Your God is Too Big
learning to find God in the small and tender

Photo by Irina Krutova on Unsplash
Looking for God? Think small, think tender, think personal, think specific, think ordinary. Or, for that matter, says Reverend Daily, think of God as revealed in Jesus. Of Jesus she writes:
Jesus did not spend his time filling huge stadiums, visiting the palaces of the wealthy and powerful, or traveling to the most populated cities such as Rome or Alexandria or Athens. Instead, the Son of God spent his ministry in a relatively small geographical area, among a people who were oppressed. He talked one-on-one with a Samaritan woman at the well; he healed a man with a withered hand in the synagogue on a sabbath; he noticed a man who had been begging by the pool for thirty-eight years, and Jesus healed him. This is the compassionate love of God in which not one person goes unnoticed, a love that does not pass anyone by.
What's the point? We miss God if we focus only on the grandiose, the awesome, the opulent, the cosmic, the spectacular, the infinite, the unfathomable. Our God is too big. We may believe in this Big God or we have deny the existence of this Big God; either way we are preoccupied with Bigness. We need to make contact with the small God. the tender One. The one who, as Teri Daily points out, didn't fill large stadiums, but touched withered hands.
- Jay McDaniel, 8/21/2021