Exorcising the White Imagination
setting afoot a new human being by imagining a future
in which blackness shines form in all its glory, and by
imagining the "same old" stories, the creation stories,
in radically new ways, as if heard for the first time.
Newness is the key. It is the grace as fresh possibility.
Newness is one of God's most beautiful names.
Gradually the demon begins to dissolve, and life
begins to flourish, one quantum moment at a time.
The Problem
Carrying the Weight of How the White World Imagines You
by Miguel Clark Mallet, clink on the button for
the entire article. Here are some excerpts:
By “the white imagination” I mean a worldview in which the presence, perspectives, and experiences of white Americans — especially males — of European descent are taken are treated as “normal,” as the default. Though I’m not white, I feel qualified to describe the white imagination because it dominates the nation in which I was raised and in which I live. We are inkblots on which the white imagination so often projects its goodness. On the shadow of our skin, against brown and female and othered bodies, whiteness is imaged as virtuous, tolerant, rational, moral. Christian. American. Human. Normal. Beneath the wearying grind of trying to see yourself through the mind of those who have never really seen you — who refuse to see you — the knowledge that this may never change gives rise to despair. We know where the monster lives; we know where it came from. It’s the beast of the white imagination. And we answer with our own visceral, vivid imaginations — released in poetry, music, painting, photography, film, theater — to keep that beast at bay. |
Some white people may feel shock at Dr. Robin DiAngelo’s “racial breakdown of the people who control our institutions” in 2016-17: |
The Truth
Blackness in the White Imagination has Nothing to do with Black People
The Process of Exorcism