What is the Number Two?
Whitehead's Eternal Objects,
Jung's Archetypes, Infant Psychology
When the number Two functions in human life, it can have positive and negative effects. It can lead to both-and thinking and to us-versus-them thinking. It can be an essential part of infant psychology and contribute to false dichotomies. It can lead to the beauty of algorithms and to the illusion that all things (gender, for example) must be understood in terms of binaries. It seems to play a role in the universe itself, exemplified in mitosis (the splitting of a cell into two cells) and the up-or-down spin of electrons.
I am told that Two cannot exist without all the other numbers. It has a relational essence. I'm sure this is true. But what is that essence? What is Twoness?
And how long does the essence last. Can Two perish and become another number or lapse into complete non-existence? Can we imagine a world in which One exists and Three exists, but Two is skipped?
Maybe Two an illusion and everything is really One? Or Zero? Or Three? Or absolute Nothingness?
This page is an invitation to think about the number Two, arriving at your own conclusions. I offer the suggestion that Two is a timeless potential in the mind of God, co-eternal with God, and that it becomes an archetype in the human imagination when ingressed in the collective unconscious of the unfolding universe. It is one of many archetypes, powerful in its own two-ish way. We cannot live without Two and we cannot live with Two alone.
But who knows? In the spiritual alphabet of humanity, "I" is for imagination and "W" is for wonder. Please wonder.
- Jay McDaniel, 12/6/22.
I am told that Two cannot exist without all the other numbers. It has a relational essence. I'm sure this is true. But what is that essence? What is Twoness?
And how long does the essence last. Can Two perish and become another number or lapse into complete non-existence? Can we imagine a world in which One exists and Three exists, but Two is skipped?
Maybe Two an illusion and everything is really One? Or Zero? Or Three? Or absolute Nothingness?
This page is an invitation to think about the number Two, arriving at your own conclusions. I offer the suggestion that Two is a timeless potential in the mind of God, co-eternal with God, and that it becomes an archetype in the human imagination when ingressed in the collective unconscious of the unfolding universe. It is one of many archetypes, powerful in its own two-ish way. We cannot live without Two and we cannot live with Two alone.
But who knows? In the spiritual alphabet of humanity, "I" is for imagination and "W" is for wonder. Please wonder.
- Jay McDaniel, 12/6/22.