Looking for something to do in your Sunday School class, or your learning circle, or your interfaith group, or your civic club. Or maybe just something to do with friends at a local coffee shop, or with neighbors at a backyard gathering. Try showing the Process and Interfaith slide show below and see where the discussion leads. It's from the Educator's Toolbox offered by the Cobb Institute.
Show one slide at a time on your laptop so that everyone can see, and then invite conversation. Let people critique, refine, or otherwise explore each of fourteen ideas, maybe adding some of their own. Invite them too tell stories which illustrate or challenge the ideas. Let friendships emerge from the discussion, with no one dominating. Make sure to have refreshments. It should be fun.
While you're at it, you may want to introduce a little process philosophy and theology. Try some of the slide shows at the bottom of this page or go to the Cobb Institute Educator's Toolbox for much more. And if you want advice on how to use the slides, contact the folks at the Institute. Click here and they'll respond.
More Material from the Cobb Institute Educator's Toolbox