Making the Fool Care
Puncturing middle-class indifference
to climate change and other problems
Dear Ageless One, please touch our minds and hearts with the facts about climate change. Encourage us to act before we destroy the Earth you created. Help us to change our ways so that poor people, animals, and plants may not become collateral damage of climatic changes.
- Frederic Brussat, Spirituality and Practice (
A friend once commented, "Any fool can see that we are in a global ecological crisis. The question is, how do we make a fool care." We make a fool care by encouraging the wise one living within the fool to come forth. The wise one already cares. All that is required is that we honor and live by that shining wisdom which, despite our foolishness, passionately exists within us.
- Catherine Ingram, Compassionate Presence
The present trajectory of life on this planet is unsustainable, and the underlying causes of our environmental crisis are inseparable from our social and economic systems. The massive inequality between the rich and the poor is not separate from our systems of unlimited growth, the depletion of natural resources, the extinction of species, or global warming. Social and environmental movements require an orientation that is neither too narrow and short-term, nor too abstract and long-term to offer concrete guidance. Formulating the requirements for the flourishing of life in all its forms ― an ecological civilization ― will provide the roadmap that leaders need and will ground a hope that stimulates the necessary reforms.
- Institute for Ecological Civilization (