Zen Meditation

Photo by Le Minh Phuong on Unsplash
Let's get practical. Think of God as the Deep Breathing of the universe. Then practice breathing meditation, say Zen style, in order to be centered as best you can in the Breathing. You seek to be breathed by the Breathing. Of course combine the practice "being breathed" with acts of lovingkindess, service to the world, and a prophetic critique of market-driven society. Help build compassionate cities and an ecological civilization. Start a community garden, volunteer at a local community center, battle the establishment. But find some way to stay centered in the Breathing as you do, lest you despair or get burned out. Do something like Zen meditation every morning for 20 minutes or every night before you go to bed. The regularity is important. Don't worry if you skip a day or two each week, but try your best to keep it up at least five days a week. Over time you will find yourself more relaxed, more patient, a better listener, more centered, and more discerning. It is fine to do it alone, but see if you can get a group of people -- two or three is enough -- who meet once a week to sit together for longer periods. Try sitting for two 20 minutes sessions. Have a leader ring a bell to get you started and be the timer. Bow each time a session is over. You will be glad you did it.