Process and the God of COLOR
After centuries of white people colonizing everything, its long past time
we pray to a God of COLOR and bring her spirit to the altar of action.
learning from Courtney Ariel,
Songwriter and Storyteller
Courtney Ariel is a songwriter and storyteller. She is committed to building bridges of deeper understanding through stories,
white-washed walls have never provided a safe space for us; they will not now. And as i watch folx tirelessly clinging to uphold institutions as they have always understood them—ignoring the suffering of those around them, protectors of constructs, and champions of whiteness—i keep praying to a God of COLOR~coming to this altar. imagining something new, then reimagining it again, broader this time: to make more space for more experiences, to burn down something that has never served me, and will not now. If we are not listening, and changing from this place, i struggle to imagine we ever will. I hope we will, and in vibrant color."
Courtney Ariel Facebook Post, April 14, 2020 |