New to the Process World?
If you are a scholar or are engaged in scholarly research, check out the bibliographies for scholars offered by the Center for Process Studies library.
You will find scholarly material on almost every subject imaginable: education, biology, chemistry, philosophy, religion, politics, psychology, business, mysticism, technology, theology, art, music, literature, mathematics, and agriculture, for example.
The links below are for the intellectually-interested general reader, as offered in Open Horizons: Exploring a Process Outlook on Life and Way of Living. See also Whitehead and Process Thinking in Open Horizons.
Here are some pages from Open Horizon that will help you get started.*
- Relationships as the Spiritual Web of our Lives (Frederic Brussat)
- Twenty Key Ideas in Process Thinking (Jay McDaniel)
- Whitehead Video Series (video series for people serious about reading Process and Reality)
- Whitehead's Theory of Value (John Cobb)
- The Constellation of Process Theology (Bradley Artson)
- God Almighty? No Way! (Bradley Artson)
- God in Process Theology
- A Whole Universe of Stories (Patricia Adams Farmer)
- Beauty as a Spiritual Home (Patricia Adams Farmer)
- The Numinosity of Rocks (Patricia Adams Farmer)
- Whitehead, Jung, and Psychospiritual Wholeness (Sheri Kling)
- Can a Muslim be a Panentheist? (Farhan Shah)
- Emotional Intelligence and Embodied Wisdom: The Spiritual Side of Process Thinking
- The New Process Theology: International, Multireleligious, Practical, Theopoetic (Jay McDaniel)
- Building Ecological Civilizations: The Practical Side of Process Thinking
- China's Ecological Civilization: Our Common Great Opportunity (Zhihe Wang)
- A Biologist Looks at Process Thought (Charles Birch)
- Comparing Whitehead and Chinese Thought (Jay McDaniel)