Enjoying a Vivid Mental
and Spiritual Life
The Personal, Individual, and Spiritual Side
of Constructive Postmodernism in China
June 21, 2018
I will be going to China to help lead a Process Summer Academy in July, 2018. I am writing this a few weeks before I go, to remind myself why I go and why I care. It is not simply because China is becoming such a leader in the world. It is, and I don't mind that. It is not because I think the future of the planet partly depends on how China develops. It does. It is because I like the people so much. This is not my first time to lead the academy. I have traveled to mainland China thirteen times over the past few years to lead workshops on process philosophy or, as it is referred to in China, constructive postmodernism. Along the way I have gotten to know many Chinese, including and perhaps especially millennials (ages 18-35). And I've come to discover something about the role process philosophy plays in their lives. Many of my Chinese friends appreciate constructive postmodernism, not simply because it unites science and cosmology, or because it points toward an ecological civilization, or because it has implications for education and economics and governance, but because it enables them to explore the spiritual side of life, emotionally and intellectually. It does this in the same way the classical Chinese wisdom tradition and the arts once functioned in Chinese life, and movies and popular music now function. It gives them hope, not only for China, but for themselves. Process thinkers from the West sometimes miss this. They -- we -- too quickly want to turn to the problems of the world: global climate change, ecological destruction, inequalities of wealth, terrorism and war. And if we talk about the self, we are very quick to over-emphasize the importance of "relationality," in partial reaction to the hyper-individualism we find in the West. We forget that, for many people in the world, including Chinese, the deeper need is not to recognize the power of relations in society, some of which are positive and some negative, but to claim a sense of individuality in a world that too often neglects the intrinsic worth of the individual. In short, we miss the importance of the personal and spiritual side of process philosophy. Truth be told, process philosophy functions this way for some young Americans, too. See I Am a Process Millennial by Tristan Norman. No, process philosophy is not a religion and it does not compete with the many world religions. There are Jewish process thinkers and Muslim process thinkers and Buddhist process thinkers and Christian process thinkers. There are also "spiritual but not religiously affiliated" process thinkers, like Tristan and the many Chinese I work with. They care about the world but they also care about the heart. They want a vital, practical spirituality that will help them center their lives in a complex world. Process philosophy offers the ideas but not the practices. This is a problem. The need among constructive postmodernists in China is to develop practices, coming from Chinese traditions themselves, which contribute to a further realization of this more personal end: bike riding, food preparation, the celebration of holidays. What does a Constructive Postmodern celebration of Spring Festival look like? How might Tai Ji be conceived in constructive postmodern terms? These are leading edge questions. (Jay McDaniel) |
A Wheel of Spirituality
the building blocks of a vivid mental and spiritual life
The spiritual wheel below, developed by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, identifies some of the many moods and modes of a healthy spirituality, as recognized in constructive postmodernism.
One need in China and other parts of the world is to develop and explore traditional and novel practices that encourage them. |
Message from a Chinese Millennial
with introduction by Jay McDaniel
In a certain sense young Chinese - ages 18 to 30 -- are drawn to constructive postmodern (process) philosophy for the same reason they are drawn to movies, popular music, video games, and discussions in coffee shops. It stimulates their imaginations, enabling them, in the words of the student below, "to enjoy a vivid mental and spiritual life." The same applies to those who are older. Constructive modernism is refreshing, like a new spring.
In a society where expectations are rigid, relations are hierarchical, and competition stiff; where there are limits to what can be said and done publicly; where "play" and "imagination" are restricted in early years and learning to pass exams is overemphasized; the very opportunity to enjoy a vivid mental and spiritual life is a rich blessing. Constructive modernism offers this kind of blessing, stretching the imagination and inviting dialogue with others. It is, in its own way, a kind of spirituality, allowing someone to explore the spiritual alphabet, independently of religious affiliations.
Some Whiteheadians in the West might think that Chinese are turning to process thinking because it offers an integrative worldview, or because it can help Chinese develop an ecological civilization, or because it offers a paradigm for educational reform, or because it has so many connections with traditional forms of Chinese thinking, or because it offers a way of linking science and spirituality, or because it points toward a more "organic" Marxism. All true.
My experience in China suggests that the reasons for the turn are closer to daily life. People in China are attracted to process thinking because it encourages a lifestyle which is creative, compassionate, respectful of individuals, socially-concerned, and grateful for diversity. A young Chinese student of mine wrote a piece explaining his own attraction to process thinking. His name is 黄晓男, and his essay appears in Chinese below. As with others in China, he speaks of process thinking as constructive postmodernism, I offer the following paraphrase below:
In a society where expectations are rigid, relations are hierarchical, and competition stiff; where there are limits to what can be said and done publicly; where "play" and "imagination" are restricted in early years and learning to pass exams is overemphasized; the very opportunity to enjoy a vivid mental and spiritual life is a rich blessing. Constructive modernism offers this kind of blessing, stretching the imagination and inviting dialogue with others. It is, in its own way, a kind of spirituality, allowing someone to explore the spiritual alphabet, independently of religious affiliations.
Some Whiteheadians in the West might think that Chinese are turning to process thinking because it offers an integrative worldview, or because it can help Chinese develop an ecological civilization, or because it offers a paradigm for educational reform, or because it has so many connections with traditional forms of Chinese thinking, or because it offers a way of linking science and spirituality, or because it points toward a more "organic" Marxism. All true.
My experience in China suggests that the reasons for the turn are closer to daily life. People in China are attracted to process thinking because it encourages a lifestyle which is creative, compassionate, respectful of individuals, socially-concerned, and grateful for diversity. A young Chinese student of mine wrote a piece explaining his own attraction to process thinking. His name is 黄晓男, and his essay appears in Chinese below. As with others in China, he speaks of process thinking as constructive postmodernism, I offer the following paraphrase below:
"Constructive Postmodernism appreciates living simply, without greed, and enjoying a vivid mental and spiritual life. It encourages people to live harmoniously with nature, poetically with the earth, enjoying the beauty of nature, art, music, and other sources of wisdom.
Constructive Postmodernism encourages us to live with deep freedom: not a freedom apart from our relations with others, but a freedom in relation with others, accepting our responsibilities.
Constructive Postmodernism embraces individuality without the ideology of individualism. It emphasizes the dignity and uniqueness of each individual, appreciating not only the way in which individuals share many things in common, but also the way in which their differences form complementary contrasts. It appreciates the beauty of the plural.
Through constructive postmodernism we are invited to open ourselves to others, to listen to them. And we are encouraged to approach life as an adventure, an ongoing process in which we need not be complacent with static perfections. We can create our own live in a spirit of freedom, and also respect others in a spirit of kindness and tolerance.
And we can do all of this with help from our own Chinese traditions. We do not need to imitate the West in all things. We can dream our own dream."
If I have wrongly paraphrased what he says, I ask your forgiveness. What I know is that my paraphrase speaks for many young Chinese I meet who are interested in constructive postmodernism.
-- Jay McDaniel
-- Jay McDaniel
CP的邀请 - 与中国当代大学生一起分享
by 黄晓男
前言:CP是constructive postmodernism(建设性后现代主义)的简称。CP不仅是一种思维方式,也是一种生活方式。在这里结合我自己的学习、思考和生活体验,想和大家分享一下CP的一些理念(ideas)。
(一) CP的生活style
(二) 诗意地栖居
(三) 艺术人生
(四) 深度自由
(六) 向他者开放
(七) 健康的冒险意识
(八) 创意人生
(九) 弱德之美
(十) 中国传统智慧
CP认为中国传统文化中有很多精华和智慧值得我们汲取和传承。佛为心,道为骨,儒为表,大度看世界。“木末芙蓉花, 山中发红萼。涧户寂无人,
In an Ecological Civilization, it is very important to be
spiritually literate and emotionally intelligent.
A person can be non-religious and have a spiritual side to his or her life.
A person can be “scientific” and have a spiritual side to his or her life.
Spirituality is the emotional intelligence that holds families together,
giving hope and joy to individuals and communities,
even in times of tragedy and difficulty.
On this page we share a “spiritual alphabet” that can help people in all nations,
including contemporary Chinese, grow in spiritual literacy.
In our time together, let’s think of traditional practices and ideas
in Chinese culture that support and enable the letters in the alphabet.
Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat (Scribner, 1996; Touchstone, 1998) slightly modified for Chinese readers) A ATTENTION: Pay attention. Stay awake and totally alert. See with receptive eyes and discover a world of ceaseless wonders. B BEAUTY: Walk the path of beauty. Relish and encourage its inward and outward expressions. Acknowledge the radiance of the creation. BEING PRESENT: Live in the present moment. Don't obsess about the past or worry about the future. All you need is right here now. C COMPASSION: Open your heart, mind, and soul to the pain and suffering in the world. Reach out to others and discover the rewards and obligations of deep feeling. CONNECTIONS: Cultivate the art of making connections. See how your life is intimately related to all life on the planet. D DEVOTION: Express your feelings of praise and adoration through devotional practices. Pray with words and pray through your actions. E ENTHUSIASM: Celebrate life with this intoxicating passion. It adds zest to everything and helps build community. Hold nothing back. F FAITH: Recognize and accept that there is another dimension to life than what is obvious to us. Live with obstacles, doubt, and paradox, knowing that there a Goodness in the universe that is always present in the world. FORGIVENESS: In both your private and public lives, discover the sweet release that comes from forgiving others. Feel the healing balm of being forgiven and of forgiving yourself. G GRACE: Accept grace and your world will be larger, deeper, richer, and fuller. Look for its intimations everywhere. Let this seed of Life bloom in your words and deeds. GRATITUDE: Spell out your days with a grammar of gratitude. Be thankful for all the blessings in your life. H HOPE: Let this positive and potent emotion fuel your dreams and support your service of others. Through your attitudes and actions, encourage others never to lose hope. HOSPITALITY: Practice hospitality in a world where too often strangers are feared, enemies are hated, and the "other" is shunned. Welcome guests and alien ideas with graciousness. I IMAGINATION: Give imagination free rein in your life. Explore its images and ponder its meaning-making moments, and it will always present you with something new to be seen, felt, or made known. J JOY: Rejoice and be exceedingly glad. Find this divine energy in your daily life and share it with others. JUSTICE: Seek liberty and justice for all. Work for a free and fair world where oppression and inequality no longer exist. K KINDNESS: Let Spirit flow through you in little acts of kindness, brief words of encouragement, and manifold expressions of courtesy. These deeds will add to the planet's fund of good will. L LISTENING: Cultivate the art of deep listening in which you lean toward the world in love. All things in the universe want to be heard, as do the many voices inside us. LOVE: Fall in love over and over again every day. Love your family, your neighbors, your enemies, and yourself. And don't stop with humans. Love animals, plants, stones, even the galaxies. M MEANING: Constantly try to discover the significance of your experiences. Seek further understandings from sacred texts and spiritual teachers. N NURTURING: Take good care of the best that is within you. Self-exploration and personal growth continue throughout our lifetimes and equip us to tend to the needs of others. O OPENNESS: Hold an open house in your heart for all people and all things. Practice empathy with others and receptiveness toward the universe. P PEACE: Protect the earth's future by promoting peace every day. Your small steps will link you with others who are combating violence in the world. PLAY: Be playful. Express your creative spirit in spontaneity. Hurrah the pleasures of being, and let loose your laughter. Q QUESTING: Savor questions and thrill to the quest. See your life as a journey that quickens your faith and deepens your soul. R REVERENCE: Practice reverence for life. The sacred is in, with, and under all the things of the world. Respond with appropriate respect and awe. S SHADOW: Give up trying to hide, deny, or escape from your imperfections. Listen to what your demons have to say to you. SILENCE: Slow down. Be calm. Find a place where you can regularly practice silence. There you will find the resources to revitalize your body, mind, and soul. T TEACHERS: Be willing to learn from the spiritual teachers all around you, however unlikely or unlike you they may be. Always be a sensitive student. TRANSFORMATION: Welcome the positive changes that are taking place in your life. Open up the windows and let in some fresh air. Wholeness and healing are waiting in the wings. U UNITY: In this age of global spirituality, respect differences but affirm commonalities. Work together with those who are trying to make the world a better place. V VISION: Practice the art of seeing the invisible. Use the wisdom of your personal visions to renew yourself and your community. W WONDER: Cultivate a vibrant curiosity and welcome the reports of your senses. The world is alive and moving toward you with rare epiphanies and wonderful surprises. Remember you are standing on holy ground. X THE MYSTERY: Accept the unknown as part of life. Don't try to unravel the profound mysteries of life, human nature, and the natural world. Love the ineffable. Y YEARNING: Follow your heart's boundless desire. It takes you out of yourself and fosters an appreciation for the multidimensional pleasures of life. YOU: Accept that you are a child of the universe. Sing your own song with gusto. Fulfill your mission as a copartner with the universe in the unfolding drama of the universe. Z ZEAL: Be passionately aroused by life. Cherish every moment, honor your commitments, and treasure your kinship with all. |