Fingers help create the Moon
It is as true to say that God creates the World,
as that the World creates God.
- Whitehead, Process and Reality
We humans create so many images of God.
God as Cat, God as Friend, God as Mother, God as Lord, God as Coyote, God as Energy, God as Lover, God as Judge, God as Beauty, God as King, God as Earth, God as Father, God as Water, God as Silence, God as Matrix, God as Fire, God as Question Mark, God as Companion, God as Creativity, God as Everything.
I offer one more image: God as the Moon. I like the image because it suggests that our attempts to describe God are like fingers pointing to the Moon. The Moon transcends our fingers. No finger has a monopoly on the Moon and all point to it in some way, illuminating something about it.
I suggest further that the Moon is Love and alive with its own kind of feeling. It experiences our fingers pointing to it and in experiencing them they (the fingers) help create the Moon. This means that the Moon is not up and away but rather everywhere at once. The Moon is in its moonlight, touching everything in some way. Indeed it is inside each finger even as it is beyond all fingers, luring the finger to become fully alive; and it is a companion to all fingers, sharing in the sufferings and joys of all living being. The Moon is like the woman in the image below. She holds a world she loves and is partly created by the world she loves.
If we want to understand how the world creates God, we must find a better analogy than the Moon. How about God as Mother? Or as Father? Or both? Parents know, in ways that the Moon may not, that they are partly created by their children.
- Jay McDaniel, 3/23/2022