At no point in the Bible itself is a creation out of nothing explicitly affirmed, much less made a point of dogma...At the very moment God begins the process of creating, we encounter tohu va-vohu, the undomesticated chaos awaiting God’s engagement and a choshech, darkness permeates the surface of the tehom/Deep.
ohu va-vohu is raw and chaotic – and we know that fractal beauty and order self-organize from the very heart of the chaotic. Chaos – an iterative nonlinear process – is neither rigid repetition nor pure random disorder, it offers rather a third way – an emergent, unpredictable becoming
The work of creation is never ending and never static. We are a/part of its harvest, and we are, with the cosmos and the Divine, co-creators. The ruach continues to vibrate across the face of tehom, though us, in us, with us: creatio continua, continuous creating.