Christian Process Theology:
Two Introductions
Process theology is an evolving multi-religious tradition. Its advocates include Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Bahais, Pagans, and people who are spiritually interested but not religiously affiliated. Christian process theology is one of its most important and influential expressions. This page offers two introductions to Christian process theology for the spiritually-interested, intellectually engaged general reader; along with, at the bottom of the page, a list of additional books and resources, of which there are many. The introductions are by Marjorie Suchocki, professor emerita of the Claremont School of Theology, and Jay McDaniel, chair of the board of the Cobb Institute for Community and Practice. Suchocki's is especially valuable for church-involved readers and McDaniel's for the more general reader. Both essays stand on their own, but, together, they offer a good introduction to Christian process theology.