Boo Bah Bah
A Daily Dose of Constructive Weirdness
constructive weirdness: a kind of novelty
that is odd, strange, funny, a little peculiar --
opening up new spaces for creativity, laughter, and love.
practicing weirdness: appreciating what is constructively weird,
taking delight in how it is a little off, a little zany, a little outlandish.
Seeing Kookiness as one of God's names. Being a little kooky yourself.
weird-sensitive mystic: a person who sees the whole of reality,
including what seems "normal," as a little kooky, a little off,
and loves it all because it's so odd. Sees oddness as holy ordinary.
the oddness of being: the radical contingency of things.
Nothing is just what it is. Everything is different
from the way it could have been. Everything is odd.