As the election season approaches I've been studying the Oxford English Dictionary to help improve my vocabulary.
constult (v.): to act stupidly together
elozable (adj.): readily influenced by flattery
insordescent (adj.): growing in filthiness
nefandous (adj.): too odious to be spoken of
fard (v.): to paint the face with cosmetics, so as to hide blemishes
beyelp: to talk loudly of, boast of, glory in (c.1330)
obganiate (v.): to annoy by repeating over and over and over and over
bespurtle: to asperse or befoul
bestrut: to strut or walk pompously over
kankedort (n.): an awkward situation or affair
grinagog (n.): a person who is constantly grinning
gound (n.): the gunk that collects in the corners of the eyes
hamartia (n.): the flaw that precipitates the destruction of a tragic hero
I knew hamartia already, but the others were new to me. I'm hoping words such as these will help me communicate my innermost feelings but remain unbepissed.
-- Jay McDaniel
constult (v.): to act stupidly together
elozable (adj.): readily influenced by flattery
insordescent (adj.): growing in filthiness
nefandous (adj.): too odious to be spoken of
fard (v.): to paint the face with cosmetics, so as to hide blemishes
beyelp: to talk loudly of, boast of, glory in (c.1330)
obganiate (v.): to annoy by repeating over and over and over and over
bespurtle: to asperse or befoul
bestrut: to strut or walk pompously over
kankedort (n.): an awkward situation or affair
grinagog (n.): a person who is constantly grinning
gound (n.): the gunk that collects in the corners of the eyes
hamartia (n.): the flaw that precipitates the destruction of a tragic hero
I knew hamartia already, but the others were new to me. I'm hoping words such as these will help me communicate my innermost feelings but remain unbepissed.
-- Jay McDaniel