The astonishing documentary “Gunda” offers another way of looking at animals. Sublimely beautiful and profoundly moving, it offers you the opportunity to look -- at animals, yes, but also at qualities that are often subordinated in narratively driven movies, at textures, shapes and light. It’s outwardly simple: For most of its 93 minutes, the movie focuses on a sow and her piglets. In a short section we roam with chickens, including an impressively agile one-legged bird. In another, cows gallop into a misty field to graze, an interlude of pastoral dreaminess that invokes other representations — in novels and landscape paintings — yet is itself visually transfixing." |
In his moving, prophetic 1977 essay “Why Look at Animals?,” Berger considered the tragic costs of humanity’s putative march toward progress and away from the natural world. “To suppose that animals first entered the human imagination as meat or leather or horn is to project a 19th-century attitude backwards across the millennia,” Berger writes. “Animals first entered the imagination as messengers and promises.”..Animals were companions in our caves. We looked them in the eye and they looked back. Over time, we put animals — nature itself — at a greater remove. We stopped looking. Yet as Kossakovsky reminds us, even as he spares us the ghastliness of the slaughterhouse, we need to look at animals to honestly see what we have done. |
Apes gibber
Bats screech Bears growl Bees hum and buzz Birds chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing, whistle Calves bleat Camels grunt Cats mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl Cattle moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull) Chicks cheep Chickens cluck, cackle Cocks crow Cows low, moo Crickets chirp, creak Crows aw Dogs bark Dolphins click Donkeys bray Doves coo Ducks quack Eagless cream Elephantst rumpet, roar Flies buzz, hum Foxes bark, yelp, simper Frogs croak Giraffes bleat Goats bleat Geese cackle, quack Grasshoppers chirp Hamsters squeak Hares squeak Hens cackle, cluck Humans whisper, whistle, cry, scream, sing, talk Hogs grunt |
Horses neigh, snort, whinny, nicker
Hummingbirds hum Hyenasl augh, scream Jackals howl Kangaroos chortle Koalass cream, bellow, wail Lambs bleat Larks sing, warble Lions roar, growl Mice squeak and squeal Monkeys chatter, gibber, whoop, screech Mosquitoes whine Nightingales pipe, sing, warble Ostrichesc hirp, bark, hiss, low hum Owls hoot, scream, screech, shriek Oxen bellow, low Parrots talk, screech, squawk Peacocks scream Pigs snort, grunt, squeal, oink Pigeons coo Rabbits squeak, drum Rats squeak Ravens croak Rhinoceros bellow Roosters crow Seagulls scream, squawk Seals bark Sheep bleat Snakes hiss Tigers growl, roar Turkeysgobble Vulturesscream Whales sing Wolves howl, cry, yell Zebras whinny |