Spirit of My Silence
Sufjan Stevens, Ann Powers,
and Alfred North Whitehead
Spirit of my silence I can hear you, but I'm afraid to be near you.
-- Sufjan Stevens, Musician
It's a challenge Stevens poses to himself, to make space for a presence that continually gets lost in the human shuffle...Tracing the confusion and the enlightenment that mourning and isolation invite, Stevens joins a handful of other artists returning solitude to the center of the musical conversation this year.
-- Ann Powers, Writer
Religion is what the individual does with his own solitariness...It is the transition from God the void to God the enemy, and from God the enemy to God the companion.
-- Alfred North Whitehead. Philosopher
-- Sufjan Stevens, Musician
It's a challenge Stevens poses to himself, to make space for a presence that continually gets lost in the human shuffle...Tracing the confusion and the enlightenment that mourning and isolation invite, Stevens joins a handful of other artists returning solitude to the center of the musical conversation this year.
-- Ann Powers, Writer
Religion is what the individual does with his own solitariness...It is the transition from God the void to God the enemy, and from God the enemy to God the companion.
-- Alfred North Whitehead. Philosopher