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Izzz Wazzing
In Heidegger's Being and Time he proposes that human existence is essentially temporal. We humans do not simply "exist" and then enter into something called "time." Instead, our very existence is a process of finding ourselves thrown into the present from an already-existing past and responding to that past, thereby creating a future for ourselves and others, which itself becomes past.
We don't just do this once. We do it again and again and again. Always we are receiving and responding and creating, receiving and responding and creating. Our existence, our is-ness, is an activity, not a thing. Being is temporal.
In Whitehead's Process and Reality he adds that something like receiving-responding-creating is at the heart of every actuality. He calls it concrescence. Not only people, but other animals and living cells, and also the quantum events in the depths of atoms, are being-in-a-world-temporally. They are concrescing. Another word for this is experiencing.
Morever, says Whitehead, the present is always becoming past. Part of existence is perpetual perishing. The Is is becoming Was. He speaks of this perishing of subjective immediacy as the transition from present to past.
The point is simply: Everything is always izz wuzzing, like the sound of bees buzzing through sunflowers. If there is wisdom in this way of thinking, then there is also wisdom in introducing young children to the idea. Try Is Was by Deborah Freedman.
- Jay McDaniel, June 24, 2021
We don't just do this once. We do it again and again and again. Always we are receiving and responding and creating, receiving and responding and creating. Our existence, our is-ness, is an activity, not a thing. Being is temporal.
In Whitehead's Process and Reality he adds that something like receiving-responding-creating is at the heart of every actuality. He calls it concrescence. Not only people, but other animals and living cells, and also the quantum events in the depths of atoms, are being-in-a-world-temporally. They are concrescing. Another word for this is experiencing.
Morever, says Whitehead, the present is always becoming past. Part of existence is perpetual perishing. The Is is becoming Was. He speaks of this perishing of subjective immediacy as the transition from present to past.
The point is simply: Everything is always izz wuzzing, like the sound of bees buzzing through sunflowers. If there is wisdom in this way of thinking, then there is also wisdom in introducing young children to the idea. Try Is Was by Deborah Freedman.
- Jay McDaniel, June 24, 2021