Was Whitehead influenced by Biological Evolution?
Yes and No.
Did Alfred North Whitehead believe in biolgical evolution? Yes. Did theories of biological evolution play an important role in his systematic philosophy? No, says Whitehead scholar, Dr. George R. Lucas, Jr.
Dr. Lucas argues that evolution and evolutionist theories play no significant role in Whitehead’s metaphysics, and that there is no evidence in his major works of any significant influence from earlier process-oriented "evolutionary cosmologies." This does not mean that Whitehead was opposed to evolution or neutral with regarx to it. Instead he presupposed it. He offers a post-evolutionary philosophy. From the article:
Dr. Lucas argues that evolution and evolutionist theories play no significant role in Whitehead’s metaphysics, and that there is no evidence in his major works of any significant influence from earlier process-oriented "evolutionary cosmologies." This does not mean that Whitehead was opposed to evolution or neutral with regarx to it. Instead he presupposed it. He offers a post-evolutionary philosophy. From the article:
This is not to say that evolutionist theories are unimportant to his philosophy. Whitehead is as "post-evolutionary" in his thought as were the pragmatists, for example, in theirs.18 That is to say, Whitehead, James, Peirce, and Dewey all presuppose some concept of evolutionary development in their philosophies; indeed, their respective styles of philosophizing would have been inconceivable apart from the prior development of evolutionist theories. Only in Peirce’s later thought, however, does an explicit evolutionary paradigm come to assume central importance. Among these four thinkers, that is, only Peirce develops a full-blown "evolutionary cosmology in any recognizable sense....Whitehead’s cosmology, by contrast, is influenced principally by mathematical physics (primarily relativity theory, and to a lesser degree, quantum mechanics). There is little explicit influence from the field of biology, from biological evolution, or from evolutionist theories generally, all of which are unsystematically presupposed.