The Baffled Mind as Sacred Space
Wendell Berry, Sarah Taibah, John O'Donohue
Introduction: One time I asked a student to describe for me her most sacred of spaces. She did not say Mecca or Jerusalem. She did not say this field or that river. She said "my mind." At first I was skeptical, because I was thinking of palpable land. But then I realized that the mind can indeed be a land filled with possibility. This land is most productive, says Wendell Berry, not when it is satisfied and calm, but rather when it is baffled and confused: that is, when impediments get in the way. That's when the creativity emerges. Indeed, so John O'Donohue proposes, the mind is productive when it is kind to contradictioins. Sarah Taibah, in the video below, helps us understand this.. Thanks to her and to her friend and producer, Haishem Ainousa, for sharing a walk into the third space. In her walking, filled with bewilderment, we hear the singing. (JMcD)