In the sweet territory of silence we touch the mystery. It's the place of reflection and contemplation, and it's the place where we can connect with the deep knowing, to the deep wisdom way.
Angeles Arrien quoted in The Millionth Circlev by Jean Shinoda Bolen Don't look for meaning in the words. Listen to the silences.
Samuel Beckett quoted in Forty Days of Solitude by Doris Grumbach
Nothing is so like God as silence. Meister Eckhart quoted in Why Not Be a Mystic? by Frank Tuoti |
Silence is the shaft we descend to the depths of contemplation. Silence is the vehicle that takes us to the innermost centre of our being which is the place for all authentic practice.
Elaine MacInnes in Light Sitting in Light Silence is God's first language; everything else is a poor translation. In order to hear that language, we must learn to be still and to rest in God.
Thomas Keating quoted in The Sun & Moon Over Assisi by Gerard Thomas Straub Silence is a creative and loving space in the heart. It is where we touch the Deep Listening.
Jay McDaniel, Living from the Center |
"In the mid-1980s, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote a marvelous essay on liturgy and sacred music, and, what may come as a surprise, he ended it by quoting Mahatma Gandhi thus:
Gandhi refers to the three living spaces of the cosmos and to the way in which each of these living spaces has its own mode of being. Fish live in the sea, and they are silent. Animals on the earth cry. But the birds, whose living space is the heavens, sing. Silence is proper to the sea, crying to the earth, and singing to the heavens.[1]
Then he goes on to say that we human beings, however, have a share in all three of those realms, the silence of the sea, the cry of the earth and the song of the heavens, because we bear within ourselves the depths of the sea, the burden of the earth, and the heights of heaven, and for that reason all three of those properties belong to us: silence, crying, and singing. But in our present time, he lamented, the cry is all that remains for us if we are without transcendence, if we will to be only earth or if we attempt to make heaven and the depths of the sea into earth.
I'd like to take that same teaching of Gandhi as my starting point, but mainly to concentrate on this first level, the silence of the sea and the mystery of sound."
-- Cyprian Consiglo, excerpted from "The Sound and the Silence," a talk given for the National Pastoral Musician's Convention in East Brunswick, Indiana, 2008