Dancing in Uzbekistan
The Sunniest Dance on Earth
In the spiritual alphabet of humanity "c" is for connection, "k" is for kindness and "z" is for zest. That's how the folks at Spirituality and Practice understand things, and we at the Cobb Institute agree. Any sustainable society worth developing needs its sunny dances - that is, its intangible cultural heritages that nurture connection, kindness, and joy for living. Let the world offer a huge thanks to Uzbekistan and its Lazgi dances for doing just this. We process theologians cannot help but think that even the Consciousness of the universe, even the holy one, is made more alive by the vibrant rhythms, the facial mimics, the humor and the joy. Yes, surely God, too, enjoys a good sunny dance.
- Jay McDaniel, August 24, 2021
Lazgi is the dance with a feel-good factor, making you feel a joie de vivre or zest for life. There is an opinion that the meaning of the ancient word ‘lazgi’ is ‘tremble,’ which describes a very energetic movement of the body along with the vibrant musical rhythms and expressive facial mimics. Nowadays, Surnay Lazgi is very popular for its uplifting spirit, ideal for happy occasions and celebrations as it is shown in this video by Dilnoza Artikova, the winner of the national award ‘Nihol’ and one of the best performers of Khorezm Lazgi.
- Rosa Vercoe, Khorezm Lazgi: The Sunniest Dance on Earth