Photo by James McGill on Unsplash
Photo by Biegun Wschodni on Unsplash
The Comfort of Green Pastures
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in green pastures.
- Psalm 23, King James Bible
- Psalm 23, King James Bible
Imagine that God is Love and that we humans are grazing in this Love, nourished by it even as we might not have a concept for it. After all, nourishment as such, considered in abstraction from actual grass, is a fairly abstract concept. Still we have the experience of being nourished by the green pastures of family and friends, of the natural world and the simple joys of life; and we have faith in the possibility that no matter what happens some kind of nourishment is possible. We would like to orient our lives around the nourishment and be vessels of its healing power. It helps if we have a more concrete image to focus our attention. Say, the image of a shepherd who forever guides each and all into green pastures. We need not insist that this good shepherd is all-powerful. We know that we and others stray all the time. But the shepherd is a moral and spiritual compass and also, as Nita Gilger emphasizes below, ,a companion: in Whitehead's words, "a fellow sufferer who understands." For Christians Jesus is this shepherd. He is made in the image of divine Love and his mission is to show us the way into green pastures, not by teaching alone but by example. Our task is to become ambassadors of the Good Shepherd. We need not pretend that all of life is a green pasture. There is much sadness and terror, horror and injustice. There may even be bad sheep. But, like Jesus, we,can be channels of a healing grace that is beneath, beyond, and within the whole of life. We, too, can be shepherds.
- Jay McDaniel, August 4, 2021
- Jay McDaniel, August 4, 2021