Singing Hope Across Cultures Together: The Koolulam Initiative
Koolulam: Singing is Believing
"Koolulam is a social musical initiative aimed at empowering communities and strengthening the fabric of society. Through collaborative creative experiences, we bring together people of different backgrounds, cultures, faiths and geographies. Since our formation, we have shown how we can harness the power of musical harmony, and use it to inspire harmony in humanity. Hundreds of thousands of people have already joined the movement to create social change through musical cooperation.
We specialize in bringing together large groups of people in-person or online in a unique artistic collaboration. For a few hours, participants step out of their comfort zone, awaken their senses, and set their voices free. We teach everyone to listen – to themselves and to one another – and then create something powerful together."
More Examples and the Story Behind the Initiative
Singing the Four Hopes of the Process Movement
Singing together, especially singing harmonies, is a socio-spiritual practice, as the work of Koolulam makes clear. When we sing or enjoy harmonies, we hear a possibility that is more than us but beckons us. We hear the possibility that we might live together in a blended way that includes our differences.
Indeed, as the Bible so often suggests, it we dream deeply, we find ourselves beckoned by a Harmony of Harmonies that arrives from the hoped-for future, gracing our imaginations with dreams of justice and peace, mercy and joy, silence and play. The beckoning of this Harmony goes way past meritocracy, way past the idea that only some voices deserve to be heard.
In our time the beckoning of the Harmony is the dream, the hope, that we might build and live in multi-faith communities that are creative, compassionate, participatory, diverse, inclusive, humane to animals, and good for the earth with no one left behind. In a way when we are inspired by this dream, we are ourselves being dreamed by the Harmony. We are, as it were, dreaming together.