And God said "What's Up?"
Twenty Five Divine Colloquialisms
- "I've got your back even though I don't call the shots." - God's way of saying God is not in complete control but will hang in there with us.
- "It's a mystery to me." - God's way of saying that what happens in the future is a mystery, even to God, because the future is not yet decided.
- "I'll be your inner strength" - "I'll pull you up from within." - "I am your inner teacher." God's way of saying he/she is inside us an indwelling lure toward life, vitality, and goodness.
- "Take it easy." - God encouraging someone to relax, stay calm, or not to exert themselves too much when they are over-extended. An invitation to meditation and contemplative prayer.
- "I'm good." - God saying "I'm in good spirits, I'm content, I'm fine." God says this when people worry that God may be losing composure or having a fit. Meant to communicate the peace of God.
- "How's it going?" - "What's Up?" God asking someone what they've been up to or what's happening in their life. This is one of God's favorite questions.
- "No worries!" - God reassuring someone that there's no need to be concerned or stressed about something, especially helpful for worry warts and highly anxious people.
- "Hang in there!" - God encouraging someone to persevere or stay strong during a challenging situation. God says this a lot. God is saying that not all things are possible, not even for God, but that God will help people power through. Similar to #2 and #3 above.
- "You're a star!" - God complimenting someone, indicating that they've done a great job or that they're highly valued. Especially helpful for those who feel like nothings or nobodies. God is always saying this to the poor and powerless. But almost never to celebrities, corporate executives, or politicians. Or to theologians who are obsessed with being recognized.
- "Piece of cake!" - God conveying that something is easy or simple to do, often to reassure someone who might be worried about a task or situation. Another way of reminding them that they have creativity of their own and that, with God's help, they can make good things happen.
- "You're a lifesaver!" - God thanking someone for their help or assistance, emphasizing that they have made a significant positive impact. Part of co-creativity.
- "Wow." - God's way of expressing the awe he/she feels when seeing the whole of creation with its many forms of life.
- "Get over yourself." - Said by God when people think they are more important than other forms of life or when they seek constant ratification.
- "Let's grab a bite!" - God reminding people that when they eat with others in friendly ways, they are eating with God. A dimension of hospitality.
- "Time to hit the hay." - Said by God when encouraging someone to get a good night's sleep. A reminder that there is wisdom in dreams.
- "Give me a break!" - "I've had it up to here!" - "I'm really pissed off." - Three ways that God expresses irritation and frustration at human sin.
- "I'm going through a rough patch." - "I'm in a world of pain." God's way of explaining that God, too, shares in our suffering. Sometimes confused with divine wrath, because so much of the pain comes from injustice and greed.
- "Don't be a money grubber." - Said by God when God meets people who are greedy and have more than they should possess. Often said to people who think free-market capitalism is God's will.
- "That's a bunch of shit." - Said by God to people who think free-market capitalism is God's will.
- "Catch you later!" - A friendly way of saying goodbye with the implication that you'll see or talk to the person again in the future. God's way of saying "I will always be there for you. I'm in the future as well as the present and past."
- "Let bygones be bygones." - Often uttered by God to people who can't forgive themselves when they've already been forgiven by God. Another way of saying "I can get angry, but I don't keep grudges."
- "Keep your chin up." - God's way of saying there's always hope, because God is a source of fresh possibilities. Related to #2, #3. and #9.
- "Let it be." - Said by God when he/she wants us to relax into the present moment, delight in the beauty of the world, and not be so bent on changing things when they are already good. Borrowed from the Beatles.
- "Love is all you need." - Also borrowed from the Beatles. Especially relevant to Christians, because for them it's another way of expressing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- "How do I love thee, let me count the ways." - Same as above, borrowed from the poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Her sonnet is one of God's favorite poems.
- Jay McDaniel