Beverly's Lament
"Jesus said love your enemies,
but he didn't know Donald Trump."

Dear Pope Francis.
It’s rally time in America, and I’ve got a problem. Jesus said to love your enemies, but he didn’t know Donald Trump.
I think about Mr. Trump way too much. I can’t stand his voice or his appearance. I can’t stand what he stands for. He seems so mean-spirited and self-centered. I can’t think of a single quality he has that reminds me of Jesus.
I think it began when he belittled a handicapped journalist at a rally and bragged about grabbing women’s ______ , but it’s gotten so much worse. People tell me just to avoid television news, but that’s hard for me.
To tell you the truth, I think I’m addicted to hating him just as much as his rally-goers are addicted to worshiping him. If they are trumpaholics, I guess I’m a trumpaphobic.
Oh Pope, I know you're a Christian and I know how you think. You're a kind and peacemaking man, with a penchant for the poor and powerless. I sense that you, too, don’t like him all that much. But I’m guessing you’re not as obsessed with him as I am. Besides praying, maybe even for him, can you offer some additional advice?
Thanks, Beverly
It’s rally time in America, and I’ve got a problem. Jesus said to love your enemies, but he didn’t know Donald Trump.
I think about Mr. Trump way too much. I can’t stand his voice or his appearance. I can’t stand what he stands for. He seems so mean-spirited and self-centered. I can’t think of a single quality he has that reminds me of Jesus.
I think it began when he belittled a handicapped journalist at a rally and bragged about grabbing women’s ______ , but it’s gotten so much worse. People tell me just to avoid television news, but that’s hard for me.
To tell you the truth, I think I’m addicted to hating him just as much as his rally-goers are addicted to worshiping him. If they are trumpaholics, I guess I’m a trumpaphobic.
Oh Pope, I know you're a Christian and I know how you think. You're a kind and peacemaking man, with a penchant for the poor and powerless. I sense that you, too, don’t like him all that much. But I’m guessing you’re not as obsessed with him as I am. Besides praying, maybe even for him, can you offer some additional advice?
Thanks, Beverly
* Note from Jay McDaniel, editor of Open Horizons. Beverly is a character in my imagination and also a voice in my head. I know many Beverlys. Maybe you do, too. I hope this page might help you claim your inner Beverly. Jay McDaniel, June 20, 2020.