I wouldn’t say that this particular moment in American history is particularly pleasant. Many people yearn for resolution, completeness, wholeness: individually and socially. They may imagine the final outcome as “law and order in which America is great again” or as “beloved community in which we take care of one another and the Earth.”
Whatever the outcome we seek, this moment can be a reminder that, in truth, liminal moments are the building blocks of life and reality. There is no final outcome. Always we are, and will be, betwixt and between. Life is process.
Our faith, then, need not be confidence that, at some point in the future, all will be fully resolved. It can be trust in the availability of fresh possibilities: trust that amid not apart from the liminality of life, we can live wisely and freely, lovingly and courageously, moment by moment, in whatever situation we find ourselves. With help from a Freshness Deep Down, we can stop, relax, breathe, pray, and resume.
- Jay McDaniel, November, 2020
Whatever the outcome we seek, this moment can be a reminder that, in truth, liminal moments are the building blocks of life and reality. There is no final outcome. Always we are, and will be, betwixt and between. Life is process.
Our faith, then, need not be confidence that, at some point in the future, all will be fully resolved. It can be trust in the availability of fresh possibilities: trust that amid not apart from the liminality of life, we can live wisely and freely, lovingly and courageously, moment by moment, in whatever situation we find ourselves. With help from a Freshness Deep Down, we can stop, relax, breathe, pray, and resume.
- Jay McDaniel, November, 2020