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A Ringy Dingy Super Moon
By Nita Gilger
Last night's super moon shone through our bedroom windows with beauty and boldness. The moon is such a comforting gift to me. It shouts out the consistency and dependability of God. It reminds me that God is much, much closer than a phone call away.
Now go with me down a rabbit hole. You know how my mind works, right? It's quirky and random sometimes. Here I was having profound thoughts about the accessibility and closeness of God when all of a sudden, Ernestine pops into my mind's eye. You must remember Lilly Tomlin on the old TV show Laugh-In where she was the telephone operator. It was always, "One ringy dingy, two ringy dingy. Is this the party to whom I am speaking?" Sometimes, Ernestine would say "one ringa ding ding." Tomlin did some hilarious skits with that character.
Ernestine would talk to everyone from Frank Sinatra to Richard Nixon to the CIA and General Motors. If you want to fill your day with laughter, just get on YouTube and dial up Ernestine and her hilarious phone company calls. And, any of us who grew up in the Laugh-In era certainly remember Ernestine’s famous snort and the constant adjusting of her blouse calling attention to her rather flat chest and innuendos.
It occurred to me that the super moon was taking me to a one ringy dingy call with God. Easy access comes to me through the beauty of nature and the simple trust of calling out to and inviting Spirit in. When I have an open heart, the Spirit comes flooding in without any rancor or resistance or difficulty. No snorting or adjusting needed. I don't have to rely on Ernestine or anyone else to "get through" to Spirit or create a connection.
My one ringy dingy super moon moment last night took me to the sunrise this morning to start my day with a full heart and a direct line to God. It is the assurance of things seen and unseen where in God's care, nothing and no one is lost. Thanks be to God from whom all things come--including a sense of humor. Amen.