch My Teacher: Living with the Push and Pull of Life
Are Chemicals Creative? The New Understanding of "Nature"
Are there Buddhas on other Planets? Imagining Extraterrestrial Spiritualities
Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Process Reflections on Traditional Folk Music
Ariadne: Postmodern Sacred Music (Christian)
Arriving at Wholeness in Life after Death? David Ray Griffin's Invitation to Hope
Art for Ecological Civilization: Evocations of Hope in a Time of Need
The Art of Isabelle Robinson: Process Theology in Three Images
The Art of Savoring: Patricia Adams Farmer
Artistic Creativity as Spiritual Practice: An Example from Islamic Culture
As John Sees It: Process Philosophy, AA, and Recovery
Ask a Muslim Philosopher: Is it OK to think new thoughts?
Ask a Rabbi: Is it OK to be Spiritual but not Religious?
Asmaa Elamrousy: Hip Hop Hijabi
Astronomy and Creation: Ian Barbour
At Last My Love Has Come Along: The Religious Significance of Popular Love Songs
At the Still Point, Where the Dance Is: T.S. Eliot's 'Four Quartets'
Atheism and Faitheism: Springboards for Reflection
Atheism of Generation Z: Atheism, Agnosticism, Panentheism, and Soft Theism
Atoms as Fellow Creatures: Toward a Process Theology of the Very Small
Attuned to the Horizontal Sacred: Why Process Theology needs Mary Oliver
Augustine's Lament: The Decline of Deep Reading in Digital Culture
An Avalanche of Fragments: Whitehead, T.S. Eliot, and Modernity
Avina Malkeinu
The Awakening of Zen-Len Creative Transformation through a journey with Cancer
"B" is for Beauty: Patricia Adams Farmer
"B" is for Being Present: Patricia Adams Farmer
Back to Fundamentals: Jimmy Carter Bible Study
Bad Novelty: The Slow Whittling Away of Tradition by Modernity
The Baffled Mind as Sacred Space: Wendell Berry, Sarah Taibah, John O'Donohue
Baha'i and Unitarian Universalism: Religions of "Oneness and Manyness"
Baptism in a Sacramental Universe: Bruce Epperly
Barbara Holmes: A Mentor for our Times
The Basileia Theou Today as Ecological Civilization: John Cobb
The Basis for a Pluralist Theology of Religions
Beatles: You Know You Should Be Glad
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat Film Review
The Beautiful Smallness of God: Jean Vanier, Christianity, and the Wisdom of Tenderness
Beauty as a Plank Amid the Waves: Patricia Adams Farmer's "Beauty and Process Theology"
Beauty in Vulnerability—Looking in the Mirror
The Beauty of an Open-Ended Life/Tolerance for the Incomplete
The Beauty of Imperfection
Beauty or Beast: Are there Rattlesnakes in Heaven?
Becoming - East and West
Becoming a Drop of Kindness: Yungchen Lhamo, Tibetan Buddhism, and Whitehead
Becoming a Limb of the Godhead: A Short Note on Process and Kabbalah
Becoming a Self-Aware and Spiritually Alive Faith Community: Using the Spiritual Alphabet in Congregational Life
Becoming a Spiritually Literate Congregation: The Spiritual Alphabet
Becoming a Window Maker: Creating Openings as an Open and Relational Practice
Becoming an Eco-Person (生态人)
Becoming an Interfaith Leader: A Resource Page
Becoming Ecozoic: Fifteen Forward-Looking Academics offer a Progressive Agenda for Higher Education
Becoming Otherwise: Missy Elliot, Judith Butler, AN Whitehead
Becoming Simon of Cyrene: Rev. Teri Daily
Becoming Someone Else: Tameka Norris and the Construction of New Selves
Becoming the Person My Dog Thinks I Am
Befriending the Planets: Ten Gifts from our Planetary Neighbors
Being Hear: Listening to Nature as a Way of Recovering Sanity in a Troubled World
Being Swept Up and Away: Finding Courage When Fear Calls Our Name
Being the First to Extend Greetings: Practicing the Process Way of Living
Beloved Civilization: King’s Dream and Covid-19
Beowulf Now and Then: From Warrior-Heroes to the Galilean Vision
Bergson, Mathematics, and Creativity: Pete A. Y. Gunter
The Best of Enemies: Film Review
Better Angels Project: Conversations Across Political Divides for Social Healing
A Better Way is Possible: Fourteen Process Transformations
Beverly's Lament: Jesus said love your enemies but he didn't know Donald Trump
Beware the Sugar-Coated Jesus: John L. Farthing
Beyond Enlightenment Rationality: Islamic Epistemologies by Esmé L. K. Partridge
Beyond Mere Interconnectedness: The Hunger for Love and Delight
Beyond Mindfulness: Making Space for Restless Exuberance
Beyond Resentment: The Gentle Badass
Beyond Rigidity: Iqbal, Whitehead, and a New Religious Existentialism
Beyond the Skinny "I": Listening for the Unexpected in Ukranian Folk-Punk of ДахаБраха
Bible as a Cat Lady: Poem and a Thought
The Bible is a Book of Inclusion and Love
Biggest Little Farm: Documentary Film Review
Biologist Looks at Process Thought (L. Charles Birch)
Birds of Passage (Pájaros de Verano): A Film Review
Black Lives Matter & Institutional Racism: A Dialogue Between Socrates and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Black Metal Evensong: A Song by Panopticon
Black Panther: Metaphysics. Music Plot
Blessed are the Caregivers: Film Review of "Diane"
Blue Boat Home: Video by Kathleen Reeves, Photography by Thomas Oord
Bob Dylan as Secular Psalmist: His Fifty Best Songs
Bob Dylan, Roland Faber, and Alfred North Whitehead
Boo Bah Bah: A Daily Dose of Constructive Weirdness
Bowing at the Gates of Injustice: Goodness and Humility as Protest
Bragging: A Process Reflection
The Bread I Give is My Flesh: Reflecting on Holy Communion
Breathing with the Universe: Process Theology and Tai Ji
Breeze on Bare Skin and Gentleness of Every Kind: A Gratitude Collage
Brian McLaren and Process Theology
Brief Moments in Time: Process Theology and Haiku Consciousness
Brightening Your Small Corner of the World: Practicing Ecological Civilization
Bring me my Chariot of Fire: William Blake and John Cobb on the need for a Green, Humane World
Bringing Life to Life: One Role of Art in an Ecological Civilization
Brother David Steindl-Rast: A Grateful Day and Loving Your Enemies
The Brush with God: Rev. Barkley Thompson
The Buddhist Ground of the Whiteheadian God: Thomas J.J. Altizer
The Buddhist Monk who Got Addicted to his Phone: The Shadow Side of Screen Culture
A Buddhist-Christian Critique of Neo-Liberal Economics
Buffalos, Butterflies, and Borders
Building a Canoe: Moving from Rough to Smooth
Building a Future Together: Notes on Muhammad Iqbal's Philosophy of Creativity
Building a New Jerusalem: William Blake, Thomas Hardy, and John Cobb on Building a Post-Industrial World
Building Ecological Civilizations: The Practical Side
Cacophony and the Deep: Whitehead and Noise Music
Call Me Ishmael: Moby Dick and Process Theology on the Ruthlessness of God
Call to Transformation: Graduating as a (Lifelong) Spiritual Practice
Call, Gift, and Response: Teri Daily
The Calling of a Muslim Philosopher: Farhan Shah
Can a Christian be a Buddhist, Too?
Can a Christian Believe in No-Self?
Can a Muslim be a Panentheist? Question to a Muslim Philosopher
Can a Theist be an Atheist, Too?
Can Earth Day be Exciting Again? The Cobb Eco-Academy and Process Communitarianism
Can God hear music without human ears?
Can God Smile? Open and Relational Perspectives
Can Islam Be Reformed? A Short Note on the Concept of Reform in Islam
Can Process Philosophy be Whistled? Whistled Languages as Cultural Treasures
Can Process Theology Affirm Creatio-Ex-Nihilo and Divine Self-Limitation?
Can Trees Make Us Happier? Ecological Civilizations and Mental Health
Can We Feel Each Other's Feelings? Whitehead on the Ontology of Empathy
Can't Help Falling in Love: Elvis, Rumi, and Process Theology
Cara Hochhalter: Making Art as Biblical Interpretation
Career Counseling from a Pomegranate Tree: Whitehead Meets Gary Nabhan
Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros: Theopoetics in Action
Catch a Falling Star: Blessed Nostalgia as a Spiritual Practice
Cats as Spiritual Teachers
Causal Efficacy/Withness of the Body (Whitehead's Philosophy)
Cave: Film Review
Celebrating the Chinese New Year: Whitehead and Dumplings
Center for Process Spirituality in Arkansas
The Charged Moment: The Windhover by Gerard Manley Hopkins
Cheer the Hell Up: The Theopoetics of David Byrne
The Chemistry Lab as Sanctuary: AN Whitehead on Percy Bysshe Shelley
Child of God
Children's Wisdom, Grown-Up Wisdom and the Gifts of Mutual Flourishing
China and Creative Postmodern Wu-Wei
China's Ecological Civilization: Our Common Great Opportunity (Zhihe Wang)
China's Monkey King: Journey Toward Ecological Civilization
Chongqing, China: Teamwork and Community Pride as Keys to Ecological Civilization
Choosing to be Present and Open: Joanna Macy on Spirituality in an Age of Climate Crisis
Christ in a Fish Bladder and a Hug: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
Christ in the Messy Middle: Eight Ideas that Come to Mind While Reading Amy Young
Christian Atheism: John Cobb's appreciation of Thomas Altizer
Christian Process Theology: Introductions for the General Reader
Christian Process Theology: Its Early Phase
The Christian Taoist
Christianity and Empire: John Cobb
Christianizing Secular Music: Is it Watering Down or Creative Transformation?
Christians Against Gun Culture: The "We Give Up our Guns" Movement
The Church Now Among You: JJ Warren and a Young Methodist Prayer
Church of Dolly Parton
The Church of Nomadland: Creative Transformation while Living in a Van
The Church of Sonic Wandering: Imagining a Church with Open Ears
Church's False Witness Against Jews
Claiming Your Inner Mermaid: Gyða Valtýsdóttir's Evolution
Claiming your inner Roma: Thoughts after reading a Review
Clapping from my Balcony: Sharing our Humanity with help from Sheri Kling
A Clear, Calm Mind
Climate Change and Democracy: David Orr
Climbing Pine Mountain: Experiencing God with our Senses
Clinging to the Vine: Spirituality as Fortitude
Clock Time and Lived Time: Henri Bergson, Pete A.Y. Gunter
The Cobb Institute and its Friends
Cobb Institute: Mission & Vision
Collecting Scraps of Light: The Practice of Gratitude as a Thank You Note to Life
Color Things Differently: What Christians, Jews, and Muslims can learn from Hip-Hop Country
Come What May
Comeuppance: A Brandi Carlile Song
A Communicative Cosmos: Energy Transfers. Pheromones, Initial Aims
Comparing Whitehead and Chinese Philosophy
Compassion Education for an Ecological Civilization
Compassionate Police Officer in a Compassionate City
Confessions of an Occasionally Boring Teacher: Twelve Principles of Holistic Education
Connections, Neighbors, and Unexpected Beauty: Nita Gilger
Conquering "Savages" and Global Dominance: The Sins of American Exceptionalism
Constructive Guilt as a Blessing from God
Constructive Postmodernism Is a Better Choice: Interview with Zhihe
Cooking as a Spiritual Practice
Corn, Beans, and Chili Peppers: Traditional Mexican Cuisine as Inspiration for Ecological Civilization
Country Music: Film Review
Courage to Hope: Zhihe Wang, Meijun Fan, and a 21st Century Enlightenment
Crazy as Hell: Fat Soul Shamanism
Creative Lamentation
The Creative Life: God Sets the Melody and We Improvise
Creative Localization: A Community-Based Approach to Ecological Civilization in Practice and Theory
Creativity as the Essence of Actuality
Creativity Galore: A Glimpse of the Food Culture of Wuhan, China
Critical View of Inherited Theology
Crossing the Red Sea: The Fierce Hope that Can Emerge from Deep Sadness
Cui Jian: The Beginning of Chinese Rock Music
Cultivating Compassion and Beauty: Nita Gilger
Cultivating Creativity: Arts Education in an Artistic Universe
Culture as a Cosmic Living Organism: Kubarsy, an Avant-Garde Band from Ukraine
Cursed are the Meek: The Anti-Christian Theology of Donald Trump
Cut the Crap, White America: Beyond Pleasantville
DakhaBrakha: Crazy Homeland Harmonies from Ukraine
DAMN. - A Review by Rodney Carmichael of Kendrick Lamar's Album
Dancing in the Real World: Theologizing from the Site of the Flesh
Dancing in the Streets: "J" is for Moments of Joy
Dancing in Uzbekistan: The Sunniest Dance on Earth
Dancing with You from "Here" to "There"
Dante's Inferno: A Journey through the Nine Circles of Hell
The Dao of Basketball: Han Sun and Jay McDaniel
Daoism and Process: The Daoist Side of Whitehead
Dawn Richard, New Orleans, and Bodily Resurrection through Dance
A Day in the Life of Gaza Fishermen: We are Not Numbers
Deaf Culture, Process Theology, and Spiritual Knowing
Dealing with Mental Illness Islamically: Demythologization of inherited forms of religious thought
Dear Future Feelings of My Young Son Jesus
Dear God or Bill Gates: A Nursing Home Prayer
Dear God, might I too make good trouble?
Dear James Dobson: A Letter from Delores on Immigration
Dear Rabbi: Is it OK to shift back and forth between thinking of God as a force and thinking of God as a person?
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Hell: A Process Alternative to the idea of Eternal Conscious Torment
Deep and Wide: Nita Gilger
Deep Calls to Deep: A Meditation on Jazz and Prayer
Deep Listening, Science, and Spirit: Timothy Eastman's Untying the Gordian Knot as a Resource for Poets and Artists
Deep Unto Deep
Delvyn Case: Classical Christian Punk Musician
Democracy and the Divine: Patricia Adams Farmer
Deporting Jesus: Jesus among the Refugees
Des Moines, Iowa: The Practice of Pluralism in the American Heartland
Desert Spirituality: Roland Faber, Mary Earle, and the Desert Mothers
Desire for Satisfaction: Thinking about Whitehead with help from the Rolling Stones
Desmond Tutu's You
Deus ex Musica and Spiritual Literacy
Deus ex Photographia: Four Short Theologies from Thomas Oord
Deus ex Photographia: Theopoetics from Thomas Oord
Dhamma Brothers: Meditation in Prison
Dhikr: A Process Reflection
Dichotomy is a Kind of Harmony: Reflections on "The Two Popes"
Did God Create the World out of Nothing? Ask John Cobb
Did God Design Venus Flytraps? Well, not exactly.
Did Jesus have a baby sister? Dory Previn
Difference between Curing and Healing
Differences Make the Whole Richer: Reflections on Education with Help from a Morning Marker in Harbin, China
Different Things Together: Whitehead's Concept of Harmony
Different Ways to Pray: A Poem by Naomi Shihab Nye
The Difficult Way
Digital Process Theology: An Open-Ended Campfire Conversation
Disability and Imagination: Molly Joyce on Creative Transformation
A Divided America: Six Ways to Get Along with People who seem Totally Wrong
Divine Flexibility: Being Seekers Rather Than Settlers
Divine Plurality: The World as Part of God
The Divine Space We Live In: The Bhavagad-Gita, Roland Faber, and Process Theology
The Divinity of Rice: Jea Sophia Oh
Do I Believe in God? A Springboard for Discussion
Do Something: Volunteering and Community Service as Process-Relational Practices
Do You Think You are Superior to Us? Fatoumata Diawara
Does Anything Really Move? A Question for Whitehead
Does God ever get Tired of Being Worshiped and Praised?
Does God Pivot? A Dialogue with chatGPT
Does God take Selfies? An Open and Relational Alternative to Selfie Culture
Does God think in Metaphors? Process Theology, Open Theism, Metaphor Making, and the Theology of John Sanders
Does Islam say that human beings have free-will?
Does process theology have anything to say about patriotism? John Cobb
Does Science Support Belief in God? A Note from John Cobb
Does the Idea of God's Providence Make Sense? A Reflection by John Cobb
Don Viney: Philosopher and Musician
Don't Bow: Grace Jill Schireson
Don't Look Up: Spirituality and Practice Film Review
"Don't Never Tell Nobody Not to Use No Double Negatives"
Don't Sugar It Up, Tell Your Truth, Live in the Along: Gwendolyn Brooks
Donald Trump’s Photo-Op and the Essence of Christianity
Donating my Wedding Dress: A Pakistani Sharing
Dot-to-Dot Providence: Trust in a God who makes New Plans
Double Consciousness: WEB Du Bois, Maya Angelou, Paul Laurence Dunbar
Double Religious Belonging: Buddhism and Christianity
Down-to-Earth-Theology: Learning from Mayra Rivera
Dressing Like Mister Rogers for Love's Sake
The Drip-Drip of Persistence: Patricia Adams Farmer
Dwelling Musically in the World: A Brief Introduction to the Process Lifestyle
Dying of Whiteness: Bob's Confession
Dynamic and Evolving, Loving and Hopeful: The Beauty of Divine Omniscience
The Dynamic Depth of a Canyon Precipice: A Photograph by Thomas Oord
Dynamic God, Evolving World: Judaism and Process Thought
Each Horse has a Hidden Space: The Art of Ingrid Geisler
Earth as Original Monastery
Earth Awe: Wordsworth, Paganism, and Process
The Earth Charter on Education: Four Key Themes
Earth Day: Twelve Spiritual Practices to Honor the Earth
Earthism Rising: John Cobb's Idea in Video Form
An Earthly Theological Agenda: Sallie McFague
Eating Chocolate as Contributing to God's Enjoyment
Eating Popcorn as a Spiritual Practice
Ecclesiastes in Country Music: Robert Williamson and Jason Isbell
Echoes of Paradise: Finding God in Gardens and Sufi Music
Eco-Chilling for the Common Good: Eco-Planet Psychedelic Lounge Music
An Eco-Christology for an Age of Mass Deforestation
Eco-Electronica: Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith
The Eco-Philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Ecofeminism, Reverence for Life, and Feminist Theological Ethics: Lois K. Daly
Ecological Civilization and Vegan Chili: Building Cross-Cultural Friendships by Sharing Food and Recipes
Ecological Civilization as a Holistic Transformation: Dr. Meijun Fan
Ecological Civilization: David Korten
Ecological Grief, Seminary Education, and Funerals for Lost Glaciers
Economic Flourishing after the Pandemic: Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics
Economic Justice and Process Philosophy
Economism as Idolatry: John Cobb
Ecospirituality begins at Home: A Poem by Lucy Griffith
Ecotheology as the World's Best Hope
The Ecstatic Faith of Rumi
Education for Creativity: Ken Robinson and Whitehead
The Education of Feeling: A Spiritual Alphabet for Ecological Civilizations
Eight Categories of Existence (Whitehead's Philosophy)
Eight Forms of Mysticism
Eight Theological Mistakes According to Charles Hartshorne
Eighth Grade: What is Faith to a Shy, Lonely, Thoughtful Thirteen Year Old?
The Electron: A Theology
Electronic Music and the Face of the Deep: The Ambient Church and Process Theology
Electronically Queer Heterotopias: The art of Tara Transitory and Justyna Stasiowska
Eli Paperboy Reed: Gospel Music for Everybody
Elisapie - Arnaq - Reverence
Ellen Birx: Christian, Buddhist, Nurse, Grandmother
Elvis and the Benedictines and Holy Play
Embracing Grace: Rev. Teri Daily
Embracing Prodigals by John Sanders
Emerging Hopes in China: The Sunshine Eco-Village, Process Thought, and the Resurrection of Tao Yuanming
An Emotionally Intelligent Nation: Is it too much to ask?
Empirical Process Theology: Bernard Loomer's Eight Great Ideas
Emptiness as Dynamic Interconnectedness and Self-Emptying: Nicole Bea Pastoukof
Empty Space, Mountains, and Souls: Whitehead's Concepts of Nexūs, Societies and Living Persons
Encanto: Film Review
Encircling Spirit, Sacred Whole, Deep Nurturing: Theology without the word "God"
The End of the World: A Meditation on Apocalyptic Thinking
The Enduring Popularity of Elvis Presley
English in China Today
English Teacher for a Zen Master
Enjoy the Colors: The Chemistry Lab as Sacred Space
Enjoying a Vivid Mental and Spiritual Life: Why Young Chinese Turn to Process Thinking
Enlightened Irony: The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the Universe
Enlightenment as Awakening to Essential Kenosis: Open and Relational Buddhism
Enough of Moral Outrage. How about a Passion for Compassion?
Ephemeral: Introducing Whitehead's Principle of Process Visually, Musically, and Verbally
Eshet Hayil – modern version
The Essence of Christianity: Alfred North Whitehead
Eternal Objects
The Ethics of Body Swapping: A Film Review of Advantageous
Every Crevice a Story: The Boulder as Teacher
Everyone is Someone’s Jacob: What I’ve Learned From My Autistic Son
Everything Flows: A Process Approach to Ecohumanism (Lynn De Jonghe)
Everything We See is Past: Whitehead and the Light Cone Diagram
Evoking People, Animals, and Places: Gratitude to Yoik Songs and Sami Culture
Evolution and Continuing Creation: Ian Barbour
The Evolution of Whales: Natural History as Part of God's Life
An Evolving Torah from an Evolving God: Rabbi Bradley Artson
Exorcising the White Imagination: Afrofuturism as Spiritual Practice
Expanding Circles of Thanks: Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
Experiencing Deeply
Experiencing the Sacred in the Present
Exploratory, Interfaith Christology: Jared Morningstar, Jay McDaniel
The Extensive Continuum
"F" is for Faith
"F" is for Forgiveness
Facing the Buried Horrors: Micah Busey Reviews the Horror Film US
Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair: The Tragedy of Macbeth
Faith and the Entangled Life: Process Theology and Dostoevsky
Faith in the Goodness of Strangers: The Elf Louise Christmas Project
Faith on the Edge Podcasts with Bruce Epperly
Falling in Love: A Rare and Beautiful Togetherness
A Family of Pigs: The Subjectivity of other Animals in Open and Relational Theology
Fat Soul Band and Four J's: Musicking for a Better World
Fat Soul Philosophy (Six Characteristics)
Fear: Not My Favorite Spiritual Companion
February is sobbing and the candle drips on the table: Iya Kiva, Ukrainian Poet
A Feeling for Life: Howard Thurman, Process Theology, and Ecological Civiization
Feeling the Absence of God: Say Something I'm Giving Up on You
Feeling the Feelings of Others: The Ambiguous Intensity of Eye Contact
Feeling the Supreme Beauty: Whitehead's Appreciation of Non-Verbal Experience
Feminism and the Courage to Be: Mary Daly
Festooning: God as Ambient Light and Inner Light
Fifteen Reasons to Birdwatch: The Mental Health Benefits of Connecting with Nature
Fifty One Days of Quarantine in Wuhan: One Woman's Story
Finding Emotional Sobriety through Volunteering: A Process Appreciation
Finding God in Rivers and Dogs
Finding God in the Garbage and the Flowers
Finding God in the Now: Paul Ingram
Finding Grace in a Bowl of Ashes
Finding Meaning in Death, Psychedelics, and Sobriety: John Buchanan
Finding Some Sort of New Life: Can Illness be my Teacher?
Finding the Green Light: I Was Blocked by a Trump Caravan, Too.
Finding the Spirit at Work in the World: A Sermon by Robert Williamson
Finding the "Yum" in Things: Esperanza Spalding, Process Theology, and Ecological Civilization
Finding Your Inner Banjo
Finnegans Wake and Process Theology
First Snow: Susannah Stubbs
First Steps in a Process Theology of Dance
Five Foundations for a New Civilization
Fixing Like a Child: Nita Gilger
Flagstaff College: A Very Small College on a Very Big Mission
A Floating World: "Objects in Odysseys" by Bill Psarras
Florence + the Machine: A Theology of "Big God"
A Flower Flowers: Openness to the Spontaneity of the Particular
Flowers and Guns: Music by Daniel De Togni, Reflection by John Cobb
Foggy Mountain Breakdown: Bright and Playful Mysticism
The Folk Music Center and the Cobb Institute: Shining Lights in Claremont, California
Follow Your Inner Moonlight: Notes on Allen Ginsberg and Alfred North Whitehead
Following in the Footsteps of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Rosh Ha-Shanah Meditation
Following Jesus
Food and Faith: Links and Resources
Football: It's About the Hitting
For Me "China" is its People: An American Appreciation
For My People by Margaret Walker
For Pain I am Grateful (dealing with her father's disease)
Forgiveness and Pain: Mass, the Movie
Four Characteristics of a Process-Relational Psychotherapy: Mary Elizabeth Moore
Four Harmonies Worth Seeking: With Yourself, Other People, The Natural World, and Heaven
Four Hopes Education: Beyond STEM
Four Hopes of Process Thinking
The Four Hopes of the Process Movement
Four Hopes of the Process Movement
Four Ideas to Live By: The Theopoetics of Maya Angelou
Four Reasons I'm Bound to Israel
The Four Temptations of Country Music: Be Careful.
Four Ways of Relating Science and Religion: Conflict, Independence, Dialogue, Integration
Four Ways to Roll Up Our Sleeves: Practicing Earth Day Every Day
Fourth World Aesthetics: Jon Hassell and Whitehead
Free Falling: A Way Other Than Our Own
Freedom for All: This is my Song, O God of all the Nations
Frida Kahlo: Artist and Exemplar
A Friend's Love - Why Process Theology Matters: Bob Mesle
Friluftsliv: Nordic for the "Fresh-Air Life"
Frogs are Sacred, Too. Uncoupling God and the Sacred.
From a Worldview to a Way of Living: The Transformation of Process Thought in China
From Emergency to Emergence: David Korten on The New Economy
From Interfaith to Interpolitical: Cultivating Community Amid Political Divisions
From the Myth of Separation to the Story of Interbeing: Charles Eisenstein and Process Philosophy
From Worldview to Virtues: The Maturing of a Process Theologian
Fudge: Bob Mesle
Fun Church: David Byrne's American Utopia
Funerals for Dead Glaciers: Need Music
Fusion of Thought and Feeling: Whitehead, John Donne, and Metaphysical Poetry
The Future is Open: Wisdom from the Hebrew Bible
Futuristic Fire Music: Moor Mother's Free Jazz as Liberation Theology
"G" is for Grace (Patricia Adams Farmer)
Galaxies, Galaxies Everywhere: Ten Reasons to Gaze into the Night Sky
Game of Thrones: The Spiritual and Religious Side
GATE A-4: Naomi Shihab Nye
Gene Reeves as a Pioneer in Multiple Religious Belonging: Christian - Unitarian - Universalist - Buddhist
The Genius of the Beautiful is its Power to Move us Emotionally: William Dean on Whitehead's Empirical Aesthetic
George Floyd Believed in a God of Fresh Starts
Getting Back to the Garden: The Romantic Impulse in Popular Music
Getting Perspective of Life: Eighteen Teachings of Pope Francis
The Gift of Chaos
The Gift of Loving Attention: Process Theology and Alzheimer's Disease
Gina Rendina: The Hunger for Collective Joy and the Calling of a Cruise Ship Vocalist
Give the Earth some Credit: Let the Energy and Beauty of the World be Not-God
Give Us This Day our Daily Rage: A Nation Addicted to Anger
Give You My Breath: The Buddhist-Inspired Art of Melissa Gill
Giving Kids an Inner Compass: Process Theology, Parenting, Family Life, and Spirituality
Giving Peace a Chance: On the Relationships Between Love, Beauty, and Peace
Giving Up on Open Theism: Confessions of a Disappointed Supplicant
Global Climate Change: Who Gives a Crap? We Do.
The Glorious Imperatives of the Body: Whitehead and Sappho
The Glory (and Risk) of Freedom
Go Fish: A Life in Christ
God Almighty? No Way!
God and Artistic Creativity: A Process Appreciation of Islamic Art
God and Beer: A Process Appreciation of Belgian Beer Culture
God and Bon Appetit: Enthusiasm for Life as a Spiritual Virtue
God and Earthquakes: John Cobb, Bradley Artson
God and Hurricanes: A Reflection by John Cobb on God and Natural Disasters
God and the Alone: A Reflection by Leslie Muray
God and the Deep: Whitehead, Wallace Stevens, and Catherine Keller
God and the Delivery Driver in a Threatened and Unjust World
God as a Public Park: Divine Multiplicity as a Welcoming Space
God as Abba: John Cob's Proposal
God as Gentle, God as Indifferent: Predator-Prey Relations in Whiteheadian Perspective
God as Natural as Gravity and as Beautiful as Rainbows: Notes on the New Naturalism
God as the Deep Listening
God as the Tuning Fork of the Universe
God as Wind and Breath: Grace Kim, Roland Faber, John O'Donohue
God as Zest: Process Theology and the Evolution of Crocodiles
God in the Depths: Tigran Hamasyan and Sheri Kling
God is Becoming: Consolation in the Face of Tragedy
God is Eternal and Unchanging, Too: John Cobb's Preference for Whitehead over Hartshorne
God Is Here
God is Life and Life is Holy: A Moment of Torah
God is Present Now: Process Theology and Coaching Track
God is the Whole of every whole: Teilhard de Chardin, Ilia Delio, and Process Theology
The God of La Bamba: Awakening to a God who Belly Laughs
God Only Knows: Open and Relational Theology meets the Beach Boys
God the Deep Remembering: A Tender Care that Nothing be Lost
God the Divine Mermaid: Gyða Valtýsdóttir
God the Pianist: Bach, Process Theology, and Piano Playing
God was in my Father Kneeling Next to Me
God with a Spacious Heart
God without a Hamzat Suit: Letter to God in a Pandemic Time
God, Are You Looking for Me? Nita Gilger on Owning the Shadow
God's Command to Have Fun: Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
God's Command to Have Fun: Spirituality as Merrymaking
God's Fellow Workers: Greg Hoover
God's Love for the Octopus: An Open and Relational Appreciation of Cephalopods
God's Three Natures: Mind, Heart, and Guidance
Good Enough for Now: A Practice for Perfectionists
The Good Shepherd: A Universal Love
Good Vibrations: Roland Faber, Joan Baez, Phil Ochs, Pythagorus, and Whitehead
The Good, the Bad, and the AI: A Process Approach to AI Ethics
Goodbye, Earth: The Failure of "Adults" to Care for the Planet
The Gospel of Eureka: Queerly Good News in Eureka Springs, Arkansas
The Gospel of Fear and Resentment: QAnon and the Trump Cult
Gotta Serve Somebody? Process Theology and Dylan's Christian Phase
Grace and the Secret of the Stream: John O'Donohue and Roland Faber
The Grace of the Semicolon: A Process Approach
The Grace of Trees: Process Theology for Tree People
Grace Upon Grace: Babette's Feast
Gratitude for Multiplicity: Learning from the Madina Institute
Gratitude for the Incomplete: At Home in the Unfinished
The Great Sadness: Patricia Adams Farmer
A Green Bough in the Heart: Hope as a Theological Virtue
The Green Jesus is Breaking Ground: Process Christo-Poetics
Greg Gibson and Wayne Lo: Talking with the Man who murdered my Son
Growth Counseling: Howard Clinebell
Guiding Light
Gunda's Perspective: The Subjectivity of other Animals in Open and Relational Theology
Guns in America: NY Times Videos
Gyobutsuji and the Environment: Practicing with all Beings by Shoryu Bradley
"H" is for Hope: Patricia Adams Farmer
"H" is for Hospitality: Patricia Adams Farmer
"H" is for Humility: A Smudge of Ashes
The Hallelujah Chorus and an Easter Prayer
The Hallelujah Chorus and an Easter Prayer: The Center for Process Spirituality
Hanukkah and Jewish Process Theology: Rabbi Bradley Artson
Harmony: Whitehead's Approach
Harnessing the Imagination: Carol Rose
Having an Ear for Devotional Language: What Traditional Christians Can Miss in Process Theology
Hayes Carll: The Religious Side of his Music
He Taught Us How to Search for Beauty: Christopher Alexander, Architect for a Living World
He Was Always Thinking Afresh: Reflections on Whitehead's Personality and Style
He Who Saw the Deep: Claim your Inner Gilgamesh
The Healing Balm of All Saints' Day
The Healing Power of Dance: Film Review of Farewell Amor
Healing the Children: A Reflection on the “Massacre of the Infants”
A Heap of Broken Images: A Whiteheadian Appreciation of The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot
Hello Good Friend: The Enjoyment and Facilitation of Friendships as a Primary Practice of Process Theology
Here I am, Lord. I will Hold Your People in my Heart.
Hey, I Count, Too. Making Space for Animals in a Relational Worldview
Hey, I'm A Little Broken. Will You Pray For Me On Mother's Day?
The Hidden Holiness of the Secular New Year
The High School Biology Teacher as Process Theologian: Six Characteristics
The Hill We Climb: Six Questions to Consider
Hindi-Urdu-English: The Theopoetics of Humeysha
Hindu Process Theology: Jeffery D. Long
Hinduism in America: Jeffery D. Long
Hinge Moments: Disruptions of Life's Journey
Hip Hop and the Politics of Race: The Personal as Political
Hip Hop Lyrics as Sacred Text
The Holiness of Disappearing Species: Art by Angela Manno
The Holiness of Dogs: A Reflection by Bruce Epperly
A Holographic Universe, a Holographic God: Hyatt Carter
Holy Forgetting: Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
Homesick: A Plea for Our Planet by Andrea Gibson
Homo Quaerens: Questioning as a Religious Activity
Honest Prayers to a Kind and Gentle God: Bunmi Laditan
Honest to Tragedy: Like Jesus and the Crows
Hope as the Thing with Feathers: Process Theology and Emily Dickinson
Hope Comes: The Bengsons
Hope from Peaches
Hope in the Age of Coronavirus
Hope Montgomery: Process Theopoetics
The Horse as Priest
The Hospitable Soul: Less Judgment, More Chocolate
Hot-and-Dry Noodles in China: Where Whitehead's Philosophy Meets Chinese Food Culture
How are things on Planet Earth?
How Autism Feels, From the Inside: NY Times Video
How Big Ideas Matter: Notes on Whitehead and the Magna Carta
How Can I Explain Non-Attachment to my Non-Buddhist Husband? Ask a Zen Teacher
How do I love my MAGA neighbor?
How Dolphin are You? Claiming Your Inner Dolphin
How Duke Ellington Changed my Life: George Hermanson
How God Listens to Insects
How I Got Over Being a Radical Foodie Southern Health Nut: Joanna ES Campbell
How Many Genders Does God Have? Maybe More Than We Can Imagine
How Might I Raise My Daughter As Muslim? Ask a Muslim Mother
How Music Saves Us: Linking Science and Theology
How the Local Food Movement Can Transform Race Relations in America
How the Qur'an Reveals God's Becoming
How the Songs of Bruce Springsteen can Mentor a Life
How the World creates God and God creates the World
"How to Bible" and Other Life Lessons from Donald Trump: Sarah Cooper's Trump Impressions
Howard Thurman: A Theologian for the 21st Century
Human Beings as Co-Workers with God
Human Side of Interfaith: A Special Role for Humanism
Humanistic Islam for the 21st century
The Humble Heart: A Process Appreciation
Hungarian Rhapsody #2
"Hunker" is a Verb
The Huntress and the Holder of Hand: Creative Lamentation
Hurray for the Average Child
The Hurrying and Waiting of Advent
I am a Process Millennial: Tristan Norman
I am a Quiet Person: Process Theology for Introverts
I am from a time when my mother went to the hospital and never came back. By the way, God, where are you from?
I Apologize: Phillip Fletcher
I Arise Today through the Strength of Heaven
I Believe in a God of Commas
I Can't Feel Hope I Can Remember It: Treasuring Pleasant Memories as Modes of Divine Presence
I Can't Swear Allegiance to Hitler: Review of A Hidden Life
I Dwell in Possibility: Emily Dickinson, Alfred North Whitehead, and Jillian Judson's Vision of Eco-Education
I Feel Good When I Sing With Others: Group Singing as a Spiritual and Social Practice
I Felt this Loving Presence: Ten Ways of Knowing Jesus
I Got a Love: Elizabeth King, Gospel Singer
I Grew Up in Pittsburgh: My Jewish Community is Stronger than Hate
I Have a Dream Speech: Video, Animated Analysis, Interview with Speech Writer
I Have Seen Mary (and other Christmas meditations)
I Have Seen Mary: Open and Relational Christmas Meditations
I Heard there was a Secret Chord: Hallelujah, the Baffled Mind, and Holy Doubt
"I" is for Imagination: Patricia Adams Farmer
I Might Could: Process Theology in Double Modals
I Miss Christianity
I Never Thought Of It That Way, Practicing Fearlessly Humble Curiosity across Political Divides: Monica Guzman
I Really Don't Know Life At All: Imagination and Mystery in Both Sides Now
I think I could turn and live with the animals: Walt Whitman and AN Whitehead
I Thought I Had Outgrown Religion: Science Fiction, Spirituality, and the Deep Imagination
I Will Survive: The Breakup Song as Spiritual Companion
I Wish I Had a River I Could Skate Away On
I Wish We Were More Confucian: What Americans can learn from Confucianism
I Yearned for the Physical: Whitehead and Merleau-Ponty
I, the Process-Relational None
"I'd Like to Live More Simply" - The Earth Charter, Process Theology, and the Benedictines
I'm Looking for a Way: Process Theology and the Way Collective
I'm pretty traditional. Might I, too, have a place at the interfaith table?
I've Been Working on the Set List: Performing for Senior Citizens
The Identity Wheel: A Tool for Self-Understanding
If God is Love, What's Love Got to do with It? Gregory Hamlin
If I were a Missionary in New York City: The Lawrence Family
"If we have more contact we understand each other." Meet Songhe Wang from Harbin, China
An Illustrated Introduction to Whitehead's Organic Cosmology: Matthew Segall
The Image Book (Le livre d’Image): Review by Micah Bucey
Imaginary Gardens with Real Toads: Process, Poetry, and Imaginative Feelings
Imagining a Daesoon Process Theology
Imagining a Methodist Buddhist
Imagining the Faith of Lady Gaga: A Theopoetic Exploration
Immensities: Loren Eiseley, Thomas Oord, Whitehead, and Emerson
Immigration: Twelve Things to Know When Talking about it (Anne Goldberg)
The Immortality of the Nightingale: Whitehead and John Keats
Improvisation Everywhere: The Universe of Process Theology
Improvisational Healing Spaces: The Art of Marilyn Biles
Improvising with God: Danny Prada
Improvising Your Life: How Whitehead and Duke Ellington Changed My Understanding of Faith and Worship
In a Station of the Metro: Ezra Pound and AN Whitehead
In a Zen Way: Peter Coyote on Dogen's Zen
In describing Ecological Civilizations, do we use the word "system" too much and "love" too little?
In Praise of Earthism: Some Idolatries are So Much Better than Others
In Praise of Short Theologies
In Praise of the "Good Trouble" Maker: Quotations and Reflections
In the Beginning is the Remixing: The Social and Theological Significance of DJ Culture
Incarnation and Signs from God: Living in an Enchanted Universe
Incompleteness: Notes on Whitehead and Kurt Gödel
Indian Theism and Process Philosophy: Delmar Langbauer
Individual Rights and the Common Good: John Cobb
Infinitely Tender, Infinitely Wild: Twenty-One Divine Infinities
Inhabit Your Situation: Patricia Adams Farmer
The Inner Life of the Cell: Process Theology and Microbiology
Inspired by a Relational Worldview: Flagstaff College's Innovative Adventure
Integral Spirituality: The Cobb Institute
Integrative, Non-Reductionist Science: Timothy Eastman's Untying the Gordian Knot
Interality Studies - An Adventure in Liminal Space-Time
Interfaith Dialogue as Inter-Earth Dialogue: Stephanie Kaza and Paul Ingram
Interfaith Dialogue: Some Things to keep in Mind
Interfaith Hospice Care in the Compassionate Community
An Interfaith Reflection on Walls: Shah and McDaniel
Interfaith Scriptural Explorations
Interior Freedom: Free from Inner Compulsions, Free to Listen and Love
International Women's Day: What Have Men to Say?
An Introduction to Process Philosophy: Cosmology, Ethics, Spirituality, and Culture
An Intuitive Sense of the Beautiful: John Keats on Negative Capability
Iqbal, Whitehead, and Islam: A Short Note by Farhan Shah
Iqbal: A Process Poet
Irreversible Entanglements: Black Liberation Free Jazz
Is God ever Violent? John Cobb
Is God in control? Reverend Barkley Thompson
Is Liberal Democracy Over? What Comes Next? The Rise of Ethnic Nationalisms in Europe
Is there a place for God in an evolving universe? Ingram, Smolin, McDaniel
Is there an app for Faith?
Is There More to God than Openness and Relationality? Might we love God in her Solitude, Too?
Is Was: Introducing "Process" through Children's Literature
Islam and Divine Omnipotence: A Relational Approach
Islam and the Interpretative Activity
Islam, Jazz, and Zen: The Philosophy of Abdullah Ibrahim
Islamic and Christian Approaches to Ecology: Comparing John Cobb and Seyyed Nasr
Islamic Process Relational Theology: Adis Duderija
It all Begins with Listening: Enjoying Interfaith Friendships as a way of practicing Open and Relational Theology
It Begins by Opening the Eyes: Open and Relational Theology
It's Good to be Alive, Even while Asleep: Intrinsic Value in Whitehead
It's Hard to Love a System: The Need for Warm Language in Describing Ecological Civilization
It's like Poetry. It's so Beautiful. A Chinese Girl Discovers Mathematics.
It's not a Thing but a Life: A Christian Reflection on Truth
It's Not Just What We Do, It's How We Think: the Need to Reevaluate and Reconstruct Islamic Thought
It's the Worldviews, Stupid! Learning from John Sanders and John Cobb
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Gone Forever: Apocalypse Fatigue
"J" is for Joy: Patricia Adams Farmer
"J" is for Justice: Jay McDaniel
Jake Comes Home From College (and wants to talk about global climate change)
James & Whitehead on Life After Death: David Ray Griffin
James Baldwin (1924-1987): Getting Perspective on Race in America
Jane Goodall's Prayer
Jazz and Korean Bibimbap
Jazz and Social Justice
Jazz and the Spirit of Democracy
Jeffrey Schloss: An Evolutionary Biologist and his belief in God
Jesus is not an Urgent Care Physician (Teri Daily)
Jesus the Disturber: John B. Cobb, Jr.
Jesus: A King Like None Other (A Sermon for Christ the King Sunday)
Jewish and Process: Interview with Rabbi Bradley Artson
Jewish Environmentalism
Jewish Holy Days and Festivals: Artson and Safman
Jill Suttie: Music and a Reflection
Jimmy Carter Rock & Roll President
Joe Davis and the Poetic Diaspora: Pentecostal Theopoetics
Joe Lombardi's Spirit: A Song for the Earth
John Cobb Addresses Chinese Students Online
John Cobb at 95: An Interview on his Life in Faith
John Cobb in China
John Cobb on Biblical Inspiration and Interpretation
John Cobb on David Korten
John Cobb on Patriotism
John Cobb on Vedanta and Buddhism
John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats
John Lewis and John Cobb on Love
John Milton, "When I Consider How My Light is Spent"
Jonathan Foster, Rene Girard, and the Four Hopes of the Process Movement
Journey of the Universe: A Cinematic Resource
Joy after Pain? The Bengsons sing Creative Transformation
The Joy Business: Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama
Joy of Going Bonkers: The Exuberant Music of Anna Meredith
Judaism: An Introduction
Julia the Whiteheadian Poet - Why Philosophers need Poetry
June Xie: How Photography Becomes Prayer
Just This: Is there a Place for Smallness in Process Philosophy and Theology?
Just This! Only This! Ryōkan and the Moon
Juxtaposition: Nita Gilger
"K" is for Kindness: Patricia Adams Farmer
Karen Carpenter, Patricia Adams Farmer, and the Beauty of Imperfection
Kate Tempest: Spoken Word Poetry, Influences, and Springboards for Reflection
Keep Dreaming, Never Stop: the Psychedelic Turkish Art Rock of Gaye Su Akyol
Keep Going Song and Process Theology
Keep Seeking and Creating: What Whitehead Wants
Key Questions for Process Philosophy & Theology: An Interview with Andrew Davis
Killing the Father: Process Theology, Freud, and Oedipus Rex
Kimjang and the Sharing of Kimchi: An Eco-Practice from Korea
Kindness as a Goal of Life: Kind People, Kind Cities, Kind Nations, Kind Religion, and a Kind World
Kindness: A Poem by Naomi Shihab Nye
Kirtan as (Interfaith) Sacred Music
Kiss the Ground: Partnering with Soil as Relational Power in Action
Kitchen Sink as Sanctuary: Terry Tempest Williams
Kongjian Yu: The Flourishing Community as Humane and Ecological
The Koolulam Initiative: Singing Hope Across Cultures Together
The Koolulam Initiative: Singing Hope Across Cultures Together
The Korean Haegum (奚琴) and Spirituality
The Kyoto School: A Process Philosophy Grounded in Emptiness not God
"L" is for Listening: Patricia Adams Farmer
"L" is for Listening/God as Deep Listening
L'Rain and the Spiritual in the Secular
La Santa Cecilia: Latin Culture, Rock, and World Music
A Lament That Never Ends
Land Ethics, Animal Rights, and Process Theology: Jay McDaniel
Last Black Man in San Francisco: Film Review
Laudato Si Film: The Pope, the Environmental Crisis, and Frontline Leaders
The Lavender Scare: Film Review
Le-Hayim: Jewish Wisdom for a Time of Pandemic
Leadership in a Multi-Faith World
Leaning Out for Love: Reflecting on "God Can't" by Thomas Oord
Learning from Amy Young: Reflections On Being Grounded in Christ in the Messy Middle of Life
Learning to Cha-Cha as a Process Practice: The Feeling Textures of Life
Learning to Love Science: A Chinese Student's Story
The Legacy of Rachel Held Evans: Link to the NY Times Podcast
Lei Liang - A Thousand Mountains, A Million Streams
Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah
Less Strategy, More Intuition: Leadership from the Grounded Pause
Lessons Learned from my Cancer: Rabbi Bradley Artson
Let Love Be Your Guide: Appreciating the Music of Dan and Claudia Zanes
Let Nothing Congeal: Religions are Rivers and God is, Too
Let the Ideas Evolve: The Practice of holding and fostering Metamodern Conversations
Let there be Tortillas: Toward a Process Theology of Mexican Food
Let your Vision be World Embracing: Roland Faber's Baha'i Faith
Letter from my Coach: The Coach as Process Theologian
A Letter to My Postmodern Son: John Caputo on The Weakness of God
LGBTQ Persons and Christianity: A Word of Support from an Episcopal Priest
Liberating the Bible: Contextual Bible Studies and Process Theology
The Liberation of Science
Life after Death as a Context for Soul Gentling
Life after Death: Process Approaches
Life is Like Peanut Brittle
LIfe Lessons from Fungi: Process Theology and Mycology
Life with a Broken Wing
Life Without an Anchor: The Courage of the Christian Atheist
Life-after-Death: Process Reflections
Light as a Vehicle of Feeling: The Painter Turner and the Philosopher Whitehead
Like Oaks, Like Cacti: The Resilient Heart
The Liminal Life: Whiteheadian Reflections on Liminality
Liquid Modernity: Zygmunt Bauman
The Listen First Project: Tips for Compassionate Community
Listening for Names: A Poem by Dea Jenkins
Listening not Loathing: Good Ideas from Glenn Youngkin
The Listening Side of Love
Listening to Detained Migrant Children: Participating in God's Aims
Listening to Martin Luther King, Jr.: Six Speeches
Listening to the Earth's Healing Heartbeat
Listening to the Past, Praying to the Silence: Paul O. Ingram
Listening to your Sighs: Non-Verbal Dimensions of Empathic Receptivity
Listening with the Ear of the Heart: Process and Silence
The Little Flame in All Things: The Natural Silence of the Sanctuary
Liturgy of the Hours: Frank Felice, New Music and Improvisation
The Living Christ as a Non-Coercive Spillway of Love
The Living Earth Movement and Starlings: A Theology of Biomimicry
The Living Santa and his Elves: A Process Reflection
A Living Universe – Qi and Quantum: Introducing the Philosophy of Yuasa Yasuo
Local Loyalty and World Loyalty: Combining Bioregionalism and Neo-Nomadism
Longing for Intimacy: Process Theology and Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah
Looking for a Truly Christian Politician: Learning from Pope Francis
Looking out the Window: Being Pleasantly Lost in Thought as a Spiritual Practice
Losing Passion for Worldly Success: How Zen and Whitehead and Jesus Ruined Me
Love Does Not Control: Process Theology and Drug Counseling
Love in the Messiness of Real-Life Relationships
Love Made Gritty
Love Song of the Blue Jay: The Perfect Indifference of Songbirds
Love's Oblivion: A Reflection for Holy Monday
A Lovely Luminosity: Why Process Thought Inspires Me and Everything I Write
Loving Friends with Alzheimer's
Loving in the Shadow of Alzheimer's
Loving my Enemies and Living Simply: Wendell Berry on Jesus and the Gospels
Loving My Uncle the Classical Theist
Loving Relationships as Good Medicine: Nita Gilger
Loving You Is Complicated: Comfort and Affliction in Hip Hop Theologies
Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom
The Lure of Water:Transcendence without a personal God
"M" is for Meaning
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom: Review by Micah Bucey
Macrina Wiedekehr: Ever Flowing and Ten Life Lessons
The Madina Institute and its Interfaith Outreach: A Christian Appreciation
The Madness of King Lear: Whitehead on the Egotistical Desire for Fame
Maggie the Pseudo-Beagle: Barkley Thompson
The Magi by William Butler Yeats: A Process Interpretation
Make America Hate Again: The Day My American Dreams Died
Making Good with What We Have At Hand: God in the Making
Making the Fool Care: Puncturing middle-class indifference to climate change
Man Cannot Live by Drumming Alone: A Tribute to Neil Peart of Rush
The Man with a Famous Frown: Mussolini and the Appeal of Authoritarianism
The Many Become One and are Increased by One (Whitehead's Philosophy)
The Many Become One and are Increased by One: Whitehead and Wallace Stevens
Many Elephants: Appreciating Multiple Ultimates as a Wise and Loving Option
The Manyness of God
Marc-André Hamelin: The Piano Virtuoso as Conduit for the Beautiful
Marian Anderson: Persuasive Power as the Beautiful Voice
Marissa Nadler's For My Crimes: The Spiritual Side
Marney Ward and the Tangible Presence of Light
Marriage and Parenting: Constructive Postmodern Approaches
Marriage and Parenting: Some Process Reflections for Friends in China
Martha Wainwright's Music: A Gorgeous Argument for Living a Complicated Life
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Process Theology - Seven Similarities
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Process Theology: Springboards for Reflection
Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On" as Sacred Text
"Mary" by Big Thief: Grace through Friendships
Mary Magdalene: Film Review
Mary Oliver and the World of Everywhere: Patricia Adams Farmer
Mary Our Priest
The Massacre of Truth: Christian Nihilists versus Lynn Cheney
Mathematical Mysticism: Srinivasa Ramanujan as The Man Who Knew Infinity
A Mathematical Root of Whitehead’s Cosmological Thought: Robert Andrew Ariel
Maxine Payne: Photographer
May I Give this Ukrainian Bread to all the People in this Big Wide World? Maria Prymachenko
May I Try That One Again? The Grace of a Million Second Chances
May We Chant OM in Church?
Media Ecology in a Jazz Mode: Eric McLuhan, Peter Zhang
Meditating with Hildegard and her Music: Patricia Adams Farmer
Meet Dr. Lupe Llanes: Process Philosopher in Venezuela
Melodic Intonation Therapy as Practicing the Presence of God
Mencius and Xunzi: A Process Reflection
Mental Health in America: From the Front Line
Mental Health in America: Reflections from the Front Line
Mercedes Sosa - Sólo Le Pido a Dios
Message of Muhammad Iqbal: A Short Note
Metal Music: A Hunger for Transgressive Spiritual Spaces
The Metallic Side of God: Open and Relational Theology meets Heavy Metal Music
Metaphysical Evolutions: Process Studies in Venezuela
The Metaphysical Possibility of Life after Death: John Cobb
The Metaphysics of Justice: Moor Mother and Black Quantum Futurism
Michaelene Miller: Process, Frisbee, and Prayer
Might I, too, Live a Poetic Life?
Mindful Farming and Backyard Gardening: Process Theology Embodied
Minister as Singer-Songwriter: Meet Emily Melcher, Unitarian Universalist
Miracles (Some Encouraging Words)
Missing Bland Crowder: Why Sustainability Needs Poetry
The Missing Politics in Environmental and Sustainability Education: David Orr
Mitzvot from the Planet: Process Theology and Food
Molecular Biologist as Shaman
Moments of Torah with Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson (Three Minute Videos)
Mongolian Hip-Hop, Whitehead, and the Globalization of Novelty
Monica A. Coleman: A Journey with Depression
A Monistic Interpretation of Whitehead’s Creativity: John Wilcox
Moor Mother and Black Quantum Futurism
The Moral Imagination and Peacemaking: From Conflict Resolution to Social Healing
More than Frankie Cosmos? An Interview with Greta Kline
More than Process: The Platonic Side of Whitehead
Mosa-Dharma and Prehension: Nagarjuna and Whitehead Compared
The Most Famous Cat in English Literature: Christopher Smart's Jeoffry
Most Pernicious Doctrine in Islam: A Muslim Perspective
Mother Goddess Worship in Vietnam: A Role for Spirits in the Wider Ecology of Life
Mother Mary our Breastfeeding Priest
A Mother's Kiss as Embodied Theology: For in that Touch a Universe Resides
Mothers: Caregivers in Memory Care Homes
Movie Trailers as Springboards for Soulful Conversation
Moving from Rough to Smooth: Nita Gilger
Mudddleheadedness and Simplemindedness – Whitehead and Russell
Muhammad Iqbal and the Beauty of an Open Future: Farhan Shah
Muhammad Iqbal's Concept of God
Multi-Faith Mondays:Daily Practices for Interfaith Spirituality
The Music Advantage: Spirituality and Practice Review
Music and the Sense of Being Alive: Thandeka's Affect Theology
Music Drawn from Jewish Traditions
Music for the Elderly: Healing Benefits
The Music of What Happens: Why Poetry is So Much Better than Theology, Sometimes
Music, Joy, and Divine Delight: The Bauls of Bangladesh and India
Musicking for a More Compassionate World
Must Christians Believe in Hell?
Mutual Overcoming: "We Shall Overcome" in Process Perspective
The Mutual Transcendence of God and the World: Open and Relational Ruminations
My Father (아빠): Filial Piety and a Daughter's Love
My Favorite Coffee Shop: A "Process" Coffee Shop in Harbin, China
My Grandson is Brahman and You are, Too: Bob Mesle
My Job is to be Your Son: Caregiving and the Meaning of Life
My Life as a Recovering Anorexic
My Life with Aoudads
My Mom on Drugs: Hope Beyond Addiction
My Mother Joy (daughter becomes a nurse, inspired by her mother who died of cancer)
My Nation is on Fire, Feel the Burning: Metal Music in Ukraine
My Neighbor's Texts
My Religion is Beauty: Patricia Adams Farmer
My Slow God: Practicing Slowness as Walking in God's Loving Light
Mysteries and the Spiritual Sleuth - Patricia Adams Farmer
Mysteries of the Macabre: Beautifully Going Bonkers with Soprano Barbara Hannigan
Mystical and the Ordinary: Paul Ingram
Mystics: Kathleen Jacobson
The Mythical Firebird: A Lure of Adventure
Nature as Alive
Nature, Imagination, and Process Thought
Navaratri: Celebrating the (Post-Patriarchal) Divine Feminine
Neanderthal Pulsewave: Primitive Motion, Cradle of the Horizon, and Process Theology
Need for the Mystical: Why Process Theology Needs Howard Thurman
Need to Adore: Rumi and Hartshorne
The Need to Laugh: Process Philosophy, Positive Psychology, and Ecological Civilization
A New Approach to Ecological Education: Gillian Judson's Contribution to Eco-Civ
New Directions in Education: From STEM to STEAM to Four Hopes
New Peace: A Post-Secular Integration of Science and Spirituality
New Process Theology: International, Multireligious, Practical, Theopoetic
The New Science of Understanding Dog Behavior
New to the Process World? Resources from Open Horizons
The New Transcendence: How the James Webb Space Telescope expands Religious Horizons
Nexūs and Subjective Forms: Whitehead on the Public and the Private
Nexus Coffee and Creative: Small Businesses in service to Compassionate Community
Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morality: An Invitation to Honesty
Nikki Giovanni: Poetry in Process
Nine American Idolatries: A Biblical Critique
Nine Common-Sense Ways to Reduce Shootings: A Public Health Approach
Nine Ways to Combat Islamophobia: Farhan Shah and Jay McDaniel
No Ecological Civilization without Guitars
No God but the Good: Iris Murdoch and Alfred North Whitehead
No Hope without Lamentation: Imagining the World through God's Eyes
No Ideas but in Things: The Spectral Luminosity of Ordinary Life
No Need for Certainty: The Open Style of John Cobb's Theology
No One is Alone: God as the Fellow Sufferer who Understands
No Picking, No Choosing: The Way of Zen
No, You Didn't Earn It: Pierre Bourdieu on Social and Cultural Capital
A Nomadic Encounter with the Analects of Confucius
Nomadland: "I'm houseless but not homeless. I live in my van."
Non Today, Non Tomorrow, Non Forever: In Praise of the Worldwide Non Network
Nones: The Rise of the Religiiously Unaffiliated
Not Getting Out as Much? Finding Gladness in a Time of Social Distancing
Not Governments, not Religion. Only Music can Save the World.
Not in Our Name
Not Knowing is Part of the Experience of Getting There: Faith, Imagination and Mystery
Not Religious, Not Spiritual: Whitehead on the Need to Secularize the Concept of God
Nothing Happens Twice: A Poem by Wislawa Szymborska
Novelty & Tradition: Navajo Mountain Biker Explores Land, Community, Culture
Now a Good Word for the Innkeeper
Now is the Time to Practice Beauty
A Nurturant Darkness: God as Dark Matter
O Come Let us Adore Him: Adoration in Process Perspective
"O God of Love, Did You Have a Bad Week?" Request for a Hymn with this Title
O Holy Night
O Second Moon of Jupiter, We, Too, are Made of Water: Sending Poetry to Europa
Ocean Spiritualities
Odd, Fresh, and Beautiful: The God of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Ode to 'e': Euler's number as a metaphor for God
Oh My Gosh!!! Process and Punctuation
Old Stoves and New Life: Reflecting on a Photograph by Thomas Oord
An Olive Wood Cup: A Short Theology of Holy Communion
The Omer: Teaching Us to Count Our Days
On Becoming a Muslim Public Intellectual: Farhan Shah
On Becoming a Nurse
On Being a Hero of Your own Life: Notes on James Joyce and Whitehead
On Being Fully Alive in the Circumstances at Hand: A Process Philosophy of Flourishing
On Being Kings and Queens for an Ecological Civilization: Exploring a Chinese Character
On Being the English Teacher for a Zen Master
On Catching a Glimpse of the Sacred
On Her Shoulders: Review of Documentary on Young Yazidi Woman, Nadia Murad
On the Nature of Thingness: The Role of Pure Potentials
One Dove's Pluck
One Life and One Life and One Life: The Counting of Lost Lives
One Love: Process meets Reggae
One Love: Reggae, Process, and Faith
One Thus Gone: Contemporary Music Based on Buddhist Chants and Prayers
Only in This Should You Glory
The Open and Relational Agnostic
The Open and Relational Atheist
Open and Relational Influx: How Heaven and Earth Flow Into One Another
Open and Relational Line Dancing: God's Patience with Missteps
Open Horizons as Cross-Cultural Ecopoetics
Open Horizons China: A Resource Page
Open Religion, Open God: A Process Alternative to Authoritarianism
Open Theism and Process Theology: A Reflection
The Open-Ended House: Patricia Adams Farmer
Opening to Possibilities for a New Year: Bruce Epperly
Openness to the New in Apocalyptic and in Process Theology: William Beardslee
Oprah Winfrey Interviews Thich Nhat Hanh
Organic Marxism, Process Philosophy, and Chinese Thought
Original Sin Revisited: Marjorie Suchocki
Our Crowded Planet Home and Loren Eiseley
Our Memory Is Flawed. Luckily, God’s Isn’t.
Our Troubled Time: Getting Perspective as a Muslim
Our Wonderfully Crowded Table: A Place for Everyone (Except Maybe Uncle Bob)
Out, In, and On the Fringe: Carol Kilby’s Journey to an Earth-Sensitive Church
Ovid's Metamorphoses: Perpetual Perishing, Continuous Change
"P" is for Play: Patricia Adams Farmer
Pad Yatra: A Green Odyssey
Pakistan: The Birth of New Ideals (Farhan Shah)
Panentheism: Twelve Metaphors
Parsing Process and Traditional Theodicies: Huston Smith and David Ray Griffin
Partnering with God as Partnering with the Earth: Backyard Composting as an Eco-Spiritual Practice
Partnering with God: The Podcast
Partners in Hope: Process Thought, Catholic Social Teaching, and Laudato Si'
A Passionate Love for Mexican Food: The Exuberant Life
The Passionate Transitory: Three Poems by Patrick Kavanagh
Pat Brentano: The Artist as Visual Guide for an Ecological Civilization
The Patience of Ordinary Things: Everyday Objects as a Kind of Love
Pauline Oliveros and Process Theology
The Penguin my Teacher: Seven Life Lessons
The Perfection of Love: John Cobb on what Christians can learn from Buddhism
Perfume Genius: The Coalescence of Grace, Sex, Defiance, Dread, and Erotic Power
Perpetual Perishing (Whitehead's Philosophy)
Perpetual Wonder as a Spiritual Virtue
Personal Identity A to Z: Charles Hartshorne
Philip Clayton - How Can Emergence Explain Reality?
Philosophy from the Guitar: Chris Mosley of the Grizzly Adams Family
Philosophy without religion is a Eurocentric construct
The Physician-Patient Relationship in Relational Perspective: A Short Note
Physics and Fascination: Levitation and Superconductivity
Pieces that Fall to Earth: The Dome of Heaven is Made of Feathers
Pied Beauty: Openness to Oddness as a Spiritual Gift
Pisitakun from Thailand: Experimental Electronic Music as Free Speech
Planting Seeds of Hope: Process Thought as Community Gardening
Playing Hide and Seek with God
Playing with Sounds as a Spiritual Practice: The Sound Poetry of Tomomi Adachi
The Pleasure of Exploring Possibilities: Jorge Luis Borges and AN Whitehead
Polyhymnia: Notes for a Jazz Mass
Polyrhythmic Theology: Drum Circles within Drum Circles
Pop Harmonies as Windows to God: Gratitude to the Everly Brothers
Pop Songs as Postmodern Angels
Pope Francis on the Politics of Love, Dialogue, and Mutual Care
Pope Francis: A Man of His Word
Positive Emotions as Nutrients: Barbara Fredrickson, Positive Psychology, and Process Philosophy
Positive Psychology and Religion
Positive Psychology: Religion and Sustainable Community
The Possibility of Rain: Jaan Kaplinsky
The Postmodern John Cobb: Deconstructive and Constructive
Potlucks not Battlefields: Eboo Patel and Interfaith America
The Powwow: Dancing, Singing, Drumming, and Socializing
The Practical Need for Metaphysics: John Cobb
Practical Wisdom and Nature Photography: Mary Elizabeth Moore and David Huth
Practice of Dreamless Sleep: A Place Where God is Found
Practice of Mystery: To Cherish the Baffling
Practice of Neurocosmopolitanism as a Spiritual Virtue
The Practice of Not-Knowing: Single Buddhist Dad
The Practice of Religion in Animals
Practicing Ecotheology: What Can I Do?
Practicing Guitar as a Spiritual Practice: The Online Guitar Community as Virtual Sacred Space
Practicing Process Theology While Alone or at Home: The Reverence Project
Practicing Process Thought in Daily Life
Practicing Process Thought: Ten Guidelines
Practicing the Hindu Way of Life in America
Prayer and Planetarity: Prayerful Inclusions of the Web of Life
Prayer Facing Imminent Death
A Prayer for All of Us
Prayer for the Homeless
Prayer on Mother's Day
Prayer to an Exuberant God: Elaine Padilla and the Spiritual Alphabet
Prayer to the Giraffe God
Praying to Red Berries: Gilger and McDaniel
Praying with Animals: Jane Goodall, John Cobb, and the Church for our Common Home
Praying without Knowing Christians learning from Derrida
Preach, Kendrick, Preach: Popular Music as Sacred Text
Predestined to be Loved by a Nurturing God: Predestination in Process Perspective
Prehension: John Cobb and Jay McDaniel
Prehensions (Whitehead's Philosophy)
Prehensive Wholeness: David Bohm and Process Philosophy
Prickly Pear Cactus Theology: Nita Gilger
The Primacy of the Present Moment: Dogen, Whitehead, and Quantum Theory
The Private Self: The Natural Silence of the Sanctuary
Probative and Imaginative Modes in Buddhism and Process Thought: Kazi Shakti
The Problem of Catastrophizing: Compulsive Worry about Worst-Case Scenarios
The Problem of the Anthropocene: God's Desire that Humans Take a Good Long Nap
Problem of Walls in the Head
Process and Alcoholism: Reflections on Recovery in Process
Process and Ceremony: Raising a Totem Pole
Process and Community
Process and Energy: Physical, Inter-Subjective, and Divine
Process and Flourishing: Design Paradigms for our Planetary Emergency
Process and Flow: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Alfred North Whitehead
Process and Hanukkah
Process and Hip Hop: Jon Gill
Process and Interfaith Slide Show: From the Educator's Toolbox
Process and Justice: The Four Hopes of the Process Movement
Process and Kabbalah: Springboards for Reflection
Process and Kindness: Welcome Home
Process and Pisitakun Kuntalang: Learning from Experimental Art in Thailand
Process and Recovery: Family Systems, Bowen Theory, and Process Theology
Process and Silence: The Habit and Practice of Silence in Process Theology
Process and Stories: Mary Elizabeth Moore
Process and the God of COLOR: Learning from Courtney Ariel
Process and Torah
Process and Weaving: Learning from the Women of East Timor
Process Buddhism: Anna's Story
Process Buddhism: A Learning Circle
Process Franciscan Theology: Process Theology Meets Richard Rohr
A Process Interpretation of Islam
A Process Interpretation of Islam: Farhan Shah
Process Meets Recovery: Boston John
The Process Movement: Ideas, Aims, and Practices
Process Neo-Platonism: The Platonic Side of Whitehead's Philosophy
A Process Perspective of Virtual Reality: Jason Barker
Process Philosophy and Global Climate Change
Process Philosophy and Live Theater
Process Philosophy and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Process Pluralism as an antidote to the Ideology of Hate: David Brooks
The Process Poetry Movement
Process Reflections on AA
Process Spirituality: Six Types
Process Spirituality: A Spiritual Alphabet
Process Spirituality: A Very Short Introduction
Process Theology and Dave Brubeck: Patricia Adams Farmer
Process Theology and Films About Dementia and Alzheimer's
Process Theology and Multifactorial Healing: Bruce Epperly
Process Theology and Parkinson's Disease
Process Theology and Popular Music: A Summer Course
Process Theology and Raking Leaves
Process Theology and the Ashes of Pandemic
Process Theology and the Bible: How Science has changed our view of God
Process Theology and the Bible: How Science Has Changed Our View of God
Process Theology and the Politics of Stature
Process Theology and the Politics of Zero Sum and Abundance
Process Theology and the Statue of Liberty
Process Theology and the Tibetan Book of the Dead: Songs from the Bardo
Process Theology and Thomas Berry
Process Theology and Ukrainian Avant-Garde Music
Process Theology Anne Lamott Style: Can Process Theology Be Inspirational, Too?
Process Theology for Cat Lovers
Process Theology for Children: A Story and Learning Activities
Process Theology for Preschoolers and Teens of Many Faiths
Process Theology in Black Perspective: Still Becoming
A Process Theology of Marriage
Process Theology, Angels, and Channeling: A Reenchanted World
Process Theology, Death, and Grieving: Springboards for Discussion
Process Theology, the Coronavirus, and the Challenge of World Loyalty
Process Theology. Ecology, and Plastics: The High Calling of the Chemical Engineer
Process Theopoetics
Process Zen: Notes for a Course
Process, Beauty, and Locally Grown Power: CHERP's Vision of Role of Art in the American Factory
Process, Faith, and Suicide: Farhan Shah and Jay McDaniel
Processing Toward Life: Protons and Ants
Progressive Friends, What are your Best Tips for Surviving the Era? A Process Response
The Prophetic Tuba: Theon Cross and the Cobb Institute
Proustian Moments: The Grace of Unbidden, Nurturant Memories
Pulse: When Dancing is Political
A Punch in the Gut: Atrocities in Process Perspective
Quantum Mechanics, Local Causality, and Process Philosophy: Henry Pierce Stapp
The Queen's Message: Patricia Adams Farmer
Quiet Body, Quiet Mind: Whitehead and Zen Meditation
Radical Vision of Ecological Civilization: Wm. Andrew Schwartz
Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens: Faith as Openness to Pluralism
Ramadan as a Holy and Humanistic Calling
Ramadan as a Holy and Humanistic Calling: Farhan Shah
Random Acts of Godness: Kindness, Laughter, Wonder, Courage, and Honesty
Rang Tang Ring Toon Theology: Interpreting a Song by Mountain Man Religiously
The Rarámuri and the 12th Principle of the Earth Charter
Re-foresting, Re-wilding, and Re-civilizing
Re-Imagining the Future: Pope Francis's TED talk on Integral Ecology
Re-thinking the Modern University: Marcus Ford
Reading Process and Reality: A Video Series
Reading Sacred Poetry: It Gives You Permission to Feel
Reading the Bible with Jewish Eyes: Moments of Torah with Rabbi Artson
Reading the Qur'an: The Quality of a Believer's Heart and Mind
Reading Whitehead Poetically: An Observation by Lisa Jarnot
Really now, can a CEO of a large corporation be a Christian, too?
The Reception and Recreation of Intangible Cultural Heritages in China: A Gift from UNESCO to Ecological Education
Receptivity to the Muses: Divine Inspiration in Process Perspective
Recipe for a Healthy Community: Serves a Multitude
Reclaiming the Nomadic Spirit: Learning from the Ways of Kyrgys People in Central Asia
Reclaiming the Republic of Stories: Dedicated to Arlene Goldbard
The Reenchantment of Nature: Loren Eiseley and David Ray Griffin
Reflecting on Right Speech: A Muslim and Christian Approach
Reflection on Christian God-Talk: Paul Ingram
Reflections on War and Its Effects: The Courage We Need
Relational Power in a Multipolar World
Relational Power: Three Dimensions
Relational Whispering? Process Theology through ASMR Videos?
Relationships as the Spiritual Web of our Lives
Religion in the Making: Q&A with Russell Duvernoy (video)
The Religion of Kindness and Beauty
The Religion of Kindness and Beauty: Process Theology for Nones
The Religion of Kindness and Beauty: A Religion of Shared Humanity
Religion without a personal God: Bob Mesle on Henry Nelson Wieman
Religious Side of Electronic Dance Music
The Religious Significance of Popular Music
Remembering Appendicitis: Living with Radical Contingency
The Republican Cowboy and his Obsession with Guns
Resilience in the Waves of Life
Restoring Q's Good Name
Return to the Body: Patricia Adams Farmer
Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou: The Artist as Theologian and Four Hopes Provocateur
Revaluing the Values of Science, Religion, and Education: John B. Cobb, Jr.
Reverence for Life equals Reverence for God: Albert Schweitzer meets Open and Relational Theology
Rhythm and Blues: Intimacy and Transcendence in the Thick of Life
The Rich Man: An Essay by Paul Ingram
A Ringy Dingy Super Moon
The Ripening of Souls: Avocado Theology
The Rise of the Unaffiliated: Why Americans are Leaving Religion and Unlikely to Come Back
Roaming in Sonic Bardos: Appreciating the Music of Maarja Nuut and Ruum
Roasted Eggplant and Tomato Pasta: What Would Whitehead Think?
Robert Burrell: Composing Music for Ecological Civilizations
Rocking Chair Meditation: Patricia Adams Farmer
A Role for Tradition and Modernity in the Future of Religion: Morningstar and McDaniel
The Role of Soft Touch in Healing
Romance, Precision, and Generalization in Education: Kathleen Gershman
The Romanticism of Bjork: Paganism, Panentheism, and Biophilia
The Rough and Tumble of Life: Here We go Again
Rubbing Fire into Your Life: Process and the Poetic Life
Rumi's Gift: A Resource Page on Sufism
Ruth, the Song of Songs, and Brandi Carlile: Resources for a Morning Devotional
"S" is for Silence: Patricia Adams Farmer
A Sacramental Approach to Environmental Issues: John Habgood
Sacred Speech 101
Sadness Beyond Comfort: Like Jesus to the Crows
Saint Patrick: The Perfect Saint for Lent
Salvation by Marimba: A Process Appreciation
The Salvation of Elephants: Practicing a Planetary Ethic
Salvation: Jesus's Mission and Ours by John Cobb
Samantha and Michiko: Christianity and Pure Land Buddhism in Dialogue
Sampha: The Piano as Spiritual Friend
The San Francisco Girl's Chorus: Empowerment and Transformation through Choral Music
Santa Claus as a Bodhisattva: The Elves are Bodhisattvas, Too.
Sarah's Prayer: God as Universal Grandma
Say Something I'm Giving Up on You
Scientific Laws, The Unity of Nature, and God: Paul O. Ingram
Scope of Spiritual Literacy
The Secret Life of a Cat
Seeing Beauty in All People through the Mystical Philosophy of Plotinus: Jared Morningstar
Seeing Colors as Sounds: Kandinsky and Whitehead
Seeing Colors as Sounds: Parallels between Wassily Kandinsky's Art and Whitehead's Philosophy
Seeing the World in Vivid Colors: A Ukrainian Gift to Ecological Civilization
Seeking Joy in the Jungle: Theology from the X Ambassadors Band
Self-Care without Selfishness
Self-Evident Truths
Self-Organization and Agency: In Chemistry and In Process Philosophy
Send in the Clowns: Theology for the Imaginative and Vulnerable
A Sense of Play: Laughter as a Way of touching God
Setting Sail, God as Wind: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
Seven Lessons from Brian McLaren
Seven Problematic Images of God: Pittenger, Griffin, Cobb
Seven Songs for a Long Life (The Essence of Hospice Care): Film Review
Sex Trafficking in the US: Review of "Skin in the Game"
A Sexual God: Robert Williamson on the Song of Solomon
Shamanic Rock: Attila Grandpierre and the Galloping Wonder Stag
The Shape of Water: A Process Perspective
Sharing Recipes as a Relational Practice: A Dialogue on Chinese Tea Leaf Eggs
Sharing Recipes as Theology: My Ukrainian Grandma's Red Beet Soup
She is a Benefit to Herself
SHE: Alice Phoebe Lou
Shedding in Order to Grow
Sheri D. Kling: Whitehead, Jung, and Psycho-Spiritual Wholeness
A Short Note on Beauty in the Thought of Loren Eiseley and A.N. Whitehead
A Short Note on Interpreting the Qur'an Existentially
Should I Understand God Literally or Metaphorically: A Reflection by John Cobb
Sikhism in Process
Silence: The Art of Odilon Redon
Sin and Sinning: The Future of Sin and Songs about Sin
Sin Is When Life Freezes: Dorothy Solle
Sin, Violence, and Forgiveness: Process Perspectives
Six People in the World with Perfect Parents (and other misfortunes)
Six Questions to Consider after listening to Amanda Gorman's "The Hill We Climb"
Six Ways to Get Along with People Who Are Totally Wrong Politically
Skimming and Scrolling: Are Books and Deep Reading Gone Forever?
Skipping Small Talk: Big Talk and the Enjoyment of Meaningful Conversations
Slave on a Fishing Boat: Film Review of Buoyancy
Sleep, Sleep, Beauty Bright: William Blake, Martha Redbone
Slomo: The Man Who Skates to Freedom
Slow, Emotive, and Quietly Explosive: The Eco-Electronic Music of Mei-Fang Liau
Sludge Metal: Theological Reflections
Small is Still Beautiful: Appreciating the Work and Legacy of E.F. Schumacher
Smartwoods: Ecology and the Need for Mystery
Smelling: A Theology
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: Nita Gilger
So For Pain I am Grateful (a daughter dealing with her father's disease)
So This is What Happened to Me: Ellen Reid's Prize Winning Opera on Sexual Abuse
So This is What Leadership Looks Like: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
So What About Evil?
So What is Christianity, Anyway? Introducing Christianity in a World's Religions Course
Sober Life in Process Perspective
Social Loneliness and Ecological Loneliness: The Living Earth Movement and Process Philosophy
Social Loneliness and Ecological Loneliness: The Living Earth Movement and Process Philosophy
Soft Theism, Generous Non-Theism, and Spacious Agnosticism
Solon to the Rescue: A Father-Daughter Conversation on Politics
Some reflections on the writings of Mary Oliver: Terry Goddard
Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Eva Cassidy
The Sonic Side of Race: Considering Race Relations with help from Sound Studies
The Sonic Side of Reincarnation: Listening to Death and Rebirth through Experimental Electronic Music of Sabiwa
Sonic Theology, Sonic Ontology, Sonic Epistemology: Whitehead and Sound Studies
Sonnet 73: Shakespeare and Whitehead on Love and Impermanence
Soothing Novelty and the Music of Calm
Soul Fire Farm: Afro-Indigenous Farming, Planting Seeds of Hope
The Soul is Not a Thing
A Soul with Size: Bernard Loomer's Invitation to Embrace the World
Souls Marinating in Love: Can Thandeka help save Process Theology?
The Sound and the Fury: Whitehead and Hardcore Punk
Sounds of the Deep: What God Heard Before the Dawn of Creation
Southerner Reflects on Her Racist Heritage
Space in Process: The Birth and Death of Stars
Spaciousness of Uncertainty: A Place for Love
Spare the Prayers and Still we Pray: After the Violence in New Zealand
Speaking the Truth in Love: The Sermons of John L. Farthing
Spinning Wool: Empathy for Fiber as Healing the World
Spiral Living: Seeing with Artist Eyes
Spirit Bathing for the Worried and Beleaguered
A Spiritual Alphabet for a Multi-Faith World
Spiritual Alphabet: Questionnaire for self-examination and community development
Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story
Spiritual Bonds with Chickens
Spiritual Echolocation: Listening with the Ears of the Heart
Spiritual Jukebox for a Multi-Faith World
Spiritual Literacy through Films: Religious Education in a Digital Age
The Spiritual Side of Meredith Monk: Primal Theopoetics
The Spirituality and Politics of the Beloved Community
Spirituality and the Embodied Mind
The Spirituality of Rivers - Rivers as Spiritual Guides
Spirituality of Playlist-making
The Spirituality of Subtraction: Becoming Minus Two
The Spirituality of the Earth: Thomas Berry
Spirituality: What Is It? (The RSA Report)
Spontaneous Flourishing beyond Human Control: A Zen corrective to Strategic Planning
Spots of Time and Occasions of Experience: Wordsworth and Whitehead
St. Patrick's Prayer and Process-Relational Theology
Standing Up for Justice: A Digital Story
Star Formation and Street Art: David Zinn and the Lure Toward Creativity
Starry, Starry Night: Reflections on Prayer, Process Theology, Whitehead and Vincent van Gogh
Stay Angry, My Friend, Stay Angry: A Playlist for Ongoing Protest
Stepping Inside Your Shoes: Alzheimer's and Validation Therapy
Steven Universe: The Need for a Kind and Caring (Cartoon) Savior
Sticking Our Heads in the Sand
A Strange and Quivering Universe: Whitehead and Electronic Music
Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World
Suffering and Meaning
Suffering through the Present Moment: The Pleasure and Angst of Waiting
Sufism Resource Page
Sufism Resource Page: For Process Oriented Seekers
Sufjan Stevens: Spirit of My Silence
Suicide and Relational Therapy: Farhan Shah, Jay McDaniel
Sunflowers for Distressed Hearts: Patricia Adams Farmer
The Superiority of Poetry to Philosophy and Theology: Ten Ways
Surfing as Spirituality
Surprised by Beauty: The Grace of Moving On after Suffering
Sustainability can (and must be) beautiful: Sandra Lubarsky
Sweet Old World: Lucinda Williams and Whitehead on Tenderness
Swimming in Watery Depths: Whitehead, Mermaids, and Water Spirits
Swimming to the Other Side of the Ocean (a daughter dealing with her mother's cancer)
Swimming with the Buddha: Bob Mesle
Sympathetic Joy: A Lesson from Buddhism for Open and Relational Theologians
Sympathy for the Devil: The Transgressive Impulse in Rock Music
Sympathy for Vile Monsters: A Theological Note on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
T is for Transformation: Patricia Adams Farmer
Take Me Home, Country Roads: Homesickness and the Immigrant Experience
Taking a Knee and Taking Down a Monument
Taking a Mr. Rogers Break
Taking a Pshhh Break
Taking the Other to Lunch: Practicing Relationality in Tense Times
Tank and the Bangas: Theopoetic Notes
The Tao of Elementary Education: A Process Teacher
The Tao of Fungi
The Tao of Grandparenting
The Taoist Christian
Taqwa in Islam: ‘Self-Sufficiency’ Doesn’t Exist, and Thank God for That.
Teaching Process Thought in your Local Setting: The Cobb Institute Toolbox
Teaching the Four Hopes of Process Thought in Local Settings: Rev. Jennifer Zechlin
The Teen Mental Health Crisis: Six Tips from an Open and Relational Youth Minister
Teilhard and Whitehead: Twelve Transformations
Ten Ideas for Saving the Planet
Ten Reasons to like Frederick Buechner
Ten Temptations of Consumerism (and the Post-Materialist Alternative)
Ten Things that Piss Off God
Tender Care that Nothing be Lost: God the Button Collector
A Tender Care that Nothing be Lost: The Nurturing Nurse as an Image of God
The Tenderness of God and Ordinary Saints: Teri Daily
The Tenderness of God and Ordinary Saints: Teri Daily
The Tenderness of God's Indifference: Whitehead and the Bhagavad Gita
Thank you, John Prine
Thank You: Practicing Gratitude in a Complex but Beautiful World
Theological Hitchhiking: Learning from People with Different Theologies
Theological Reflection as Poetry
Theology in Montana: Discarded Wood, Family-Owned Sawmills and the Beauty of Divine Mistakes
The Theology of Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson: A Video
Therapeutic Horseback Riding: The Horse as Priest
There Can Be Sadness in Holding On: Nita Gilger
There is no Absolute Present: Whitehead on Durations and Multiple Time Frames
There is no Final Outcome: Faith, Process, and Liminality
There's a Light Inside Us: The Power of Music for People with Dementia and Alzheimer's
They Say Nothing Stays the Same: Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
Thich Nhat Hanh and Process Theology
The Thing about Mister Rogers: He Told us We were Lovable
Thinking about God and Cancer: The Awakening of Zen-Len
Thinking about God in Human-Like Metaphors: Loving Parent and Sovereign King
Thinking Like a Sonnet: Little Songs as the Building Blocks of Reflection
Third Spaces: Developing Cross-Cultural Friendships Through Food, Music, and Storytelling
Thirteen Ways that Process Philosophy and Theology Can Die
Thirty People with cheap Tiki Torches: inside the white supremacy movement
Thirty Six Lures for Feeling
This Moment is Ultimate, Too: An Interpretive Overview of Andrew Davis' "Mind, Value, and Cosmos"
This Ramadan - Resist Rigid Ritualism; Recognise Divine Receptivity
This Sweet Old World: The Temporary Nature of Any Precious Thing
Those Who Practice the Way: A Homily for Michael
Thou Shalt Not Talk About Me So Much: The Shyness of God and the Humble Heart
Though there are Torturers: Process Theology, Good and Evil
A Thoughtful Approach to Abortion: John Cobb
Thoughts on Marriage
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Three Camps in Christianity and the Liberal Option: A Rough Guide by Douglas Todd
Three Cheers for Desmond Tutu's Beautifully Fat Soul
Three Dot Metaphysics: Whitehead and the Ellipsis
Three Paradigms for an Emerging Islamic Process Theology
Three Promises I'm Making: After Reading "Letter from Catherine Keller"
Three Types of Process Theology: Empirical, Speculative, and Rationalist
Through the Eyes of a Gentle, Medium Size Whale: Process Theology and the Animals in our Lives
Thusness: A Whiteheadian Appreciation of Nature's Self-Creativity
Thy Will be Done in Heaven Even if Not on Earth: An Appreciation of Allison Moorer's "Blood"
"Tidying Up" as a Spiritual Practice: Marie Kondo brings a little Shinto to the World
Time for Ilhan: Film Review
To Choose Life
To Err is Human, To Pivot Divine: A Prose Poem by Naomi Shihab Nye
To Love Everybody with a Sincere Heart: The Chu Tzi Foundation
To Perceive the Feelings of Other Animals: Process Theology, Anne Benvenuti, and Richard Rohr
To See the Face of God: Teri Daily
To the Insects by W. S. Merwin
To the New Year by W.S. Merwin: A Whiteheadian Appreciation
To the Thousandth Generation
To Whom Does American Belong? Do White Americans Really "Deserve" America?
Today in Chapel We Confessed to Plants: In Appreciation of a Worship Service at Union Theological Seminary
Tong (通) as Walking on an Open Road: Chinese Process Thinking (Zhihe Wang and Meijun Fan)
Too Much Connectedness: Whitehead and Kierkegaard on Solitude
Too Much Conviction: The Problem of Overly Fervent Belief
Touched by the Tenderness: John Cobb
Traction in The Darkness and The Light: Nita Gilger
Tractors and Squirrels Expounding Dharma: Shoryu Bradley
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Whitehead
Tragic Beauty: The Great Sadness in the Open and Relational God
Transfiguration: A Lutheran's Journey
The Transformational Death of a Son: Fiona Spargo-Mabbs
Transforming Adversity into Spiritual Growth: The Awakening of Zen-Len
Transgressing Boundaries: The God of Good Friday
A Tree Growing out of My Chest: The Bengsons sing the Yearning
Trees: Process Theology for Tree People
Trinity and Women's Experience: Barbara Brown Zikmund
Tripp Fuller and My Mother: Invitations to Open and Relational Christologies
True Protest is Beauty: Phil Ochs, Process Theology, and Islam
The Truest Creativity: Wisdom from Catherine Keller and Nick Cave
Trust in Beauty
Trusting in Fresh Possibilities: Process Theology and Hanukkah
Trying to Understand the Practice of Trusting: Nita Gilger
Turning Process into Poetry: Notes on Charles Olson and Whitehead
Turtle My Teacher
Turtles and Whales (and us)
Twenty Key Ideas in Process Thinking
Twenty Questions: The Spiritual Alphabet
The Twenty Third Psalm in a Pandemic Age
The Twenty Third Psalm in an Age of Transition
Two Conceptions of Power: Bernard Loomer
Two Kinds of God People/Evolution and Purpose
Two Thanksgiving Essays
Two Ultimates: Creativity and God
"U" is for Unity: Patricia Adams Farmer
Unbepissed and other Forgotten Words in the Oxford English Dictionary
Understanding the Insurrection at the Capitol: Frances Flannery
Une réponse musulmane selon la philosophie du ‘processus’ (ou l’ontologie du devenir) par Farhan SHAH
Unexpected Journeys: Nita Gilger
An Unexpected Sort of Wholeness: The Metaphysics of Grief
The Unique "I" of Jesus: John Cobb
The Unity of a Theatrical Event:: In Appreciation of Adolphe Appia
The Universal Christ: Eternal Companion, Radiant Energy, Creative Transformation
The Universal Song: Process Theology and the Wisdom of David Steindl-Rast
The Universe as a Living Whole: Daniel Wahl, Whole Systems Theory, and Process Theology
Untaming the Resurrection: Teri Daily
"V" is for Vision: Patricia Adams Farmer
Van Gogh's Irises: Panexperientialism in Visual Form
Vastness: Weather Forecasts and the Mysteries of the Deep
A Very Short Introduction to Process Theology
Vibrating Over the Face of the Deep
A Vibration between Hearts: Roland Faber, Joan Baez, and Compassion in a Vibrating World
Victor Wooten: Connections between Music and Ecotheology
Virginia McDaniel: Reflections on a Long Life and the Encircling Spirit
Virtual Resurrection through Artificial Intelligence: Springboards for Reflection
Virtuous Conversations: Verbal, Musical, and Ecological
The Visual Poetry of Monica Ong: Social Justice in the Heavens
Vive La Process Revolution: A Call from Generation Z
Volunteering as a Process-Relational Practice
Voting Biblically
Voting is Holy
Vulnerability of God in Scripture
Vulnerable to the Questions: The Role of Doubt in Faith
"W" is for Wonder
W.B. Yeats Reads The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Wade in the Water - Gospel Music - Love Supreme: Podcasts on the History of African American Sacred Music
Walking as a Spiritual Practice
Walking Humbly with our Hominid Ancestors: Four Insights
Walking the Walk: Socially Engaged Buddhism and the Process Movement
Walking: A Universal Spiritual Practice
Was all this meant to be, including Covid-19? A Process Muslim Response
Was Whitehead influenced by Biological Evolution? Yes and No.
Wash Your Hands and Be Kind: Faith in a Time of Pandemic by Bruce G. Epperly
Water as a Bodhisattva: Elizabeth McAnally on the Ethics and Spirituality of Water
Water as a Spiritual Teacher: On Learning to be Strange to Yourself
The Water is Wide: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
Waylaid by Beauty: Patricia Adams Farmer
We are all Nurses-in-the-Making
We Can Save the World Today and Every Day: Dar Williams
We Carry Their Names: A Daily Practice Inspired by Torah
We Feel Therefore We Are: Collective Effervescence and the Primacy of Shared Emotions
We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir
We Learn to Improvise: Miles Davis and Process Theology
We Live in a Terrible Time: Heavy Metal (Doom) Music as a Shot of Aliveness in an Ecocidal World
We Live in a Thoroughly Miraculous World
We Protect What We Fall In Love With: Introducing Process Theology through the themes of Gratitude and Beauty
We Rise by Lifting Others: Caregivers and Domestic Workers as Exemplars
We Will Wonder, Too: Vivian Dong
We, between Past and Future: Artists in Kyiv, Ukraine
We've Only Just Begun: Karen Carpenter and Process Theology
Weaving the Shadow: A Lenten Reflection
Weaving the World: Feminist Theology and Process Theology
The Weirdness of Matter: A Theology
Welcome my Atheist Friend, Religion is too Precious to Leave to Believers
Welcoming our Extraterrestrial Neighbors: Process Philosophy and UFOs
Wesley the Process Theologian: An Essay by John Cobb
What Americans Can Learn From Confucianism
What an Orthodox-Oriented Christian Priest Learns from Process Theology
What are Strain Feelings in Whitehead's Philosophy?
What are We Doing When we Pray?
What can John Wesley do for us Today? Five Lectures by John Cobb
What does an Open and Relational Bible Study Look Like? What are the Group Dynamics?
What does divine "amipotence" look like? It looks like the human touch of a nurturant nurse
What does God's Breathing Sound Like? Caitlin Frasure, Delvyn Case, and New Classical Music
What does the Earth Desire? Thomas Berry on the Wisdom of Children
What Good Shall I Do Today? The Great Work of Nurturing Local Communities
What Happened to America? The (Missing) Politics in Environmental and Sustainability Education
What if God is Real but doesn't Exist? Questions from a Post-Evangelical Seeker to Open and Relational Theologians
What in the World is Process Theology?
What is a Miracle
What is Aliveness? Springboards for Reflection
What is an Ecological Civilization and How do you Practice it?
What Is Christian Process Theology? Marjorie Suchocki
What is Creativity? What is God?
What is Democracy? Springboards for Reflection
What is Ecotheology and How do you Practice it?
What is my Mission in Life? Gratitude for a Sermon by Robert Williamson Jr.
What is My Vocation? by John B. Cobb, Jr.
What is My Vocation? John B. Cobb, Jr.
What is Nature?
What is Process Philosophy and How do you practice it?
What is Religious about this Painting? F. Thomas Trotter
What is the number Two? Whitehead's Eternal Objects, Jung's Archetypes, and Infant Psychology
What is the Place of Silent Prayer in Open and Relational Theologies?
What is the Purpose of Life? Wisdom, Compassion, Creativity
What is the "Relational" Part of Open and Relational Theology?
What is the role of a Muslim Philosopher in a Pluralistic Age?
What is the Role of Spirituality in an Ecological Civilization?
What the Constitution Means to Me: Film Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
What the World's Religions can learn from Irish Pub Music
What would Whitehead think? John Cobb on Ten Principles of Whiteheadian Thinking
What's Going On? Metaphysical questioning as a pleasurable and subversive religious activity
What's to learn from Positive Psychology about Open and Relational Parenting?
What's to Love about America (even as it's been seduced by the Devil)
What's to Love about Top Forty Pop Music? A Theological Appreciation
What's Up, Patriarchy? Lady Gaga, Fem-Country-Punk, and the Book of Esther
Whatever Happened to America? Against Poster Children and "Merit" Criteria
Whatever Happened to the Common Good? Meritocracy, Throwaway Culture, and Folk Libertarianism
Whatever Makes Us Crumble: Triggers for Trauma
Wheel of Life: Eighteen Forms of Spiritual Aliveness
When All the Leaves Are Gone
When Dreams are Interrupted
When Fear Hurts: Patricia Adams Farmer
When I Fall Down I Get Up Again: Short Reflections on Whitehead and Zen
When Strangers Meet Musically and Scripturally: Yo-Yo Ma and Scriptural Reasoning
When the Fat Girl Gets Skinny & Pocket-Sized Feminism: Blythe Baird
When the Light Shines Through: A Sermon on the Transfiguration
When Your Grandmother Dies: Reflections on Perishing and Immortality
Where Does Such Tenderness Come From?
Where is God for the Dying Giraffe: Five Questions for Open and Relational Theologians
Where is God in Alzheimer's Disease?
Where is God in Mental Illness?
Where is Lived Experience in Whitehead?
Where is Scarborough Fair? Process and Folk Music
Wherever It Falls: New Music with Arab Roots
Which is More Important, the Historical Jesus or the Cosmic Christ?
Which Way Do We Choose Going Forward?
White Power Movement in the US and its Transnational Aspirations: Links and Podcasts
Whitehead and Buddhism: John Cobb
Whitehead and Chinese Philosophy
Whitehead and Emily Dickinson: A Theology
Whitehead and Evolution
Whitehead and Little Richard: A Hunger for Intensity, Human and Divine
Whitehead and the Mind-Body Relation
Whitehead and the Transpersonal Mind: Can Exceptional Experiences Help Save the World?
Whitehead and Zen Buddhism: Some Connections
Whitehead Bibliography for Scholars
Whitehead on the Feeling of Peace
Whitehead on Wordsworth - Art out of Nature
Whitehead Videos: Reading Process and Reality with help from Twenty Short Videos
Whitehead without Actual Entities? Maybe so.
Whitehead without God: Donald Sherburne
Whitehead without God: Wieman's Critique of Whitehead
Whitehead, Einstein, and Relativity
Whitehead's Doctrine of God: John Cobb
Whitehead's Doctrine of God: John Cobb in "A Christian Natural Theology"
Whitehead's Empirical Aesthetic: William Dean
Whitehead's Introduction to Mathematics: Henry, Valenza, and Wasserman
Whitehead's Philosophy of Experience: Speculative and Phenomenological
Whitehead's Sonic Ontology and its Performance in Sound Poetry
Whitehead's Theory of Relativity
Whitehead's Theory of Value
Whitehead's Two Kinds of Process
Whitehead’s “Theory” of Propositions: Anthony J. Steinbeck
Whiteheadian Existentialism
Whiteheadian Reflection on Subjective Immortality: Lewis Ford and Marjorie Suchocki
Who are the Champions? Freddy Mercury and Process Theology
Who is Lady Macbeth? A Process Reflection
Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On: Playing the Devil's Music
A Whole Universe of Stories
Wholeness and Beauty: Patricia Adams Farmer, Jay McDaniel
Wholeness and the Implicate Order: Five Ideas from David Bohm
Why are some Young Chinese drawn to Process Thought? It's a Lifestyle
Why are there so many different religions? Paul Ingram
Why Be Christian? Christianity as a Paradigm Shift from Force and Competition to Relational Power
Why Believe in Rebirth? Jeffery D. Long
Why Christians Turn to Buddhism: Six Reasons
Why Do Onions Make Us Cry?
Why Ecological Civilizations Need Coffee Shops
Why Engage in Dialog? A Muslim and Christian Perspective
Why is there a Next Moment? Whitehead Answer: Being is Creativity
Why Listen to Country Music?
Why Should Christians Study the Buddhist Way? Paul O. Ingram
Why Study Physics? It will change you.
Why the Bible is a Horrible Book (and deserves to be read on a regular basis)
Why use a Lectionary? And what is a Lectionary, anyway?
Widening Out into Beauty: Growing into an Open-Ended Life
Wider, Funkier Faith: Robert Williamson and the Forgotten Books of the Bible
Wild Turkeys and Wilderness Ways: Nita Gilger
Wilderness and Interdependence: A Reflection
Will an Ecological Civilization be Fun? Ecological Civilization, the Sunrise Movement, and the Green New Deal
Wisdom from Korea: Jazz, Bibimbap, and Eco-Civ
Wisdom in Your Hands: In Appreciation of the Cobb Eco-Village in China
Wishing for a Song: Anne Goldberg on the Power of Music
With Ear Against Bark I Listen: Pagan Theopoetics from Kathleen Jacobson
With Hearts Linked Together: Joean Oon Siew Kee, Eco-Enzymes, and the Philosophy of Relationships
Without Poetry, What? Finding Your Inner Ozark with help from Wendy Taylor Carlisle
Woman of Constant Transformation: Alice Coltrane
Women Talking/The Culture of Conversation/Forgiveness
Won't You Celebrate With Me: The Poetry of Lucille Clifton
Woodpecker Wisdom: A Willingnes to Regroup and Claiming our Inner Woodpecker: The Relational Alternative
The World Needs Local Entrepreneurs: Rising Tide Capital, Beloved Economies, and Process Theology
The World needs more than Compassion; It needs Gladness.
Worshipping Online: A Reflection by Bruce Epperly
Would Jesus hunt? If he did, would he enjoy the killing?
Writing about Writing
Writing about "Writing about God": Paul O. Ingram
"Y" is for You
Yearning: Thawing Cold Wars in the Heart
Yes to Miracles, No to Omnipotence
Yes to Sex, Yes to Intimacy, and No to Pornography: Farhan Shah and Jay McDaniel
Yes, God is in Control but through Love not Predestination
Yes, I am a Druid. And Process, too.
Yesterday: A Film Review
Yin and Yang of Persons-in-Community: A Chinese and American Seek Wisdom Together
A Yoga of World Solidarity: Inspiration from Catherine Keller
You Never Know: Living with Radical Contingency as a Spiritual Practice
You were Strangers: The Ethical Significance of Passover
Young Wesleyans: What if God is really Love?
Your Appointment with Life is in the Present Moment Where Process Theology meets Thich Nhat Hanh
Your God is Too Big: Learning to find God in the Small and Tender
Your Soul is a River: Bob Mesle and the Warsaw Village Band
The Yunhe Center in China: Nurturing a new generation of young Chinese
Zen Cooking: Life is What Happens in the Kitchen
Zen Meditation
Zest for Life: Falling in Love with the Idea of Living
Zooming God: A Note on Digital Panentheism
За нашою границею: New Music from Ukraine
آیدین صمیمی مفخم—Idin Samimi Mofakham
মশ্তিষ্কের কণ্ঠশ্বর | Voices in my head
비자아: Buddhist No-Self in a Dark and Digital World
"知音"(zhī yīn) and Musical Friendship
聪明 as Multiple Intelligence
22.4 Trillion Digits So Far: Pi and Process Theology
280 Billion Songbirds Lost. My Grief is Complete. A Poem.
8 Points of Process Theology: Color in the Details
"A" is for Attention: Patricia Adams Farmer
Abandoning Yourself to the Rhythm: Ecstatic Dancing and Spirit Possession
About Open Horizons
Acceptance Speech After Setting the World Record in Goosebumps: Andrea Gibson
Accepting Jesus as your Personal Lord and Savior: A Process Appreciation
Accumulating Wealth versus Following Jesus: John Cobb
Act of Creative Ijtihad
Ada María Isasi-Díaz: Mother of Mujerista Theologies
Adventures in Imagination: Beyond Philosophical Boxes and Theological Pep Rallies
Advice to a Young Writer: Patricia Adams Farmer
Aesthetic and the Ethical: John Cobb
The Aesthetic Side of God: Charles Hartshorne on God's Enjoyment of Our Enjoyment
Aesthetic Value and Relational Power: Bob Mesle
After Calamity: Death of God and New Possibilities
After Great Pain, Finding a Way Out: Joan Chittister
After Hug Withdrawal: Springboards for Reflection on Post-Pandemic Community
After Mass Shootings: Bradley Artson, John Cobb, Nicholas Kristof
After the Cultural Backlash: Imagining a Process Populism
After the Earthquake
After the Synagogue Attack: A Muslim and Christian Appreciation of Rabbi Bradley Artson's Response
Against Totalitarian Rigidity: Freedom for Adventure
Albert Camus: My Favorite Atheist
Aliens and Psychedelics: Novel Directions in Process Philosophy
All I Have to Do is Dream? Pop Harmonies as Windows to God
All is Void and there is no Buddha
All of Us Praying for All of Us
The Allegory of the Cave: A Footnote to Plato
The Alone with the Alone: Henry Corbin, Ibn' Arabi, and Process Theology
Alternative Worlds: Ursula Le Guin, Process Theology, and the Kesh People
Altizer on Altizer: The God of Novelty and Ashes
Alzheimer's and the Consequent Nature of God: Still Alice
Am I, too, meant to be a Mother of God?
Amanda Gorman and the Institute for Ecological Civilization: Two Signs of Hope
Amanda Gorman, Bruce Springsteen and Healing the Soul of the Nation
Ambition, Greed, Deception, and Revenge: Feudal Loyalty in American Society
The America I Believe In: Sophia Said
America the Ugly: Our History of Slavery and Rapacious Businessmen
America's Night on Bald Mountain: Haunted by a Feral, Monstrous Mood
America's Real Culture War: Between an Obsession with Money and Lovingkindness
American Rage: The Piano Version
The Amipotent God as Amida Buddha: Thomas Oord and Pure Land Buddhism
Amplifying Silent Voices: What the Next Generation is Thinking About
Anaïs Maviel: Without Great Black Music
"And Beauty for All" Movement
And Beauty for All: Lubarsky, Goddard, and Farmer
And Breathe Normally: A Socially Literate Film on Immigration and Friendship
And God said "What's Up?" - Twenty-Five Divine Colloquialisms
And Macrina Laughed: A Tribute to Macrina Wiederkehr
And Now for the Real Stars: The Staff at Memory Care Centers who dance with the Residents
Andrew Davis: Philosophical Foundations of Process Thinking (Video Series)
Angels are Made of Light: Film Review
Angels are Made of Light: Film Trailer and Discussion
The Anger of Achilles: The Iliad and Process Theology
Angkor Wat: The Temple as Event
Animal Experience: A Whiteheadian Analysis
The Animals in Our Lives: A Book Recommendation
Ann Lamott and Process Theology
Ann Lamott: Theology for the Rest of Us
The Arch My Teacher: Living with the Push and Pull of Life
Are Chemicals Creative? The New Understanding of "Nature"
Are there Buddhas on other Planets? Imagining Extraterrestrial Spiritualities
Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Process Reflections on Traditional Folk Music
Ariadne: Postmodern Sacred Music (Christian)
Arriving at Wholeness in Life after Death? David Ray Griffin's Invitation to Hope
Art for Ecological Civilization: Evocations of Hope in a Time of Need
The Art of Isabelle Robinson: Process Theology in Three Images
The Art of Savoring: Patricia Adams Farmer
Artistic Creativity as Spiritual Practice: An Example from Islamic Culture
As John Sees It: Process Philosophy, AA, and Recovery
Ask a Muslim Philosopher: Is it OK to think new thoughts?
Ask a Rabbi: Is it OK to be Spiritual but not Religious?
Asmaa Elamrousy: Hip Hop Hijabi
Astronomy and Creation: Ian Barbour
At Last My Love Has Come Along: The Religious Significance of Popular Love Songs
At the Still Point, Where the Dance Is: T.S. Eliot's 'Four Quartets'
Atheism and Faitheism: Springboards for Reflection
Atheism of Generation Z: Atheism, Agnosticism, Panentheism, and Soft Theism
Atoms as Fellow Creatures: Toward a Process Theology of the Very Small
Attuned to the Horizontal Sacred: Why Process Theology needs Mary Oliver
Augustine's Lament: The Decline of Deep Reading in Digital Culture
An Avalanche of Fragments: Whitehead, T.S. Eliot, and Modernity
Avina Malkeinu
The Awakening of Zen-Len Creative Transformation through a journey with Cancer
"B" is for Beauty: Patricia Adams Farmer
"B" is for Being Present: Patricia Adams Farmer
Back to Fundamentals: Jimmy Carter Bible Study
Bad Novelty: The Slow Whittling Away of Tradition by Modernity
The Baffled Mind as Sacred Space: Wendell Berry, Sarah Taibah, John O'Donohue
Baha'i and Unitarian Universalism: Religions of "Oneness and Manyness"
Baptism in a Sacramental Universe: Bruce Epperly
Barbara Holmes: A Mentor for our Times
The Basileia Theou Today as Ecological Civilization: John Cobb
The Basis for a Pluralist Theology of Religions
Beatles: You Know You Should Be Glad
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat Film Review
The Beautiful Smallness of God: Jean Vanier, Christianity, and the Wisdom of Tenderness
Beauty as a Plank Amid the Waves: Patricia Adams Farmer's "Beauty and Process Theology"
Beauty in Vulnerability—Looking in the Mirror
The Beauty of an Open-Ended Life/Tolerance for the Incomplete
The Beauty of Imperfection
Beauty or Beast: Are there Rattlesnakes in Heaven?
Becoming - East and West
Becoming a Drop of Kindness: Yungchen Lhamo, Tibetan Buddhism, and Whitehead
Becoming a Limb of the Godhead: A Short Note on Process and Kabbalah
Becoming a Self-Aware and Spiritually Alive Faith Community: Using the Spiritual Alphabet in Congregational Life
Becoming a Spiritually Literate Congregation: The Spiritual Alphabet
Becoming a Window Maker: Creating Openings as an Open and Relational Practice
Becoming an Eco-Person (生态人)
Becoming an Interfaith Leader: A Resource Page
Becoming Ecozoic: Fifteen Forward-Looking Academics offer a Progressive Agenda for Higher Education
Becoming Otherwise: Missy Elliot, Judith Butler, AN Whitehead
Becoming Simon of Cyrene: Rev. Teri Daily
Becoming Someone Else: Tameka Norris and the Construction of New Selves
Becoming the Person My Dog Thinks I Am
Befriending the Planets: Ten Gifts from our Planetary Neighbors
Being Hear: Listening to Nature as a Way of Recovering Sanity in a Troubled World
Being Swept Up and Away: Finding Courage When Fear Calls Our Name
Being the First to Extend Greetings: Practicing the Process Way of Living
Beloved Civilization: King’s Dream and Covid-19
Beowulf Now and Then: From Warrior-Heroes to the Galilean Vision
Bergson, Mathematics, and Creativity: Pete A. Y. Gunter
The Best of Enemies: Film Review
Better Angels Project: Conversations Across Political Divides for Social Healing
A Better Way is Possible: Fourteen Process Transformations
Beverly's Lament: Jesus said love your enemies but he didn't know Donald Trump
Beware the Sugar-Coated Jesus: John L. Farthing
Beyond Enlightenment Rationality: Islamic Epistemologies by Esmé L. K. Partridge
Beyond Mere Interconnectedness: The Hunger for Love and Delight
Beyond Mindfulness: Making Space for Restless Exuberance
Beyond Resentment: The Gentle Badass
Beyond Rigidity: Iqbal, Whitehead, and a New Religious Existentialism
Beyond the Skinny "I": Listening for the Unexpected in Ukranian Folk-Punk of ДахаБраха
Bible as a Cat Lady: Poem and a Thought
The Bible is a Book of Inclusion and Love
Biggest Little Farm: Documentary Film Review
Biologist Looks at Process Thought (L. Charles Birch)
Birds of Passage (Pájaros de Verano): A Film Review
Black Lives Matter & Institutional Racism: A Dialogue Between Socrates and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Black Metal Evensong: A Song by Panopticon
Black Panther: Metaphysics. Music Plot
Blessed are the Caregivers: Film Review of "Diane"
Blue Boat Home: Video by Kathleen Reeves, Photography by Thomas Oord
Bob Dylan as Secular Psalmist: His Fifty Best Songs
Bob Dylan, Roland Faber, and Alfred North Whitehead
Boo Bah Bah: A Daily Dose of Constructive Weirdness
Bowing at the Gates of Injustice: Goodness and Humility as Protest
Bragging: A Process Reflection
The Bread I Give is My Flesh: Reflecting on Holy Communion
Breathing with the Universe: Process Theology and Tai Ji
Breeze on Bare Skin and Gentleness of Every Kind: A Gratitude Collage
Brian McLaren and Process Theology
Brief Moments in Time: Process Theology and Haiku Consciousness
Brightening Your Small Corner of the World: Practicing Ecological Civilization
Bring me my Chariot of Fire: William Blake and John Cobb on the need for a Green, Humane World
Bringing Life to Life: One Role of Art in an Ecological Civilization
Brother David Steindl-Rast: A Grateful Day and Loving Your Enemies
The Brush with God: Rev. Barkley Thompson
The Buddhist Ground of the Whiteheadian God: Thomas J.J. Altizer
The Buddhist Monk who Got Addicted to his Phone: The Shadow Side of Screen Culture
A Buddhist-Christian Critique of Neo-Liberal Economics
Buffalos, Butterflies, and Borders
Building a Canoe: Moving from Rough to Smooth
Building a Future Together: Notes on Muhammad Iqbal's Philosophy of Creativity
Building a New Jerusalem: William Blake, Thomas Hardy, and John Cobb on Building a Post-Industrial World
Building Ecological Civilizations: The Practical Side
Cacophony and the Deep: Whitehead and Noise Music
Call Me Ishmael: Moby Dick and Process Theology on the Ruthlessness of God
Call to Transformation: Graduating as a (Lifelong) Spiritual Practice
Call, Gift, and Response: Teri Daily
The Calling of a Muslim Philosopher: Farhan Shah
Can a Christian be a Buddhist, Too?
Can a Christian Believe in No-Self?
Can a Muslim be a Panentheist? Question to a Muslim Philosopher
Can a Theist be an Atheist, Too?
Can Earth Day be Exciting Again? The Cobb Eco-Academy and Process Communitarianism
Can God hear music without human ears?
Can God Smile? Open and Relational Perspectives
Can Islam Be Reformed? A Short Note on the Concept of Reform in Islam
Can Process Philosophy be Whistled? Whistled Languages as Cultural Treasures
Can Process Theology Affirm Creatio-Ex-Nihilo and Divine Self-Limitation?
Can Trees Make Us Happier? Ecological Civilizations and Mental Health
Can We Feel Each Other's Feelings? Whitehead on the Ontology of Empathy
Can't Help Falling in Love: Elvis, Rumi, and Process Theology
Cara Hochhalter: Making Art as Biblical Interpretation
Career Counseling from a Pomegranate Tree: Whitehead Meets Gary Nabhan
Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros: Theopoetics in Action
Catch a Falling Star: Blessed Nostalgia as a Spiritual Practice
Cats as Spiritual Teachers
Causal Efficacy/Withness of the Body (Whitehead's Philosophy)
Cave: Film Review
Celebrating the Chinese New Year: Whitehead and Dumplings
Center for Process Spirituality in Arkansas
The Charged Moment: The Windhover by Gerard Manley Hopkins
Cheer the Hell Up: The Theopoetics of David Byrne
The Chemistry Lab as Sanctuary: AN Whitehead on Percy Bysshe Shelley
Child of God
Children's Wisdom, Grown-Up Wisdom and the Gifts of Mutual Flourishing
China and Creative Postmodern Wu-Wei
China's Ecological Civilization: Our Common Great Opportunity (Zhihe Wang)
China's Monkey King: Journey Toward Ecological Civilization
Chongqing, China: Teamwork and Community Pride as Keys to Ecological Civilization
Choosing to be Present and Open: Joanna Macy on Spirituality in an Age of Climate Crisis
Christ in a Fish Bladder and a Hug: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
Christ in the Messy Middle: Eight Ideas that Come to Mind While Reading Amy Young
Christian Atheism: John Cobb's appreciation of Thomas Altizer
Christian Process Theology: Introductions for the General Reader
Christian Process Theology: Its Early Phase
The Christian Taoist
Christianity and Empire: John Cobb
Christianizing Secular Music: Is it Watering Down or Creative Transformation?
Christians Against Gun Culture: The "We Give Up our Guns" Movement
The Church Now Among You: JJ Warren and a Young Methodist Prayer
Church of Dolly Parton
The Church of Nomadland: Creative Transformation while Living in a Van
The Church of Sonic Wandering: Imagining a Church with Open Ears
Church's False Witness Against Jews
Claiming Your Inner Mermaid: Gyða Valtýsdóttir's Evolution
Claiming your inner Roma: Thoughts after reading a Review
Clapping from my Balcony: Sharing our Humanity with help from Sheri Kling
A Clear, Calm Mind
Climate Change and Democracy: David Orr
Climbing Pine Mountain: Experiencing God with our Senses
Clinging to the Vine: Spirituality as Fortitude
Clock Time and Lived Time: Henri Bergson, Pete A.Y. Gunter
The Cobb Institute and its Friends
Cobb Institute: Mission & Vision
Collecting Scraps of Light: The Practice of Gratitude as a Thank You Note to Life
Color Things Differently: What Christians, Jews, and Muslims can learn from Hip-Hop Country
Come What May
Comeuppance: A Brandi Carlile Song
A Communicative Cosmos: Energy Transfers. Pheromones, Initial Aims
Comparing Whitehead and Chinese Philosophy
Compassion Education for an Ecological Civilization
Compassionate Police Officer in a Compassionate City
Confessions of an Occasionally Boring Teacher: Twelve Principles of Holistic Education
Connections, Neighbors, and Unexpected Beauty: Nita Gilger
Conquering "Savages" and Global Dominance: The Sins of American Exceptionalism
Constructive Guilt as a Blessing from God
Constructive Postmodernism Is a Better Choice: Interview with Zhihe
Cooking as a Spiritual Practice
Corn, Beans, and Chili Peppers: Traditional Mexican Cuisine as Inspiration for Ecological Civilization
Country Music: Film Review
Courage to Hope: Zhihe Wang, Meijun Fan, and a 21st Century Enlightenment
Crazy as Hell: Fat Soul Shamanism
Creative Lamentation
The Creative Life: God Sets the Melody and We Improvise
Creative Localization: A Community-Based Approach to Ecological Civilization in Practice and Theory
Creativity as the Essence of Actuality
Creativity Galore: A Glimpse of the Food Culture of Wuhan, China
Critical View of Inherited Theology
Crossing the Red Sea: The Fierce Hope that Can Emerge from Deep Sadness
Cui Jian: The Beginning of Chinese Rock Music
Cultivating Compassion and Beauty: Nita Gilger
Cultivating Creativity: Arts Education in an Artistic Universe
Culture as a Cosmic Living Organism: Kubarsy, an Avant-Garde Band from Ukraine
Cursed are the Meek: The Anti-Christian Theology of Donald Trump
Cut the Crap, White America: Beyond Pleasantville
DakhaBrakha: Crazy Homeland Harmonies from Ukraine
DAMN. - A Review by Rodney Carmichael of Kendrick Lamar's Album
Dancing in the Real World: Theologizing from the Site of the Flesh
Dancing in the Streets: "J" is for Moments of Joy
Dancing in Uzbekistan: The Sunniest Dance on Earth
Dancing with You from "Here" to "There"
Dante's Inferno: A Journey through the Nine Circles of Hell
The Dao of Basketball: Han Sun and Jay McDaniel
Daoism and Process: The Daoist Side of Whitehead
Dawn Richard, New Orleans, and Bodily Resurrection through Dance
A Day in the Life of Gaza Fishermen: We are Not Numbers
Deaf Culture, Process Theology, and Spiritual Knowing
Dealing with Mental Illness Islamically: Demythologization of inherited forms of religious thought
Dear Future Feelings of My Young Son Jesus
Dear God or Bill Gates: A Nursing Home Prayer
Dear God, might I too make good trouble?
Dear James Dobson: A Letter from Delores on Immigration
Dear Rabbi: Is it OK to shift back and forth between thinking of God as a force and thinking of God as a person?
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Hell: A Process Alternative to the idea of Eternal Conscious Torment
Deep and Wide: Nita Gilger
Deep Calls to Deep: A Meditation on Jazz and Prayer
Deep Listening, Science, and Spirit: Timothy Eastman's Untying the Gordian Knot as a Resource for Poets and Artists
Deep Unto Deep
Delvyn Case: Classical Christian Punk Musician
Democracy and the Divine: Patricia Adams Farmer
Deporting Jesus: Jesus among the Refugees
Des Moines, Iowa: The Practice of Pluralism in the American Heartland
Desert Spirituality: Roland Faber, Mary Earle, and the Desert Mothers
Desire for Satisfaction: Thinking about Whitehead with help from the Rolling Stones
Desmond Tutu's You
Deus ex Musica and Spiritual Literacy
Deus ex Photographia: Four Short Theologies from Thomas Oord
Deus ex Photographia: Theopoetics from Thomas Oord
Dhamma Brothers: Meditation in Prison
Dhikr: A Process Reflection
Dichotomy is a Kind of Harmony: Reflections on "The Two Popes"
Did God Create the World out of Nothing? Ask John Cobb
Did God Design Venus Flytraps? Well, not exactly.
Did Jesus have a baby sister? Dory Previn
Difference between Curing and Healing
Differences Make the Whole Richer: Reflections on Education with Help from a Morning Marker in Harbin, China
Different Things Together: Whitehead's Concept of Harmony
Different Ways to Pray: A Poem by Naomi Shihab Nye
The Difficult Way
Digital Process Theology: An Open-Ended Campfire Conversation
Disability and Imagination: Molly Joyce on Creative Transformation
A Divided America: Six Ways to Get Along with People who seem Totally Wrong
Divine Flexibility: Being Seekers Rather Than Settlers
Divine Plurality: The World as Part of God
The Divine Space We Live In: The Bhavagad-Gita, Roland Faber, and Process Theology
The Divinity of Rice: Jea Sophia Oh
Do I Believe in God? A Springboard for Discussion
Do Something: Volunteering and Community Service as Process-Relational Practices
Do You Think You are Superior to Us? Fatoumata Diawara
Does Anything Really Move? A Question for Whitehead
Does God ever get Tired of Being Worshiped and Praised?
Does God Pivot? A Dialogue with chatGPT
Does God take Selfies? An Open and Relational Alternative to Selfie Culture
Does God think in Metaphors? Process Theology, Open Theism, Metaphor Making, and the Theology of John Sanders
Does Islam say that human beings have free-will?
Does process theology have anything to say about patriotism? John Cobb
Does Science Support Belief in God? A Note from John Cobb
Does the Idea of God's Providence Make Sense? A Reflection by John Cobb
Don Viney: Philosopher and Musician
Don't Bow: Grace Jill Schireson
Don't Look Up: Spirituality and Practice Film Review
"Don't Never Tell Nobody Not to Use No Double Negatives"
Don't Sugar It Up, Tell Your Truth, Live in the Along: Gwendolyn Brooks
Donald Trump’s Photo-Op and the Essence of Christianity
Donating my Wedding Dress: A Pakistani Sharing
Dot-to-Dot Providence: Trust in a God who makes New Plans
Double Consciousness: WEB Du Bois, Maya Angelou, Paul Laurence Dunbar
Double Religious Belonging: Buddhism and Christianity
Down-to-Earth-Theology: Learning from Mayra Rivera
Dressing Like Mister Rogers for Love's Sake
The Drip-Drip of Persistence: Patricia Adams Farmer
Dwelling Musically in the World: A Brief Introduction to the Process Lifestyle
Dying of Whiteness: Bob's Confession
Dynamic and Evolving, Loving and Hopeful: The Beauty of Divine Omniscience
The Dynamic Depth of a Canyon Precipice: A Photograph by Thomas Oord
Dynamic God, Evolving World: Judaism and Process Thought
Each Horse has a Hidden Space: The Art of Ingrid Geisler
Earth as Original Monastery
Earth Awe: Wordsworth, Paganism, and Process
The Earth Charter on Education: Four Key Themes
Earth Day: Twelve Spiritual Practices to Honor the Earth
Earthism Rising: John Cobb's Idea in Video Form
An Earthly Theological Agenda: Sallie McFague
Eating Chocolate as Contributing to God's Enjoyment
Eating Popcorn as a Spiritual Practice
Ecclesiastes in Country Music: Robert Williamson and Jason Isbell
Echoes of Paradise: Finding God in Gardens and Sufi Music
Eco-Chilling for the Common Good: Eco-Planet Psychedelic Lounge Music
An Eco-Christology for an Age of Mass Deforestation
Eco-Electronica: Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith
The Eco-Philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Ecofeminism, Reverence for Life, and Feminist Theological Ethics: Lois K. Daly
Ecological Civilization and Vegan Chili: Building Cross-Cultural Friendships by Sharing Food and Recipes
Ecological Civilization as a Holistic Transformation: Dr. Meijun Fan
Ecological Civilization: David Korten
Ecological Grief, Seminary Education, and Funerals for Lost Glaciers
Economic Flourishing after the Pandemic: Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics
Economic Justice and Process Philosophy
Economism as Idolatry: John Cobb
Ecospirituality begins at Home: A Poem by Lucy Griffith
Ecotheology as the World's Best Hope
The Ecstatic Faith of Rumi
Education for Creativity: Ken Robinson and Whitehead
The Education of Feeling: A Spiritual Alphabet for Ecological Civilizations
Eight Categories of Existence (Whitehead's Philosophy)
Eight Forms of Mysticism
Eight Theological Mistakes According to Charles Hartshorne
Eighth Grade: What is Faith to a Shy, Lonely, Thoughtful Thirteen Year Old?
The Electron: A Theology
Electronic Music and the Face of the Deep: The Ambient Church and Process Theology
Electronically Queer Heterotopias: The art of Tara Transitory and Justyna Stasiowska
Eli Paperboy Reed: Gospel Music for Everybody
Elisapie - Arnaq - Reverence
Ellen Birx: Christian, Buddhist, Nurse, Grandmother
Elvis and the Benedictines and Holy Play
Embracing Grace: Rev. Teri Daily
Embracing Prodigals by John Sanders
Emerging Hopes in China: The Sunshine Eco-Village, Process Thought, and the Resurrection of Tao Yuanming
An Emotionally Intelligent Nation: Is it too much to ask?
Empirical Process Theology: Bernard Loomer's Eight Great Ideas
Emptiness as Dynamic Interconnectedness and Self-Emptying: Nicole Bea Pastoukof
Empty Space, Mountains, and Souls: Whitehead's Concepts of Nexūs, Societies and Living Persons
Encanto: Film Review
Encircling Spirit, Sacred Whole, Deep Nurturing: Theology without the word "God"
The End of the World: A Meditation on Apocalyptic Thinking
The Enduring Popularity of Elvis Presley
English in China Today
English Teacher for a Zen Master
Enjoy the Colors: The Chemistry Lab as Sacred Space
Enjoying a Vivid Mental and Spiritual Life: Why Young Chinese Turn to Process Thinking
Enlightened Irony: The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the Universe
Enlightenment as Awakening to Essential Kenosis: Open and Relational Buddhism
Enough of Moral Outrage. How about a Passion for Compassion?
Ephemeral: Introducing Whitehead's Principle of Process Visually, Musically, and Verbally
Eshet Hayil – modern version
The Essence of Christianity: Alfred North Whitehead
Eternal Objects
The Ethics of Body Swapping: A Film Review of Advantageous
Every Crevice a Story: The Boulder as Teacher
Everyone is Someone’s Jacob: What I’ve Learned From My Autistic Son
Everything Flows: A Process Approach to Ecohumanism (Lynn De Jonghe)
Everything We See is Past: Whitehead and the Light Cone Diagram
Evoking People, Animals, and Places: Gratitude to Yoik Songs and Sami Culture
Evolution and Continuing Creation: Ian Barbour
The Evolution of Whales: Natural History as Part of God's Life
An Evolving Torah from an Evolving God: Rabbi Bradley Artson
Exorcising the White Imagination: Afrofuturism as Spiritual Practice
Expanding Circles of Thanks: Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
Experiencing Deeply
Experiencing the Sacred in the Present
Exploratory, Interfaith Christology: Jared Morningstar, Jay McDaniel
The Extensive Continuum
"F" is for Faith
"F" is for Forgiveness
Facing the Buried Horrors: Micah Busey Reviews the Horror Film US
Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair: The Tragedy of Macbeth
Faith and the Entangled Life: Process Theology and Dostoevsky
Faith in the Goodness of Strangers: The Elf Louise Christmas Project
Faith on the Edge Podcasts with Bruce Epperly
Falling in Love: A Rare and Beautiful Togetherness
A Family of Pigs: The Subjectivity of other Animals in Open and Relational Theology
Fat Soul Band and Four J's: Musicking for a Better World
Fat Soul Philosophy (Six Characteristics)
Fear: Not My Favorite Spiritual Companion
February is sobbing and the candle drips on the table: Iya Kiva, Ukrainian Poet
A Feeling for Life: Howard Thurman, Process Theology, and Ecological Civiization
Feeling the Absence of God: Say Something I'm Giving Up on You
Feeling the Feelings of Others: The Ambiguous Intensity of Eye Contact
Feeling the Supreme Beauty: Whitehead's Appreciation of Non-Verbal Experience
Feminism and the Courage to Be: Mary Daly
Festooning: God as Ambient Light and Inner Light
Fifteen Reasons to Birdwatch: The Mental Health Benefits of Connecting with Nature
Fifty One Days of Quarantine in Wuhan: One Woman's Story
Finding Emotional Sobriety through Volunteering: A Process Appreciation
Finding God in Rivers and Dogs
Finding God in the Garbage and the Flowers
Finding God in the Now: Paul Ingram
Finding Grace in a Bowl of Ashes
Finding Meaning in Death, Psychedelics, and Sobriety: John Buchanan
Finding Some Sort of New Life: Can Illness be my Teacher?
Finding the Green Light: I Was Blocked by a Trump Caravan, Too.
Finding the Spirit at Work in the World: A Sermon by Robert Williamson
Finding the "Yum" in Things: Esperanza Spalding, Process Theology, and Ecological Civilization
Finding Your Inner Banjo
Finnegans Wake and Process Theology
First Snow: Susannah Stubbs
First Steps in a Process Theology of Dance
Five Foundations for a New Civilization
Fixing Like a Child: Nita Gilger
Flagstaff College: A Very Small College on a Very Big Mission
A Floating World: "Objects in Odysseys" by Bill Psarras
Florence + the Machine: A Theology of "Big God"
A Flower Flowers: Openness to the Spontaneity of the Particular
Flowers and Guns: Music by Daniel De Togni, Reflection by John Cobb
Foggy Mountain Breakdown: Bright and Playful Mysticism
The Folk Music Center and the Cobb Institute: Shining Lights in Claremont, California
Follow Your Inner Moonlight: Notes on Allen Ginsberg and Alfred North Whitehead
Following in the Footsteps of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Rosh Ha-Shanah Meditation
Following Jesus
Food and Faith: Links and Resources
Football: It's About the Hitting
For Me "China" is its People: An American Appreciation
For My People by Margaret Walker
For Pain I am Grateful (dealing with her father's disease)
Forgiveness and Pain: Mass, the Movie
Four Characteristics of a Process-Relational Psychotherapy: Mary Elizabeth Moore
Four Harmonies Worth Seeking: With Yourself, Other People, The Natural World, and Heaven
Four Hopes Education: Beyond STEM
Four Hopes of Process Thinking
The Four Hopes of the Process Movement
Four Hopes of the Process Movement
Four Ideas to Live By: The Theopoetics of Maya Angelou
Four Reasons I'm Bound to Israel
The Four Temptations of Country Music: Be Careful.
Four Ways of Relating Science and Religion: Conflict, Independence, Dialogue, Integration
Four Ways to Roll Up Our Sleeves: Practicing Earth Day Every Day
Fourth World Aesthetics: Jon Hassell and Whitehead
Free Falling: A Way Other Than Our Own
Freedom for All: This is my Song, O God of all the Nations
Frida Kahlo: Artist and Exemplar
A Friend's Love - Why Process Theology Matters: Bob Mesle
Friluftsliv: Nordic for the "Fresh-Air Life"
Frogs are Sacred, Too. Uncoupling God and the Sacred.
From a Worldview to a Way of Living: The Transformation of Process Thought in China
From Emergency to Emergence: David Korten on The New Economy
From Interfaith to Interpolitical: Cultivating Community Amid Political Divisions
From the Myth of Separation to the Story of Interbeing: Charles Eisenstein and Process Philosophy
From Worldview to Virtues: The Maturing of a Process Theologian
Fudge: Bob Mesle
Fun Church: David Byrne's American Utopia
Funerals for Dead Glaciers: Need Music
Fusion of Thought and Feeling: Whitehead, John Donne, and Metaphysical Poetry
The Future is Open: Wisdom from the Hebrew Bible
Futuristic Fire Music: Moor Mother's Free Jazz as Liberation Theology
"G" is for Grace (Patricia Adams Farmer)
Galaxies, Galaxies Everywhere: Ten Reasons to Gaze into the Night Sky
Game of Thrones: The Spiritual and Religious Side
GATE A-4: Naomi Shihab Nye
Gene Reeves as a Pioneer in Multiple Religious Belonging: Christian - Unitarian - Universalist - Buddhist
The Genius of the Beautiful is its Power to Move us Emotionally: William Dean on Whitehead's Empirical Aesthetic
George Floyd Believed in a God of Fresh Starts
Getting Back to the Garden: The Romantic Impulse in Popular Music
Getting Perspective of Life: Eighteen Teachings of Pope Francis
The Gift of Chaos
The Gift of Loving Attention: Process Theology and Alzheimer's Disease
Gina Rendina: The Hunger for Collective Joy and the Calling of a Cruise Ship Vocalist
Give the Earth some Credit: Let the Energy and Beauty of the World be Not-God
Give Us This Day our Daily Rage: A Nation Addicted to Anger
Give You My Breath: The Buddhist-Inspired Art of Melissa Gill
Giving Kids an Inner Compass: Process Theology, Parenting, Family Life, and Spirituality
Giving Peace a Chance: On the Relationships Between Love, Beauty, and Peace
Giving Up on Open Theism: Confessions of a Disappointed Supplicant
Global Climate Change: Who Gives a Crap? We Do.
The Glorious Imperatives of the Body: Whitehead and Sappho
The Glory (and Risk) of Freedom
Go Fish: A Life in Christ
God Almighty? No Way!
God and Artistic Creativity: A Process Appreciation of Islamic Art
God and Beer: A Process Appreciation of Belgian Beer Culture
God and Bon Appetit: Enthusiasm for Life as a Spiritual Virtue
God and Earthquakes: John Cobb, Bradley Artson
God and Hurricanes: A Reflection by John Cobb on God and Natural Disasters
God and the Alone: A Reflection by Leslie Muray
God and the Deep: Whitehead, Wallace Stevens, and Catherine Keller
God and the Delivery Driver in a Threatened and Unjust World
God as a Public Park: Divine Multiplicity as a Welcoming Space
God as Abba: John Cob's Proposal
God as Gentle, God as Indifferent: Predator-Prey Relations in Whiteheadian Perspective
God as Natural as Gravity and as Beautiful as Rainbows: Notes on the New Naturalism
God as the Deep Listening
God as the Tuning Fork of the Universe
God as Wind and Breath: Grace Kim, Roland Faber, John O'Donohue
God as Zest: Process Theology and the Evolution of Crocodiles
God in the Depths: Tigran Hamasyan and Sheri Kling
God is Becoming: Consolation in the Face of Tragedy
God is Eternal and Unchanging, Too: John Cobb's Preference for Whitehead over Hartshorne
God Is Here
God is Life and Life is Holy: A Moment of Torah
God is Present Now: Process Theology and Coaching Track
God is the Whole of every whole: Teilhard de Chardin, Ilia Delio, and Process Theology
The God of La Bamba: Awakening to a God who Belly Laughs
God Only Knows: Open and Relational Theology meets the Beach Boys
God the Deep Remembering: A Tender Care that Nothing be Lost
God the Divine Mermaid: Gyða Valtýsdóttir
God the Pianist: Bach, Process Theology, and Piano Playing
God was in my Father Kneeling Next to Me
God with a Spacious Heart
God without a Hamzat Suit: Letter to God in a Pandemic Time
God, Are You Looking for Me? Nita Gilger on Owning the Shadow
God's Command to Have Fun: Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
God's Command to Have Fun: Spirituality as Merrymaking
God's Fellow Workers: Greg Hoover
God's Love for the Octopus: An Open and Relational Appreciation of Cephalopods
God's Three Natures: Mind, Heart, and Guidance
Good Enough for Now: A Practice for Perfectionists
The Good Shepherd: A Universal Love
Good Vibrations: Roland Faber, Joan Baez, Phil Ochs, Pythagorus, and Whitehead
The Good, the Bad, and the AI: A Process Approach to AI Ethics
Goodbye, Earth: The Failure of "Adults" to Care for the Planet
The Gospel of Eureka: Queerly Good News in Eureka Springs, Arkansas
The Gospel of Fear and Resentment: QAnon and the Trump Cult
Gotta Serve Somebody? Process Theology and Dylan's Christian Phase
Grace and the Secret of the Stream: John O'Donohue and Roland Faber
The Grace of the Semicolon: A Process Approach
The Grace of Trees: Process Theology for Tree People
Grace Upon Grace: Babette's Feast
Gratitude for Multiplicity: Learning from the Madina Institute
Gratitude for the Incomplete: At Home in the Unfinished
The Great Sadness: Patricia Adams Farmer
A Green Bough in the Heart: Hope as a Theological Virtue
The Green Jesus is Breaking Ground: Process Christo-Poetics
Greg Gibson and Wayne Lo: Talking with the Man who murdered my Son
Growth Counseling: Howard Clinebell
Guiding Light
Gunda's Perspective: The Subjectivity of other Animals in Open and Relational Theology
Guns in America: NY Times Videos
Gyobutsuji and the Environment: Practicing with all Beings by Shoryu Bradley
"H" is for Hope: Patricia Adams Farmer
"H" is for Hospitality: Patricia Adams Farmer
"H" is for Humility: A Smudge of Ashes
The Hallelujah Chorus and an Easter Prayer
The Hallelujah Chorus and an Easter Prayer: The Center for Process Spirituality
Hanukkah and Jewish Process Theology: Rabbi Bradley Artson
Harmony: Whitehead's Approach
Harnessing the Imagination: Carol Rose
Having an Ear for Devotional Language: What Traditional Christians Can Miss in Process Theology
Hayes Carll: The Religious Side of his Music
He Taught Us How to Search for Beauty: Christopher Alexander, Architect for a Living World
He Was Always Thinking Afresh: Reflections on Whitehead's Personality and Style
He Who Saw the Deep: Claim your Inner Gilgamesh
The Healing Balm of All Saints' Day
The Healing Power of Dance: Film Review of Farewell Amor
Healing the Children: A Reflection on the “Massacre of the Infants”
A Heap of Broken Images: A Whiteheadian Appreciation of The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot
Hello Good Friend: The Enjoyment and Facilitation of Friendships as a Primary Practice of Process Theology
Here I am, Lord. I will Hold Your People in my Heart.
Hey, I Count, Too. Making Space for Animals in a Relational Worldview
Hey, I'm A Little Broken. Will You Pray For Me On Mother's Day?
The Hidden Holiness of the Secular New Year
The High School Biology Teacher as Process Theologian: Six Characteristics
The Hill We Climb: Six Questions to Consider
Hindi-Urdu-English: The Theopoetics of Humeysha
Hindu Process Theology: Jeffery D. Long
Hinduism in America: Jeffery D. Long
Hinge Moments: Disruptions of Life's Journey
Hip Hop and the Politics of Race: The Personal as Political
Hip Hop Lyrics as Sacred Text
The Holiness of Disappearing Species: Art by Angela Manno
The Holiness of Dogs: A Reflection by Bruce Epperly
A Holographic Universe, a Holographic God: Hyatt Carter
Holy Forgetting: Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
Homesick: A Plea for Our Planet by Andrea Gibson
Homo Quaerens: Questioning as a Religious Activity
Honest Prayers to a Kind and Gentle God: Bunmi Laditan
Honest to Tragedy: Like Jesus and the Crows
Hope as the Thing with Feathers: Process Theology and Emily Dickinson
Hope Comes: The Bengsons
Hope from Peaches
Hope in the Age of Coronavirus
Hope Montgomery: Process Theopoetics
The Horse as Priest
The Hospitable Soul: Less Judgment, More Chocolate
Hot-and-Dry Noodles in China: Where Whitehead's Philosophy Meets Chinese Food Culture
How are things on Planet Earth?
How Autism Feels, From the Inside: NY Times Video
How Big Ideas Matter: Notes on Whitehead and the Magna Carta
How Can I Explain Non-Attachment to my Non-Buddhist Husband? Ask a Zen Teacher
How do I love my MAGA neighbor?
How Dolphin are You? Claiming Your Inner Dolphin
How Duke Ellington Changed my Life: George Hermanson
How God Listens to Insects
How I Got Over Being a Radical Foodie Southern Health Nut: Joanna ES Campbell
How Many Genders Does God Have? Maybe More Than We Can Imagine
How Might I Raise My Daughter As Muslim? Ask a Muslim Mother
How Music Saves Us: Linking Science and Theology
How the Local Food Movement Can Transform Race Relations in America
How the Qur'an Reveals God's Becoming
How the Songs of Bruce Springsteen can Mentor a Life
How the World creates God and God creates the World
"How to Bible" and Other Life Lessons from Donald Trump: Sarah Cooper's Trump Impressions
Howard Thurman: A Theologian for the 21st Century
Human Beings as Co-Workers with God
Human Side of Interfaith: A Special Role for Humanism
Humanistic Islam for the 21st century
The Humble Heart: A Process Appreciation
Hungarian Rhapsody #2
"Hunker" is a Verb
The Huntress and the Holder of Hand: Creative Lamentation
Hurray for the Average Child
The Hurrying and Waiting of Advent
I am a Process Millennial: Tristan Norman
I am a Quiet Person: Process Theology for Introverts
I am from a time when my mother went to the hospital and never came back. By the way, God, where are you from?
I Apologize: Phillip Fletcher
I Arise Today through the Strength of Heaven
I Believe in a God of Commas
I Can't Feel Hope I Can Remember It: Treasuring Pleasant Memories as Modes of Divine Presence
I Can't Swear Allegiance to Hitler: Review of A Hidden Life
I Dwell in Possibility: Emily Dickinson, Alfred North Whitehead, and Jillian Judson's Vision of Eco-Education
I Feel Good When I Sing With Others: Group Singing as a Spiritual and Social Practice
I Felt this Loving Presence: Ten Ways of Knowing Jesus
I Got a Love: Elizabeth King, Gospel Singer
I Grew Up in Pittsburgh: My Jewish Community is Stronger than Hate
I Have a Dream Speech: Video, Animated Analysis, Interview with Speech Writer
I Have Seen Mary (and other Christmas meditations)
I Have Seen Mary: Open and Relational Christmas Meditations
I Heard there was a Secret Chord: Hallelujah, the Baffled Mind, and Holy Doubt
"I" is for Imagination: Patricia Adams Farmer
I Might Could: Process Theology in Double Modals
I Miss Christianity
I Never Thought Of It That Way, Practicing Fearlessly Humble Curiosity across Political Divides: Monica Guzman
I Really Don't Know Life At All: Imagination and Mystery in Both Sides Now
I think I could turn and live with the animals: Walt Whitman and AN Whitehead
I Thought I Had Outgrown Religion: Science Fiction, Spirituality, and the Deep Imagination
I Will Survive: The Breakup Song as Spiritual Companion
I Wish I Had a River I Could Skate Away On
I Wish We Were More Confucian: What Americans can learn from Confucianism
I Yearned for the Physical: Whitehead and Merleau-Ponty
I, the Process-Relational None
"I'd Like to Live More Simply" - The Earth Charter, Process Theology, and the Benedictines
I'm Looking for a Way: Process Theology and the Way Collective
I'm pretty traditional. Might I, too, have a place at the interfaith table?
I've Been Working on the Set List: Performing for Senior Citizens
The Identity Wheel: A Tool for Self-Understanding
If God is Love, What's Love Got to do with It? Gregory Hamlin
If I were a Missionary in New York City: The Lawrence Family
"If we have more contact we understand each other." Meet Songhe Wang from Harbin, China
An Illustrated Introduction to Whitehead's Organic Cosmology: Matthew Segall
The Image Book (Le livre d’Image): Review by Micah Bucey
Imaginary Gardens with Real Toads: Process, Poetry, and Imaginative Feelings
Imagining a Daesoon Process Theology
Imagining a Methodist Buddhist
Imagining the Faith of Lady Gaga: A Theopoetic Exploration
Immensities: Loren Eiseley, Thomas Oord, Whitehead, and Emerson
Immigration: Twelve Things to Know When Talking about it (Anne Goldberg)
The Immortality of the Nightingale: Whitehead and John Keats
Improvisation Everywhere: The Universe of Process Theology
Improvisational Healing Spaces: The Art of Marilyn Biles
Improvising with God: Danny Prada
Improvising Your Life: How Whitehead and Duke Ellington Changed My Understanding of Faith and Worship
In a Station of the Metro: Ezra Pound and AN Whitehead
In a Zen Way: Peter Coyote on Dogen's Zen
In describing Ecological Civilizations, do we use the word "system" too much and "love" too little?
In Praise of Earthism: Some Idolatries are So Much Better than Others
In Praise of Short Theologies
In Praise of the "Good Trouble" Maker: Quotations and Reflections
In the Beginning is the Remixing: The Social and Theological Significance of DJ Culture
Incarnation and Signs from God: Living in an Enchanted Universe
Incompleteness: Notes on Whitehead and Kurt Gödel
Indian Theism and Process Philosophy: Delmar Langbauer
Individual Rights and the Common Good: John Cobb
Infinitely Tender, Infinitely Wild: Twenty-One Divine Infinities
Inhabit Your Situation: Patricia Adams Farmer
The Inner Life of the Cell: Process Theology and Microbiology
Inspired by a Relational Worldview: Flagstaff College's Innovative Adventure
Integral Spirituality: The Cobb Institute
Integrative, Non-Reductionist Science: Timothy Eastman's Untying the Gordian Knot
Interality Studies - An Adventure in Liminal Space-Time
Interfaith Dialogue as Inter-Earth Dialogue: Stephanie Kaza and Paul Ingram
Interfaith Dialogue: Some Things to keep in Mind
Interfaith Hospice Care in the Compassionate Community
An Interfaith Reflection on Walls: Shah and McDaniel
Interfaith Scriptural Explorations
Interior Freedom: Free from Inner Compulsions, Free to Listen and Love
International Women's Day: What Have Men to Say?
An Introduction to Process Philosophy: Cosmology, Ethics, Spirituality, and Culture
An Intuitive Sense of the Beautiful: John Keats on Negative Capability
Iqbal, Whitehead, and Islam: A Short Note by Farhan Shah
Iqbal: A Process Poet
Irreversible Entanglements: Black Liberation Free Jazz
Is God ever Violent? John Cobb
Is God in control? Reverend Barkley Thompson
Is Liberal Democracy Over? What Comes Next? The Rise of Ethnic Nationalisms in Europe
Is there a place for God in an evolving universe? Ingram, Smolin, McDaniel
Is there an app for Faith?
Is There More to God than Openness and Relationality? Might we love God in her Solitude, Too?
Is Was: Introducing "Process" through Children's Literature
Islam and Divine Omnipotence: A Relational Approach
Islam and the Interpretative Activity
Islam, Jazz, and Zen: The Philosophy of Abdullah Ibrahim
Islamic and Christian Approaches to Ecology: Comparing John Cobb and Seyyed Nasr
Islamic Process Relational Theology: Adis Duderija
It all Begins with Listening: Enjoying Interfaith Friendships as a way of practicing Open and Relational Theology
It Begins by Opening the Eyes: Open and Relational Theology
It's Good to be Alive, Even while Asleep: Intrinsic Value in Whitehead
It's Hard to Love a System: The Need for Warm Language in Describing Ecological Civilization
It's like Poetry. It's so Beautiful. A Chinese Girl Discovers Mathematics.
It's not a Thing but a Life: A Christian Reflection on Truth
It's Not Just What We Do, It's How We Think: the Need to Reevaluate and Reconstruct Islamic Thought
It's the Worldviews, Stupid! Learning from John Sanders and John Cobb
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Gone Forever: Apocalypse Fatigue
"J" is for Joy: Patricia Adams Farmer
"J" is for Justice: Jay McDaniel
Jake Comes Home From College (and wants to talk about global climate change)
James & Whitehead on Life After Death: David Ray Griffin
James Baldwin (1924-1987): Getting Perspective on Race in America
Jane Goodall's Prayer
Jazz and Korean Bibimbap
Jazz and Social Justice
Jazz and the Spirit of Democracy
Jeffrey Schloss: An Evolutionary Biologist and his belief in God
Jesus is not an Urgent Care Physician (Teri Daily)
Jesus the Disturber: John B. Cobb, Jr.
Jesus: A King Like None Other (A Sermon for Christ the King Sunday)
Jewish and Process: Interview with Rabbi Bradley Artson
Jewish Environmentalism
Jewish Holy Days and Festivals: Artson and Safman
Jill Suttie: Music and a Reflection
Jimmy Carter Rock & Roll President
Joe Davis and the Poetic Diaspora: Pentecostal Theopoetics
Joe Lombardi's Spirit: A Song for the Earth
John Cobb Addresses Chinese Students Online
John Cobb at 95: An Interview on his Life in Faith
John Cobb in China
John Cobb on Biblical Inspiration and Interpretation
John Cobb on David Korten
John Cobb on Patriotism
John Cobb on Vedanta and Buddhism
John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats
John Lewis and John Cobb on Love
John Milton, "When I Consider How My Light is Spent"
Jonathan Foster, Rene Girard, and the Four Hopes of the Process Movement
Journey of the Universe: A Cinematic Resource
Joy after Pain? The Bengsons sing Creative Transformation
The Joy Business: Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama
Joy of Going Bonkers: The Exuberant Music of Anna Meredith
Judaism: An Introduction
Julia the Whiteheadian Poet - Why Philosophers need Poetry
June Xie: How Photography Becomes Prayer
Just This: Is there a Place for Smallness in Process Philosophy and Theology?
Just This! Only This! Ryōkan and the Moon
Juxtaposition: Nita Gilger
"K" is for Kindness: Patricia Adams Farmer
Karen Carpenter, Patricia Adams Farmer, and the Beauty of Imperfection
Kate Tempest: Spoken Word Poetry, Influences, and Springboards for Reflection
Keep Dreaming, Never Stop: the Psychedelic Turkish Art Rock of Gaye Su Akyol
Keep Going Song and Process Theology
Keep Seeking and Creating: What Whitehead Wants
Key Questions for Process Philosophy & Theology: An Interview with Andrew Davis
Killing the Father: Process Theology, Freud, and Oedipus Rex
Kimjang and the Sharing of Kimchi: An Eco-Practice from Korea
Kindness as a Goal of Life: Kind People, Kind Cities, Kind Nations, Kind Religion, and a Kind World
Kindness: A Poem by Naomi Shihab Nye
Kirtan as (Interfaith) Sacred Music
Kiss the Ground: Partnering with Soil as Relational Power in Action
Kitchen Sink as Sanctuary: Terry Tempest Williams
Kongjian Yu: The Flourishing Community as Humane and Ecological
The Koolulam Initiative: Singing Hope Across Cultures Together
The Koolulam Initiative: Singing Hope Across Cultures Together
The Korean Haegum (奚琴) and Spirituality
The Kyoto School: A Process Philosophy Grounded in Emptiness not God
"L" is for Listening: Patricia Adams Farmer
"L" is for Listening/God as Deep Listening
L'Rain and the Spiritual in the Secular
La Santa Cecilia: Latin Culture, Rock, and World Music
A Lament That Never Ends
Land Ethics, Animal Rights, and Process Theology: Jay McDaniel
Last Black Man in San Francisco: Film Review
Laudato Si Film: The Pope, the Environmental Crisis, and Frontline Leaders
The Lavender Scare: Film Review
Le-Hayim: Jewish Wisdom for a Time of Pandemic
Leadership in a Multi-Faith World
Leaning Out for Love: Reflecting on "God Can't" by Thomas Oord
Learning from Amy Young: Reflections On Being Grounded in Christ in the Messy Middle of Life
Learning to Cha-Cha as a Process Practice: The Feeling Textures of Life
Learning to Love Science: A Chinese Student's Story
The Legacy of Rachel Held Evans: Link to the NY Times Podcast
Lei Liang - A Thousand Mountains, A Million Streams
Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah
Less Strategy, More Intuition: Leadership from the Grounded Pause
Lessons Learned from my Cancer: Rabbi Bradley Artson
Let Love Be Your Guide: Appreciating the Music of Dan and Claudia Zanes
Let Nothing Congeal: Religions are Rivers and God is, Too
Let the Ideas Evolve: The Practice of holding and fostering Metamodern Conversations
Let there be Tortillas: Toward a Process Theology of Mexican Food
Let your Vision be World Embracing: Roland Faber's Baha'i Faith
Letter from my Coach: The Coach as Process Theologian
A Letter to My Postmodern Son: John Caputo on The Weakness of God
LGBTQ Persons and Christianity: A Word of Support from an Episcopal Priest
Liberating the Bible: Contextual Bible Studies and Process Theology
The Liberation of Science
Life after Death as a Context for Soul Gentling
Life after Death: Process Approaches
Life is Like Peanut Brittle
LIfe Lessons from Fungi: Process Theology and Mycology
Life with a Broken Wing
Life Without an Anchor: The Courage of the Christian Atheist
Life-after-Death: Process Reflections
Light as a Vehicle of Feeling: The Painter Turner and the Philosopher Whitehead
Like Oaks, Like Cacti: The Resilient Heart
The Liminal Life: Whiteheadian Reflections on Liminality
Liquid Modernity: Zygmunt Bauman
The Listen First Project: Tips for Compassionate Community
Listening for Names: A Poem by Dea Jenkins
Listening not Loathing: Good Ideas from Glenn Youngkin
The Listening Side of Love
Listening to Detained Migrant Children: Participating in God's Aims
Listening to Martin Luther King, Jr.: Six Speeches
Listening to the Earth's Healing Heartbeat
Listening to the Past, Praying to the Silence: Paul O. Ingram
Listening to your Sighs: Non-Verbal Dimensions of Empathic Receptivity
Listening with the Ear of the Heart: Process and Silence
The Little Flame in All Things: The Natural Silence of the Sanctuary
Liturgy of the Hours: Frank Felice, New Music and Improvisation
The Living Christ as a Non-Coercive Spillway of Love
The Living Earth Movement and Starlings: A Theology of Biomimicry
The Living Santa and his Elves: A Process Reflection
A Living Universe – Qi and Quantum: Introducing the Philosophy of Yuasa Yasuo
Local Loyalty and World Loyalty: Combining Bioregionalism and Neo-Nomadism
Longing for Intimacy: Process Theology and Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah
Looking for a Truly Christian Politician: Learning from Pope Francis
Looking out the Window: Being Pleasantly Lost in Thought as a Spiritual Practice
Losing Passion for Worldly Success: How Zen and Whitehead and Jesus Ruined Me
Love Does Not Control: Process Theology and Drug Counseling
Love in the Messiness of Real-Life Relationships
Love Made Gritty
Love Song of the Blue Jay: The Perfect Indifference of Songbirds
Love's Oblivion: A Reflection for Holy Monday
A Lovely Luminosity: Why Process Thought Inspires Me and Everything I Write
Loving Friends with Alzheimer's
Loving in the Shadow of Alzheimer's
Loving my Enemies and Living Simply: Wendell Berry on Jesus and the Gospels
Loving My Uncle the Classical Theist
Loving Relationships as Good Medicine: Nita Gilger
Loving You Is Complicated: Comfort and Affliction in Hip Hop Theologies
Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom
The Lure of Water:Transcendence without a personal God
"M" is for Meaning
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom: Review by Micah Bucey
Macrina Wiedekehr: Ever Flowing and Ten Life Lessons
The Madina Institute and its Interfaith Outreach: A Christian Appreciation
The Madness of King Lear: Whitehead on the Egotistical Desire for Fame
Maggie the Pseudo-Beagle: Barkley Thompson
The Magi by William Butler Yeats: A Process Interpretation
Make America Hate Again: The Day My American Dreams Died
Making Good with What We Have At Hand: God in the Making
Making the Fool Care: Puncturing middle-class indifference to climate change
Man Cannot Live by Drumming Alone: A Tribute to Neil Peart of Rush
The Man with a Famous Frown: Mussolini and the Appeal of Authoritarianism
The Many Become One and are Increased by One (Whitehead's Philosophy)
The Many Become One and are Increased by One: Whitehead and Wallace Stevens
Many Elephants: Appreciating Multiple Ultimates as a Wise and Loving Option
The Manyness of God
Marc-André Hamelin: The Piano Virtuoso as Conduit for the Beautiful
Marian Anderson: Persuasive Power as the Beautiful Voice
Marissa Nadler's For My Crimes: The Spiritual Side
Marney Ward and the Tangible Presence of Light
Marriage and Parenting: Constructive Postmodern Approaches
Marriage and Parenting: Some Process Reflections for Friends in China
Martha Wainwright's Music: A Gorgeous Argument for Living a Complicated Life
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Process Theology - Seven Similarities
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Process Theology: Springboards for Reflection
Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On" as Sacred Text
"Mary" by Big Thief: Grace through Friendships
Mary Magdalene: Film Review
Mary Oliver and the World of Everywhere: Patricia Adams Farmer
Mary Our Priest
The Massacre of Truth: Christian Nihilists versus Lynn Cheney
Mathematical Mysticism: Srinivasa Ramanujan as The Man Who Knew Infinity
A Mathematical Root of Whitehead’s Cosmological Thought: Robert Andrew Ariel
Maxine Payne: Photographer
May I Give this Ukrainian Bread to all the People in this Big Wide World? Maria Prymachenko
May I Try That One Again? The Grace of a Million Second Chances
May We Chant OM in Church?
Media Ecology in a Jazz Mode: Eric McLuhan, Peter Zhang
Meditating with Hildegard and her Music: Patricia Adams Farmer
Meet Dr. Lupe Llanes: Process Philosopher in Venezuela
Melodic Intonation Therapy as Practicing the Presence of God
Mencius and Xunzi: A Process Reflection
Mental Health in America: From the Front Line
Mental Health in America: Reflections from the Front Line
Mercedes Sosa - Sólo Le Pido a Dios
Message of Muhammad Iqbal: A Short Note
Metal Music: A Hunger for Transgressive Spiritual Spaces
The Metallic Side of God: Open and Relational Theology meets Heavy Metal Music
Metaphysical Evolutions: Process Studies in Venezuela
The Metaphysical Possibility of Life after Death: John Cobb
The Metaphysics of Justice: Moor Mother and Black Quantum Futurism
Michaelene Miller: Process, Frisbee, and Prayer
Might I, too, Live a Poetic Life?
Mindful Farming and Backyard Gardening: Process Theology Embodied
Minister as Singer-Songwriter: Meet Emily Melcher, Unitarian Universalist
Miracles (Some Encouraging Words)
Missing Bland Crowder: Why Sustainability Needs Poetry
The Missing Politics in Environmental and Sustainability Education: David Orr
Mitzvot from the Planet: Process Theology and Food
Molecular Biologist as Shaman
Moments of Torah with Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson (Three Minute Videos)
Mongolian Hip-Hop, Whitehead, and the Globalization of Novelty
Monica A. Coleman: A Journey with Depression
A Monistic Interpretation of Whitehead’s Creativity: John Wilcox
Moor Mother and Black Quantum Futurism
The Moral Imagination and Peacemaking: From Conflict Resolution to Social Healing
More than Frankie Cosmos? An Interview with Greta Kline
More than Process: The Platonic Side of Whitehead
Mosa-Dharma and Prehension: Nagarjuna and Whitehead Compared
The Most Famous Cat in English Literature: Christopher Smart's Jeoffry
Most Pernicious Doctrine in Islam: A Muslim Perspective
Mother Goddess Worship in Vietnam: A Role for Spirits in the Wider Ecology of Life
Mother Mary our Breastfeeding Priest
A Mother's Kiss as Embodied Theology: For in that Touch a Universe Resides
Mothers: Caregivers in Memory Care Homes
Movie Trailers as Springboards for Soulful Conversation
Moving from Rough to Smooth: Nita Gilger
Mudddleheadedness and Simplemindedness – Whitehead and Russell
Muhammad Iqbal and the Beauty of an Open Future: Farhan Shah
Muhammad Iqbal's Concept of God
Multi-Faith Mondays:Daily Practices for Interfaith Spirituality
The Music Advantage: Spirituality and Practice Review
Music and the Sense of Being Alive: Thandeka's Affect Theology
Music Drawn from Jewish Traditions
Music for the Elderly: Healing Benefits
The Music of What Happens: Why Poetry is So Much Better than Theology, Sometimes
Music, Joy, and Divine Delight: The Bauls of Bangladesh and India
Musicking for a More Compassionate World
Must Christians Believe in Hell?
Mutual Overcoming: "We Shall Overcome" in Process Perspective
The Mutual Transcendence of God and the World: Open and Relational Ruminations
My Father (아빠): Filial Piety and a Daughter's Love
My Favorite Coffee Shop: A "Process" Coffee Shop in Harbin, China
My Grandson is Brahman and You are, Too: Bob Mesle
My Job is to be Your Son: Caregiving and the Meaning of Life
My Life as a Recovering Anorexic
My Life with Aoudads
My Mom on Drugs: Hope Beyond Addiction
My Mother Joy (daughter becomes a nurse, inspired by her mother who died of cancer)
My Nation is on Fire, Feel the Burning: Metal Music in Ukraine
My Neighbor's Texts
My Religion is Beauty: Patricia Adams Farmer
My Slow God: Practicing Slowness as Walking in God's Loving Light
Mysteries and the Spiritual Sleuth - Patricia Adams Farmer
Mysteries of the Macabre: Beautifully Going Bonkers with Soprano Barbara Hannigan
Mystical and the Ordinary: Paul Ingram
Mystics: Kathleen Jacobson
The Mythical Firebird: A Lure of Adventure
Nature as Alive
Nature, Imagination, and Process Thought
Navaratri: Celebrating the (Post-Patriarchal) Divine Feminine
Neanderthal Pulsewave: Primitive Motion, Cradle of the Horizon, and Process Theology
Need for the Mystical: Why Process Theology Needs Howard Thurman
Need to Adore: Rumi and Hartshorne
The Need to Laugh: Process Philosophy, Positive Psychology, and Ecological Civilization
A New Approach to Ecological Education: Gillian Judson's Contribution to Eco-Civ
New Directions in Education: From STEM to STEAM to Four Hopes
New Peace: A Post-Secular Integration of Science and Spirituality
New Process Theology: International, Multireligious, Practical, Theopoetic
The New Science of Understanding Dog Behavior
New to the Process World? Resources from Open Horizons
The New Transcendence: How the James Webb Space Telescope expands Religious Horizons
Nexūs and Subjective Forms: Whitehead on the Public and the Private
Nexus Coffee and Creative: Small Businesses in service to Compassionate Community
Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morality: An Invitation to Honesty
Nikki Giovanni: Poetry in Process
Nine American Idolatries: A Biblical Critique
Nine Common-Sense Ways to Reduce Shootings: A Public Health Approach
Nine Ways to Combat Islamophobia: Farhan Shah and Jay McDaniel
No Ecological Civilization without Guitars
No God but the Good: Iris Murdoch and Alfred North Whitehead
No Hope without Lamentation: Imagining the World through God's Eyes
No Ideas but in Things: The Spectral Luminosity of Ordinary Life
No Need for Certainty: The Open Style of John Cobb's Theology
No One is Alone: God as the Fellow Sufferer who Understands
No Picking, No Choosing: The Way of Zen
No, You Didn't Earn It: Pierre Bourdieu on Social and Cultural Capital
A Nomadic Encounter with the Analects of Confucius
Nomadland: "I'm houseless but not homeless. I live in my van."
Non Today, Non Tomorrow, Non Forever: In Praise of the Worldwide Non Network
Nones: The Rise of the Religiiously Unaffiliated
Not Getting Out as Much? Finding Gladness in a Time of Social Distancing
Not Governments, not Religion. Only Music can Save the World.
Not in Our Name
Not Knowing is Part of the Experience of Getting There: Faith, Imagination and Mystery
Not Religious, Not Spiritual: Whitehead on the Need to Secularize the Concept of God
Nothing Happens Twice: A Poem by Wislawa Szymborska
Novelty & Tradition: Navajo Mountain Biker Explores Land, Community, Culture
Now a Good Word for the Innkeeper
Now is the Time to Practice Beauty
A Nurturant Darkness: God as Dark Matter
O Come Let us Adore Him: Adoration in Process Perspective
"O God of Love, Did You Have a Bad Week?" Request for a Hymn with this Title
O Holy Night
O Second Moon of Jupiter, We, Too, are Made of Water: Sending Poetry to Europa
Ocean Spiritualities
Odd, Fresh, and Beautiful: The God of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Ode to 'e': Euler's number as a metaphor for God
Oh My Gosh!!! Process and Punctuation
Old Stoves and New Life: Reflecting on a Photograph by Thomas Oord
An Olive Wood Cup: A Short Theology of Holy Communion
The Omer: Teaching Us to Count Our Days
On Becoming a Muslim Public Intellectual: Farhan Shah
On Becoming a Nurse
On Being a Hero of Your own Life: Notes on James Joyce and Whitehead
On Being Fully Alive in the Circumstances at Hand: A Process Philosophy of Flourishing
On Being Kings and Queens for an Ecological Civilization: Exploring a Chinese Character
On Being the English Teacher for a Zen Master
On Catching a Glimpse of the Sacred
On Her Shoulders: Review of Documentary on Young Yazidi Woman, Nadia Murad
On the Nature of Thingness: The Role of Pure Potentials
One Dove's Pluck
One Life and One Life and One Life: The Counting of Lost Lives
One Love: Process meets Reggae
One Love: Reggae, Process, and Faith
One Thus Gone: Contemporary Music Based on Buddhist Chants and Prayers
Only in This Should You Glory
The Open and Relational Agnostic
The Open and Relational Atheist
Open and Relational Influx: How Heaven and Earth Flow Into One Another
Open and Relational Line Dancing: God's Patience with Missteps
Open Horizons as Cross-Cultural Ecopoetics
Open Horizons China: A Resource Page
Open Religion, Open God: A Process Alternative to Authoritarianism
Open Theism and Process Theology: A Reflection
The Open-Ended House: Patricia Adams Farmer
Opening to Possibilities for a New Year: Bruce Epperly
Openness to the New in Apocalyptic and in Process Theology: William Beardslee
Oprah Winfrey Interviews Thich Nhat Hanh
Organic Marxism, Process Philosophy, and Chinese Thought
Original Sin Revisited: Marjorie Suchocki
Our Crowded Planet Home and Loren Eiseley
Our Memory Is Flawed. Luckily, God’s Isn’t.
Our Troubled Time: Getting Perspective as a Muslim
Our Wonderfully Crowded Table: A Place for Everyone (Except Maybe Uncle Bob)
Out, In, and On the Fringe: Carol Kilby’s Journey to an Earth-Sensitive Church
Ovid's Metamorphoses: Perpetual Perishing, Continuous Change
"P" is for Play: Patricia Adams Farmer
Pad Yatra: A Green Odyssey
Pakistan: The Birth of New Ideals (Farhan Shah)
Panentheism: Twelve Metaphors
Parsing Process and Traditional Theodicies: Huston Smith and David Ray Griffin
Partnering with God as Partnering with the Earth: Backyard Composting as an Eco-Spiritual Practice
Partnering with God: The Podcast
Partners in Hope: Process Thought, Catholic Social Teaching, and Laudato Si'
A Passionate Love for Mexican Food: The Exuberant Life
The Passionate Transitory: Three Poems by Patrick Kavanagh
Pat Brentano: The Artist as Visual Guide for an Ecological Civilization
The Patience of Ordinary Things: Everyday Objects as a Kind of Love
Pauline Oliveros and Process Theology
The Penguin my Teacher: Seven Life Lessons
The Perfection of Love: John Cobb on what Christians can learn from Buddhism
Perfume Genius: The Coalescence of Grace, Sex, Defiance, Dread, and Erotic Power
Perpetual Perishing (Whitehead's Philosophy)
Perpetual Wonder as a Spiritual Virtue
Personal Identity A to Z: Charles Hartshorne
Philip Clayton - How Can Emergence Explain Reality?
Philosophy from the Guitar: Chris Mosley of the Grizzly Adams Family
Philosophy without religion is a Eurocentric construct
The Physician-Patient Relationship in Relational Perspective: A Short Note
Physics and Fascination: Levitation and Superconductivity
Pieces that Fall to Earth: The Dome of Heaven is Made of Feathers
Pied Beauty: Openness to Oddness as a Spiritual Gift
Pisitakun from Thailand: Experimental Electronic Music as Free Speech
Planting Seeds of Hope: Process Thought as Community Gardening
Playing Hide and Seek with God
Playing with Sounds as a Spiritual Practice: The Sound Poetry of Tomomi Adachi
The Pleasure of Exploring Possibilities: Jorge Luis Borges and AN Whitehead
Polyhymnia: Notes for a Jazz Mass
Polyrhythmic Theology: Drum Circles within Drum Circles
Pop Harmonies as Windows to God: Gratitude to the Everly Brothers
Pop Songs as Postmodern Angels
Pope Francis on the Politics of Love, Dialogue, and Mutual Care
Pope Francis: A Man of His Word
Positive Emotions as Nutrients: Barbara Fredrickson, Positive Psychology, and Process Philosophy
Positive Psychology and Religion
Positive Psychology: Religion and Sustainable Community
The Possibility of Rain: Jaan Kaplinsky
The Postmodern John Cobb: Deconstructive and Constructive
Potlucks not Battlefields: Eboo Patel and Interfaith America
The Powwow: Dancing, Singing, Drumming, and Socializing
The Practical Need for Metaphysics: John Cobb
Practical Wisdom and Nature Photography: Mary Elizabeth Moore and David Huth
Practice of Dreamless Sleep: A Place Where God is Found
Practice of Mystery: To Cherish the Baffling
Practice of Neurocosmopolitanism as a Spiritual Virtue
The Practice of Not-Knowing: Single Buddhist Dad
The Practice of Religion in Animals
Practicing Ecotheology: What Can I Do?
Practicing Guitar as a Spiritual Practice: The Online Guitar Community as Virtual Sacred Space
Practicing Process Theology While Alone or at Home: The Reverence Project
Practicing Process Thought in Daily Life
Practicing Process Thought: Ten Guidelines
Practicing the Hindu Way of Life in America
Prayer and Planetarity: Prayerful Inclusions of the Web of Life
Prayer Facing Imminent Death
A Prayer for All of Us
Prayer for the Homeless
Prayer on Mother's Day
Prayer to an Exuberant God: Elaine Padilla and the Spiritual Alphabet
Prayer to the Giraffe God
Praying to Red Berries: Gilger and McDaniel
Praying with Animals: Jane Goodall, John Cobb, and the Church for our Common Home
Praying without Knowing Christians learning from Derrida
Preach, Kendrick, Preach: Popular Music as Sacred Text
Predestined to be Loved by a Nurturing God: Predestination in Process Perspective
Prehension: John Cobb and Jay McDaniel
Prehensions (Whitehead's Philosophy)
Prehensive Wholeness: David Bohm and Process Philosophy
Prickly Pear Cactus Theology: Nita Gilger
The Primacy of the Present Moment: Dogen, Whitehead, and Quantum Theory
The Private Self: The Natural Silence of the Sanctuary
Probative and Imaginative Modes in Buddhism and Process Thought: Kazi Shakti
The Problem of Catastrophizing: Compulsive Worry about Worst-Case Scenarios
The Problem of the Anthropocene: God's Desire that Humans Take a Good Long Nap
Problem of Walls in the Head
Process and Alcoholism: Reflections on Recovery in Process
Process and Ceremony: Raising a Totem Pole
Process and Community
Process and Energy: Physical, Inter-Subjective, and Divine
Process and Flourishing: Design Paradigms for our Planetary Emergency
Process and Flow: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Alfred North Whitehead
Process and Hanukkah
Process and Hip Hop: Jon Gill
Process and Interfaith Slide Show: From the Educator's Toolbox
Process and Justice: The Four Hopes of the Process Movement
Process and Kabbalah: Springboards for Reflection
Process and Kindness: Welcome Home
Process and Pisitakun Kuntalang: Learning from Experimental Art in Thailand
Process and Recovery: Family Systems, Bowen Theory, and Process Theology
Process and Silence: The Habit and Practice of Silence in Process Theology
Process and Stories: Mary Elizabeth Moore
Process and the God of COLOR: Learning from Courtney Ariel
Process and Torah
Process and Weaving: Learning from the Women of East Timor
Process Buddhism: Anna's Story
Process Buddhism: A Learning Circle
Process Franciscan Theology: Process Theology Meets Richard Rohr
A Process Interpretation of Islam
A Process Interpretation of Islam: Farhan Shah
Process Meets Recovery: Boston John
The Process Movement: Ideas, Aims, and Practices
Process Neo-Platonism: The Platonic Side of Whitehead's Philosophy
A Process Perspective of Virtual Reality: Jason Barker
Process Philosophy and Global Climate Change
Process Philosophy and Live Theater
Process Philosophy and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Process Pluralism as an antidote to the Ideology of Hate: David Brooks
The Process Poetry Movement
Process Reflections on AA
Process Spirituality: Six Types
Process Spirituality: A Spiritual Alphabet
Process Spirituality: A Very Short Introduction
Process Theology and Dave Brubeck: Patricia Adams Farmer
Process Theology and Films About Dementia and Alzheimer's
Process Theology and Multifactorial Healing: Bruce Epperly
Process Theology and Parkinson's Disease
Process Theology and Popular Music: A Summer Course
Process Theology and Raking Leaves
Process Theology and the Ashes of Pandemic
Process Theology and the Bible: How Science has changed our view of God
Process Theology and the Bible: How Science Has Changed Our View of God
Process Theology and the Politics of Stature
Process Theology and the Politics of Zero Sum and Abundance
Process Theology and the Statue of Liberty
Process Theology and the Tibetan Book of the Dead: Songs from the Bardo
Process Theology and Thomas Berry
Process Theology and Ukrainian Avant-Garde Music
Process Theology Anne Lamott Style: Can Process Theology Be Inspirational, Too?
Process Theology for Cat Lovers
Process Theology for Children: A Story and Learning Activities
Process Theology for Preschoolers and Teens of Many Faiths
Process Theology in Black Perspective: Still Becoming
A Process Theology of Marriage
Process Theology, Angels, and Channeling: A Reenchanted World
Process Theology, Death, and Grieving: Springboards for Discussion
Process Theology, the Coronavirus, and the Challenge of World Loyalty
Process Theology. Ecology, and Plastics: The High Calling of the Chemical Engineer
Process Theopoetics
Process Zen: Notes for a Course
Process, Beauty, and Locally Grown Power: CHERP's Vision of Role of Art in the American Factory
Process, Faith, and Suicide: Farhan Shah and Jay McDaniel
Processing Toward Life: Protons and Ants
Progressive Friends, What are your Best Tips for Surviving the Era? A Process Response
The Prophetic Tuba: Theon Cross and the Cobb Institute
Proustian Moments: The Grace of Unbidden, Nurturant Memories
Pulse: When Dancing is Political
A Punch in the Gut: Atrocities in Process Perspective
Quantum Mechanics, Local Causality, and Process Philosophy: Henry Pierce Stapp
The Queen's Message: Patricia Adams Farmer
Quiet Body, Quiet Mind: Whitehead and Zen Meditation
Radical Vision of Ecological Civilization: Wm. Andrew Schwartz
Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens: Faith as Openness to Pluralism
Ramadan as a Holy and Humanistic Calling
Ramadan as a Holy and Humanistic Calling: Farhan Shah
Random Acts of Godness: Kindness, Laughter, Wonder, Courage, and Honesty
Rang Tang Ring Toon Theology: Interpreting a Song by Mountain Man Religiously
The Rarámuri and the 12th Principle of the Earth Charter
Re-foresting, Re-wilding, and Re-civilizing
Re-Imagining the Future: Pope Francis's TED talk on Integral Ecology
Re-thinking the Modern University: Marcus Ford
Reading Process and Reality: A Video Series
Reading Sacred Poetry: It Gives You Permission to Feel
Reading the Bible with Jewish Eyes: Moments of Torah with Rabbi Artson
Reading the Qur'an: The Quality of a Believer's Heart and Mind
Reading Whitehead Poetically: An Observation by Lisa Jarnot
Really now, can a CEO of a large corporation be a Christian, too?
The Reception and Recreation of Intangible Cultural Heritages in China: A Gift from UNESCO to Ecological Education
Receptivity to the Muses: Divine Inspiration in Process Perspective
Recipe for a Healthy Community: Serves a Multitude
Reclaiming the Nomadic Spirit: Learning from the Ways of Kyrgys People in Central Asia
Reclaiming the Republic of Stories: Dedicated to Arlene Goldbard
The Reenchantment of Nature: Loren Eiseley and David Ray Griffin
Reflecting on Right Speech: A Muslim and Christian Approach
Reflection on Christian God-Talk: Paul Ingram
Reflections on War and Its Effects: The Courage We Need
Relational Power in a Multipolar World
Relational Power: Three Dimensions
Relational Whispering? Process Theology through ASMR Videos?
Relationships as the Spiritual Web of our Lives
Religion in the Making: Q&A with Russell Duvernoy (video)
The Religion of Kindness and Beauty
The Religion of Kindness and Beauty: Process Theology for Nones
The Religion of Kindness and Beauty: A Religion of Shared Humanity
Religion without a personal God: Bob Mesle on Henry Nelson Wieman
Religious Side of Electronic Dance Music
The Religious Significance of Popular Music
Remembering Appendicitis: Living with Radical Contingency
The Republican Cowboy and his Obsession with Guns
Resilience in the Waves of Life
Restoring Q's Good Name
Return to the Body: Patricia Adams Farmer
Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou: The Artist as Theologian and Four Hopes Provocateur
Revaluing the Values of Science, Religion, and Education: John B. Cobb, Jr.
Reverence for Life equals Reverence for God: Albert Schweitzer meets Open and Relational Theology
Rhythm and Blues: Intimacy and Transcendence in the Thick of Life
The Rich Man: An Essay by Paul Ingram
A Ringy Dingy Super Moon
The Ripening of Souls: Avocado Theology
The Rise of the Unaffiliated: Why Americans are Leaving Religion and Unlikely to Come Back
Roaming in Sonic Bardos: Appreciating the Music of Maarja Nuut and Ruum
Roasted Eggplant and Tomato Pasta: What Would Whitehead Think?
Robert Burrell: Composing Music for Ecological Civilizations
Rocking Chair Meditation: Patricia Adams Farmer
A Role for Tradition and Modernity in the Future of Religion: Morningstar and McDaniel
The Role of Soft Touch in Healing
Romance, Precision, and Generalization in Education: Kathleen Gershman
The Romanticism of Bjork: Paganism, Panentheism, and Biophilia
The Rough and Tumble of Life: Here We go Again
Rubbing Fire into Your Life: Process and the Poetic Life
Rumi's Gift: A Resource Page on Sufism
Ruth, the Song of Songs, and Brandi Carlile: Resources for a Morning Devotional
"S" is for Silence: Patricia Adams Farmer
A Sacramental Approach to Environmental Issues: John Habgood
Sacred Speech 101
Sadness Beyond Comfort: Like Jesus to the Crows
Saint Patrick: The Perfect Saint for Lent
Salvation by Marimba: A Process Appreciation
The Salvation of Elephants: Practicing a Planetary Ethic
Salvation: Jesus's Mission and Ours by John Cobb
Samantha and Michiko: Christianity and Pure Land Buddhism in Dialogue
Sampha: The Piano as Spiritual Friend
The San Francisco Girl's Chorus: Empowerment and Transformation through Choral Music
Santa Claus as a Bodhisattva: The Elves are Bodhisattvas, Too.
Sarah's Prayer: God as Universal Grandma
Say Something I'm Giving Up on You
Scientific Laws, The Unity of Nature, and God: Paul O. Ingram
Scope of Spiritual Literacy
The Secret Life of a Cat
Seeing Beauty in All People through the Mystical Philosophy of Plotinus: Jared Morningstar
Seeing Colors as Sounds: Kandinsky and Whitehead
Seeing Colors as Sounds: Parallels between Wassily Kandinsky's Art and Whitehead's Philosophy
Seeing the World in Vivid Colors: A Ukrainian Gift to Ecological Civilization
Seeking Joy in the Jungle: Theology from the X Ambassadors Band
Self-Care without Selfishness
Self-Evident Truths
Self-Organization and Agency: In Chemistry and In Process Philosophy
Send in the Clowns: Theology for the Imaginative and Vulnerable
A Sense of Play: Laughter as a Way of touching God
Setting Sail, God as Wind: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
Seven Lessons from Brian McLaren
Seven Problematic Images of God: Pittenger, Griffin, Cobb
Seven Songs for a Long Life (The Essence of Hospice Care): Film Review
Sex Trafficking in the US: Review of "Skin in the Game"
A Sexual God: Robert Williamson on the Song of Solomon
Shamanic Rock: Attila Grandpierre and the Galloping Wonder Stag
The Shape of Water: A Process Perspective
Sharing Recipes as a Relational Practice: A Dialogue on Chinese Tea Leaf Eggs
Sharing Recipes as Theology: My Ukrainian Grandma's Red Beet Soup
She is a Benefit to Herself
SHE: Alice Phoebe Lou
Shedding in Order to Grow
Sheri D. Kling: Whitehead, Jung, and Psycho-Spiritual Wholeness
A Short Note on Beauty in the Thought of Loren Eiseley and A.N. Whitehead
A Short Note on Interpreting the Qur'an Existentially
Should I Understand God Literally or Metaphorically: A Reflection by John Cobb
Sikhism in Process
Silence: The Art of Odilon Redon
Sin and Sinning: The Future of Sin and Songs about Sin
Sin Is When Life Freezes: Dorothy Solle
Sin, Violence, and Forgiveness: Process Perspectives
Six People in the World with Perfect Parents (and other misfortunes)
Six Questions to Consider after listening to Amanda Gorman's "The Hill We Climb"
Six Ways to Get Along with People Who Are Totally Wrong Politically
Skimming and Scrolling: Are Books and Deep Reading Gone Forever?
Skipping Small Talk: Big Talk and the Enjoyment of Meaningful Conversations
Slave on a Fishing Boat: Film Review of Buoyancy
Sleep, Sleep, Beauty Bright: William Blake, Martha Redbone
Slomo: The Man Who Skates to Freedom
Slow, Emotive, and Quietly Explosive: The Eco-Electronic Music of Mei-Fang Liau
Sludge Metal: Theological Reflections
Small is Still Beautiful: Appreciating the Work and Legacy of E.F. Schumacher
Smartwoods: Ecology and the Need for Mystery
Smelling: A Theology
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: Nita Gilger
So For Pain I am Grateful (a daughter dealing with her father's disease)
So This is What Happened to Me: Ellen Reid's Prize Winning Opera on Sexual Abuse
So This is What Leadership Looks Like: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
So What About Evil?
So What is Christianity, Anyway? Introducing Christianity in a World's Religions Course
Sober Life in Process Perspective
Social Loneliness and Ecological Loneliness: The Living Earth Movement and Process Philosophy
Social Loneliness and Ecological Loneliness: The Living Earth Movement and Process Philosophy
Soft Theism, Generous Non-Theism, and Spacious Agnosticism
Solon to the Rescue: A Father-Daughter Conversation on Politics
Some reflections on the writings of Mary Oliver: Terry Goddard
Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Eva Cassidy
The Sonic Side of Race: Considering Race Relations with help from Sound Studies
The Sonic Side of Reincarnation: Listening to Death and Rebirth through Experimental Electronic Music of Sabiwa
Sonic Theology, Sonic Ontology, Sonic Epistemology: Whitehead and Sound Studies
Sonnet 73: Shakespeare and Whitehead on Love and Impermanence
Soothing Novelty and the Music of Calm
Soul Fire Farm: Afro-Indigenous Farming, Planting Seeds of Hope
The Soul is Not a Thing
A Soul with Size: Bernard Loomer's Invitation to Embrace the World
Souls Marinating in Love: Can Thandeka help save Process Theology?
The Sound and the Fury: Whitehead and Hardcore Punk
Sounds of the Deep: What God Heard Before the Dawn of Creation
Southerner Reflects on Her Racist Heritage
Space in Process: The Birth and Death of Stars
Spaciousness of Uncertainty: A Place for Love
Spare the Prayers and Still we Pray: After the Violence in New Zealand
Speaking the Truth in Love: The Sermons of John L. Farthing
Spinning Wool: Empathy for Fiber as Healing the World
Spiral Living: Seeing with Artist Eyes
Spirit Bathing for the Worried and Beleaguered
A Spiritual Alphabet for a Multi-Faith World
Spiritual Alphabet: Questionnaire for self-examination and community development
Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story
Spiritual Bonds with Chickens
Spiritual Echolocation: Listening with the Ears of the Heart
Spiritual Jukebox for a Multi-Faith World
Spiritual Literacy through Films: Religious Education in a Digital Age
The Spiritual Side of Meredith Monk: Primal Theopoetics
The Spirituality and Politics of the Beloved Community
Spirituality and the Embodied Mind
The Spirituality of Rivers - Rivers as Spiritual Guides
Spirituality of Playlist-making
The Spirituality of Subtraction: Becoming Minus Two
The Spirituality of the Earth: Thomas Berry
Spirituality: What Is It? (The RSA Report)
Spontaneous Flourishing beyond Human Control: A Zen corrective to Strategic Planning
Spots of Time and Occasions of Experience: Wordsworth and Whitehead
St. Patrick's Prayer and Process-Relational Theology
Standing Up for Justice: A Digital Story
Star Formation and Street Art: David Zinn and the Lure Toward Creativity
Starry, Starry Night: Reflections on Prayer, Process Theology, Whitehead and Vincent van Gogh
Stay Angry, My Friend, Stay Angry: A Playlist for Ongoing Protest
Stepping Inside Your Shoes: Alzheimer's and Validation Therapy
Steven Universe: The Need for a Kind and Caring (Cartoon) Savior
Sticking Our Heads in the Sand
A Strange and Quivering Universe: Whitehead and Electronic Music
Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World
Suffering and Meaning
Suffering through the Present Moment: The Pleasure and Angst of Waiting
Sufism Resource Page
Sufism Resource Page: For Process Oriented Seekers
Sufjan Stevens: Spirit of My Silence
Suicide and Relational Therapy: Farhan Shah, Jay McDaniel
Sunflowers for Distressed Hearts: Patricia Adams Farmer
The Superiority of Poetry to Philosophy and Theology: Ten Ways
Surfing as Spirituality
Surprised by Beauty: The Grace of Moving On after Suffering
Sustainability can (and must be) beautiful: Sandra Lubarsky
Sweet Old World: Lucinda Williams and Whitehead on Tenderness
Swimming in Watery Depths: Whitehead, Mermaids, and Water Spirits
Swimming to the Other Side of the Ocean (a daughter dealing with her mother's cancer)
Swimming with the Buddha: Bob Mesle
Sympathetic Joy: A Lesson from Buddhism for Open and Relational Theologians
Sympathy for the Devil: The Transgressive Impulse in Rock Music
Sympathy for Vile Monsters: A Theological Note on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
T is for Transformation: Patricia Adams Farmer
Take Me Home, Country Roads: Homesickness and the Immigrant Experience
Taking a Knee and Taking Down a Monument
Taking a Mr. Rogers Break
Taking a Pshhh Break
Taking the Other to Lunch: Practicing Relationality in Tense Times
Tank and the Bangas: Theopoetic Notes
The Tao of Elementary Education: A Process Teacher
The Tao of Fungi
The Tao of Grandparenting
The Taoist Christian
Taqwa in Islam: ‘Self-Sufficiency’ Doesn’t Exist, and Thank God for That.
Teaching Process Thought in your Local Setting: The Cobb Institute Toolbox
Teaching the Four Hopes of Process Thought in Local Settings: Rev. Jennifer Zechlin
The Teen Mental Health Crisis: Six Tips from an Open and Relational Youth Minister
Teilhard and Whitehead: Twelve Transformations
Ten Ideas for Saving the Planet
Ten Reasons to like Frederick Buechner
Ten Temptations of Consumerism (and the Post-Materialist Alternative)
Ten Things that Piss Off God
Tender Care that Nothing be Lost: God the Button Collector
A Tender Care that Nothing be Lost: The Nurturing Nurse as an Image of God
The Tenderness of God and Ordinary Saints: Teri Daily
The Tenderness of God and Ordinary Saints: Teri Daily
The Tenderness of God's Indifference: Whitehead and the Bhagavad Gita
Thank you, John Prine
Thank You: Practicing Gratitude in a Complex but Beautiful World
Theological Hitchhiking: Learning from People with Different Theologies
Theological Reflection as Poetry
Theology in Montana: Discarded Wood, Family-Owned Sawmills and the Beauty of Divine Mistakes
The Theology of Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson: A Video
Therapeutic Horseback Riding: The Horse as Priest
There Can Be Sadness in Holding On: Nita Gilger
There is no Absolute Present: Whitehead on Durations and Multiple Time Frames
There is no Final Outcome: Faith, Process, and Liminality
There's a Light Inside Us: The Power of Music for People with Dementia and Alzheimer's
They Say Nothing Stays the Same: Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
Thich Nhat Hanh and Process Theology
The Thing about Mister Rogers: He Told us We were Lovable
Thinking about God and Cancer: The Awakening of Zen-Len
Thinking about God in Human-Like Metaphors: Loving Parent and Sovereign King
Thinking Like a Sonnet: Little Songs as the Building Blocks of Reflection
Third Spaces: Developing Cross-Cultural Friendships Through Food, Music, and Storytelling
Thirteen Ways that Process Philosophy and Theology Can Die
Thirty People with cheap Tiki Torches: inside the white supremacy movement
Thirty Six Lures for Feeling
This Moment is Ultimate, Too: An Interpretive Overview of Andrew Davis' "Mind, Value, and Cosmos"
This Ramadan - Resist Rigid Ritualism; Recognise Divine Receptivity
This Sweet Old World: The Temporary Nature of Any Precious Thing
Those Who Practice the Way: A Homily for Michael
Thou Shalt Not Talk About Me So Much: The Shyness of God and the Humble Heart
Though there are Torturers: Process Theology, Good and Evil
A Thoughtful Approach to Abortion: John Cobb
Thoughts on Marriage
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Three Camps in Christianity and the Liberal Option: A Rough Guide by Douglas Todd
Three Cheers for Desmond Tutu's Beautifully Fat Soul
Three Dot Metaphysics: Whitehead and the Ellipsis
Three Paradigms for an Emerging Islamic Process Theology
Three Promises I'm Making: After Reading "Letter from Catherine Keller"
Three Types of Process Theology: Empirical, Speculative, and Rationalist
Through the Eyes of a Gentle, Medium Size Whale: Process Theology and the Animals in our Lives
Thusness: A Whiteheadian Appreciation of Nature's Self-Creativity
Thy Will be Done in Heaven Even if Not on Earth: An Appreciation of Allison Moorer's "Blood"
"Tidying Up" as a Spiritual Practice: Marie Kondo brings a little Shinto to the World
Time for Ilhan: Film Review
To Choose Life
To Err is Human, To Pivot Divine: A Prose Poem by Naomi Shihab Nye
To Love Everybody with a Sincere Heart: The Chu Tzi Foundation
To Perceive the Feelings of Other Animals: Process Theology, Anne Benvenuti, and Richard Rohr
To See the Face of God: Teri Daily
To the Insects by W. S. Merwin
To the New Year by W.S. Merwin: A Whiteheadian Appreciation
To the Thousandth Generation
To Whom Does American Belong? Do White Americans Really "Deserve" America?
Today in Chapel We Confessed to Plants: In Appreciation of a Worship Service at Union Theological Seminary
Tong (通) as Walking on an Open Road: Chinese Process Thinking (Zhihe Wang and Meijun Fan)
Too Much Connectedness: Whitehead and Kierkegaard on Solitude
Too Much Conviction: The Problem of Overly Fervent Belief
Touched by the Tenderness: John Cobb
Traction in The Darkness and The Light: Nita Gilger
Tractors and Squirrels Expounding Dharma: Shoryu Bradley
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Whitehead
Tragic Beauty: The Great Sadness in the Open and Relational God
Transfiguration: A Lutheran's Journey
The Transformational Death of a Son: Fiona Spargo-Mabbs
Transforming Adversity into Spiritual Growth: The Awakening of Zen-Len
Transgressing Boundaries: The God of Good Friday
A Tree Growing out of My Chest: The Bengsons sing the Yearning
Trees: Process Theology for Tree People
Trinity and Women's Experience: Barbara Brown Zikmund
Tripp Fuller and My Mother: Invitations to Open and Relational Christologies
True Protest is Beauty: Phil Ochs, Process Theology, and Islam
The Truest Creativity: Wisdom from Catherine Keller and Nick Cave
Trust in Beauty
Trusting in Fresh Possibilities: Process Theology and Hanukkah
Trying to Understand the Practice of Trusting: Nita Gilger
Turning Process into Poetry: Notes on Charles Olson and Whitehead
Turtle My Teacher
Turtles and Whales (and us)
Twenty Key Ideas in Process Thinking
Twenty Questions: The Spiritual Alphabet
The Twenty Third Psalm in a Pandemic Age
The Twenty Third Psalm in an Age of Transition
Two Conceptions of Power: Bernard Loomer
Two Kinds of God People/Evolution and Purpose
Two Thanksgiving Essays
Two Ultimates: Creativity and God
"U" is for Unity: Patricia Adams Farmer
Unbepissed and other Forgotten Words in the Oxford English Dictionary
Understanding the Insurrection at the Capitol: Frances Flannery
Une réponse musulmane selon la philosophie du ‘processus’ (ou l’ontologie du devenir) par Farhan SHAH
Unexpected Journeys: Nita Gilger
An Unexpected Sort of Wholeness: The Metaphysics of Grief
The Unique "I" of Jesus: John Cobb
The Unity of a Theatrical Event:: In Appreciation of Adolphe Appia
The Universal Christ: Eternal Companion, Radiant Energy, Creative Transformation
The Universal Song: Process Theology and the Wisdom of David Steindl-Rast
The Universe as a Living Whole: Daniel Wahl, Whole Systems Theory, and Process Theology
Untaming the Resurrection: Teri Daily
"V" is for Vision: Patricia Adams Farmer
Van Gogh's Irises: Panexperientialism in Visual Form
Vastness: Weather Forecasts and the Mysteries of the Deep
A Very Short Introduction to Process Theology
Vibrating Over the Face of the Deep
A Vibration between Hearts: Roland Faber, Joan Baez, and Compassion in a Vibrating World
Victor Wooten: Connections between Music and Ecotheology
Virginia McDaniel: Reflections on a Long Life and the Encircling Spirit
Virtual Resurrection through Artificial Intelligence: Springboards for Reflection
Virtuous Conversations: Verbal, Musical, and Ecological
The Visual Poetry of Monica Ong: Social Justice in the Heavens
Vive La Process Revolution: A Call from Generation Z
Volunteering as a Process-Relational Practice
Voting Biblically
Voting is Holy
Vulnerability of God in Scripture
Vulnerable to the Questions: The Role of Doubt in Faith
"W" is for Wonder
W.B. Yeats Reads The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Wade in the Water - Gospel Music - Love Supreme: Podcasts on the History of African American Sacred Music
Walking as a Spiritual Practice
Walking Humbly with our Hominid Ancestors: Four Insights
Walking the Walk: Socially Engaged Buddhism and the Process Movement
Walking: A Universal Spiritual Practice
Was all this meant to be, including Covid-19? A Process Muslim Response
Was Whitehead influenced by Biological Evolution? Yes and No.
Wash Your Hands and Be Kind: Faith in a Time of Pandemic by Bruce G. Epperly
Water as a Bodhisattva: Elizabeth McAnally on the Ethics and Spirituality of Water
Water as a Spiritual Teacher: On Learning to be Strange to Yourself
The Water is Wide: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
Waylaid by Beauty: Patricia Adams Farmer
We are all Nurses-in-the-Making
We Can Save the World Today and Every Day: Dar Williams
We Carry Their Names: A Daily Practice Inspired by Torah
We Feel Therefore We Are: Collective Effervescence and the Primacy of Shared Emotions
We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir
We Learn to Improvise: Miles Davis and Process Theology
We Live in a Terrible Time: Heavy Metal (Doom) Music as a Shot of Aliveness in an Ecocidal World
We Live in a Thoroughly Miraculous World
We Protect What We Fall In Love With: Introducing Process Theology through the themes of Gratitude and Beauty
We Rise by Lifting Others: Caregivers and Domestic Workers as Exemplars
We Will Wonder, Too: Vivian Dong
We, between Past and Future: Artists in Kyiv, Ukraine
We've Only Just Begun: Karen Carpenter and Process Theology
Weaving the Shadow: A Lenten Reflection
Weaving the World: Feminist Theology and Process Theology
The Weirdness of Matter: A Theology
Welcome my Atheist Friend, Religion is too Precious to Leave to Believers
Welcoming our Extraterrestrial Neighbors: Process Philosophy and UFOs
Wesley the Process Theologian: An Essay by John Cobb
What Americans Can Learn From Confucianism
What an Orthodox-Oriented Christian Priest Learns from Process Theology
What are Strain Feelings in Whitehead's Philosophy?
What are We Doing When we Pray?
What can John Wesley do for us Today? Five Lectures by John Cobb
What does an Open and Relational Bible Study Look Like? What are the Group Dynamics?
What does divine "amipotence" look like? It looks like the human touch of a nurturant nurse
What does God's Breathing Sound Like? Caitlin Frasure, Delvyn Case, and New Classical Music
What does the Earth Desire? Thomas Berry on the Wisdom of Children
What Good Shall I Do Today? The Great Work of Nurturing Local Communities
What Happened to America? The (Missing) Politics in Environmental and Sustainability Education
What if God is Real but doesn't Exist? Questions from a Post-Evangelical Seeker to Open and Relational Theologians
What in the World is Process Theology?
What is a Miracle
What is Aliveness? Springboards for Reflection
What is an Ecological Civilization and How do you Practice it?
What Is Christian Process Theology? Marjorie Suchocki
What is Creativity? What is God?
What is Democracy? Springboards for Reflection
What is Ecotheology and How do you Practice it?
What is my Mission in Life? Gratitude for a Sermon by Robert Williamson Jr.
What is My Vocation? by John B. Cobb, Jr.
What is My Vocation? John B. Cobb, Jr.
What is Nature?
What is Process Philosophy and How do you practice it?
What is Religious about this Painting? F. Thomas Trotter
What is the number Two? Whitehead's Eternal Objects, Jung's Archetypes, and Infant Psychology
What is the Place of Silent Prayer in Open and Relational Theologies?
What is the Purpose of Life? Wisdom, Compassion, Creativity
What is the "Relational" Part of Open and Relational Theology?
What is the role of a Muslim Philosopher in a Pluralistic Age?
What is the Role of Spirituality in an Ecological Civilization?
What the Constitution Means to Me: Film Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
What the World's Religions can learn from Irish Pub Music
What would Whitehead think? John Cobb on Ten Principles of Whiteheadian Thinking
What's Going On? Metaphysical questioning as a pleasurable and subversive religious activity
What's to learn from Positive Psychology about Open and Relational Parenting?
What's to Love about America (even as it's been seduced by the Devil)
What's to Love about Top Forty Pop Music? A Theological Appreciation
What's Up, Patriarchy? Lady Gaga, Fem-Country-Punk, and the Book of Esther
Whatever Happened to America? Against Poster Children and "Merit" Criteria
Whatever Happened to the Common Good? Meritocracy, Throwaway Culture, and Folk Libertarianism
Whatever Makes Us Crumble: Triggers for Trauma
Wheel of Life: Eighteen Forms of Spiritual Aliveness
When All the Leaves Are Gone
When Dreams are Interrupted
When Fear Hurts: Patricia Adams Farmer
When I Fall Down I Get Up Again: Short Reflections on Whitehead and Zen
When Strangers Meet Musically and Scripturally: Yo-Yo Ma and Scriptural Reasoning
When the Fat Girl Gets Skinny & Pocket-Sized Feminism: Blythe Baird
When the Light Shines Through: A Sermon on the Transfiguration
When Your Grandmother Dies: Reflections on Perishing and Immortality
Where Does Such Tenderness Come From?
Where is God for the Dying Giraffe: Five Questions for Open and Relational Theologians
Where is God in Alzheimer's Disease?
Where is God in Mental Illness?
Where is Lived Experience in Whitehead?
Where is Scarborough Fair? Process and Folk Music
Wherever It Falls: New Music with Arab Roots
Which is More Important, the Historical Jesus or the Cosmic Christ?
Which Way Do We Choose Going Forward?
White Power Movement in the US and its Transnational Aspirations: Links and Podcasts
Whitehead and Buddhism: John Cobb
Whitehead and Chinese Philosophy
Whitehead and Emily Dickinson: A Theology
Whitehead and Evolution
Whitehead and Little Richard: A Hunger for Intensity, Human and Divine
Whitehead and the Mind-Body Relation
Whitehead and the Transpersonal Mind: Can Exceptional Experiences Help Save the World?
Whitehead and Zen Buddhism: Some Connections
Whitehead Bibliography for Scholars
Whitehead on the Feeling of Peace
Whitehead on Wordsworth - Art out of Nature
Whitehead Videos: Reading Process and Reality with help from Twenty Short Videos
Whitehead without Actual Entities? Maybe so.
Whitehead without God: Donald Sherburne
Whitehead without God: Wieman's Critique of Whitehead
Whitehead, Einstein, and Relativity
Whitehead's Doctrine of God: John Cobb
Whitehead's Doctrine of God: John Cobb in "A Christian Natural Theology"
Whitehead's Empirical Aesthetic: William Dean
Whitehead's Introduction to Mathematics: Henry, Valenza, and Wasserman
Whitehead's Philosophy of Experience: Speculative and Phenomenological
Whitehead's Sonic Ontology and its Performance in Sound Poetry
Whitehead's Theory of Relativity
Whitehead's Theory of Value
Whitehead's Two Kinds of Process
Whitehead’s “Theory” of Propositions: Anthony J. Steinbeck
Whiteheadian Existentialism
Whiteheadian Reflection on Subjective Immortality: Lewis Ford and Marjorie Suchocki
Who are the Champions? Freddy Mercury and Process Theology
Who is Lady Macbeth? A Process Reflection
Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On: Playing the Devil's Music
A Whole Universe of Stories
Wholeness and Beauty: Patricia Adams Farmer, Jay McDaniel
Wholeness and the Implicate Order: Five Ideas from David Bohm
Why are some Young Chinese drawn to Process Thought? It's a Lifestyle
Why are there so many different religions? Paul Ingram
Why Be Christian? Christianity as a Paradigm Shift from Force and Competition to Relational Power
Why Believe in Rebirth? Jeffery D. Long
Why Christians Turn to Buddhism: Six Reasons
Why Do Onions Make Us Cry?
Why Ecological Civilizations Need Coffee Shops
Why Engage in Dialog? A Muslim and Christian Perspective
Why is there a Next Moment? Whitehead Answer: Being is Creativity
Why Listen to Country Music?
Why Should Christians Study the Buddhist Way? Paul O. Ingram
Why Study Physics? It will change you.
Why the Bible is a Horrible Book (and deserves to be read on a regular basis)
Why use a Lectionary? And what is a Lectionary, anyway?
Widening Out into Beauty: Growing into an Open-Ended Life
Wider, Funkier Faith: Robert Williamson and the Forgotten Books of the Bible
Wild Turkeys and Wilderness Ways: Nita Gilger
Wilderness and Interdependence: A Reflection
Will an Ecological Civilization be Fun? Ecological Civilization, the Sunrise Movement, and the Green New Deal
Wisdom from Korea: Jazz, Bibimbap, and Eco-Civ
Wisdom in Your Hands: In Appreciation of the Cobb Eco-Village in China
Wishing for a Song: Anne Goldberg on the Power of Music
With Ear Against Bark I Listen: Pagan Theopoetics from Kathleen Jacobson
With Hearts Linked Together: Joean Oon Siew Kee, Eco-Enzymes, and the Philosophy of Relationships
Without Poetry, What? Finding Your Inner Ozark with help from Wendy Taylor Carlisle
Woman of Constant Transformation: Alice Coltrane
Women Talking/The Culture of Conversation/Forgiveness
Won't You Celebrate With Me: The Poetry of Lucille Clifton
Woodpecker Wisdom: A Willingnes to Regroup and Claiming our Inner Woodpecker: The Relational Alternative
The World Needs Local Entrepreneurs: Rising Tide Capital, Beloved Economies, and Process Theology
The World needs more than Compassion; It needs Gladness.
Worshipping Online: A Reflection by Bruce Epperly
Would Jesus hunt? If he did, would he enjoy the killing?
Writing about Writing
Writing about "Writing about God": Paul O. Ingram
"Y" is for You
Yearning: Thawing Cold Wars in the Heart
Yes to Miracles, No to Omnipotence
Yes to Sex, Yes to Intimacy, and No to Pornography: Farhan Shah and Jay McDaniel
Yes, God is in Control but through Love not Predestination
Yes, I am a Druid. And Process, too.
Yesterday: A Film Review
Yin and Yang of Persons-in-Community: A Chinese and American Seek Wisdom Together
A Yoga of World Solidarity: Inspiration from Catherine Keller
You Never Know: Living with Radical Contingency as a Spiritual Practice
You were Strangers: The Ethical Significance of Passover
Young Wesleyans: What if God is really Love?
Your Appointment with Life is in the Present Moment Where Process Theology meets Thich Nhat Hanh
Your God is Too Big: Learning to find God in the Small and Tender
Your Soul is a River: Bob Mesle and the Warsaw Village Band
The Yunhe Center in China: Nurturing a new generation of young Chinese
Zen Cooking: Life is What Happens in the Kitchen
Zen Meditation
Zest for Life: Falling in Love with the Idea of Living
Zooming God: A Note on Digital Panentheism
За нашою границею: New Music from Ukraine
آیدین صمیمی مفخم—Idin Samimi Mofakham
মশ্তিষ্কের কণ্ঠশ্বর | Voices in my head
비자아: Buddhist No-Self in a Dark and Digital World
"知音"(zhī yīn) and Musical Friendship
聪明 as Multiple Intelligence