Slow, Emotive, and Quietly Explosive
The Eco-Electronic Music of Mei-Fang Liau as
inspired by the choreography of Lee-Chen Lin
Her sonic journeys explore themes of growth, decay and the contradictory place of humans within nature. The slow, explosive, and quietly emotive dance performances of Taiwan's legendary choreographer Lee-Chen Lin are a key inspiration.
- about Mei-Fang Liau (from her website)
In the middle of the living creatures there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro among the living creatures; the fire was bright, and lightning issued from the fire.
—Ezekiel 1:13 (NRSV)
The fire of love at the heart of every being is the sense by which all things know one another immediately, intimately from the inside, as if there was no external space.
- Roland Faber, The Cosmic Spirit
The fire of love ignites the inner space of our imagination and the outer space of the hills and rivers. Some say the fire began with an early green outburst about fifteen billion years ago. Others say it began with God. Still others say "both." It now burns within the heart of each being as a yearning for satisfaction, for intensity of experience, for togetherness, for creativity. The burning within a given creature can be in balance or out of balance with the other fires. In any case it is quietly explosive. Mei-Fang Liu makes music of the fire.
- Jay McDaniel
Her sonic journeys explore themes of growth, decay and the contradictory place of humans within nature. The slow, explosive, and quietly emotive dance performances of Taiwan's legendary choreographer Lee-Chen Lin are a key inspiration.
- about Mei-Fang Liau (from her website)
In the middle of the living creatures there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro among the living creatures; the fire was bright, and lightning issued from the fire.
—Ezekiel 1:13 (NRSV)
The fire of love at the heart of every being is the sense by which all things know one another immediately, intimately from the inside, as if there was no external space.
- Roland Faber, The Cosmic Spirit
The fire of love ignites the inner space of our imagination and the outer space of the hills and rivers. Some say the fire began with an early green outburst about fifteen billion years ago. Others say it began with God. Still others say "both." It now burns within the heart of each being as a yearning for satisfaction, for intensity of experience, for togetherness, for creativity. The burning within a given creature can be in balance or out of balance with the other fires. In any case it is quietly explosive. Mei-Fang Liu makes music of the fire.
- Jay McDaniel