How My Grandma Grows Vegetables
A leading edge, perhaps the leading edge, of the process movement is in mainland China., This is why "Process Confucianism" is so important. The term describes a process or Whiteheadian perspective influenced by Confucian values. One key aspect of this perspective is reverence for departed ancestors and living elders. While Process Confucianism includes a deep appreciation for youthfulness, it also goes beyond a youth-centered focus. Process Confucianism acknowledges the wisdom that comes with old age and experience. Furthermore, it recognizes that other living beings and the Earth itself are living elders. They have evolved over countless millennia of natural processes and can be respected and venerated for their presence and wisdom. Filial piety and eco-piety are intertwined, contributing to the development of a culture rooted in an Ecological Civilization.
A leading edge, perhaps the leading edge, of the process movement is in mainland China., This is why "Process Confucianism" is so important. The term describes a process or Whiteheadian perspective influenced by Confucian values. One key aspect of this perspective is reverence for departed ancestors and living elders. While Process Confucianism includes a deep appreciation for youthfulness, it also goes beyond a youth-centered focus. Process Confucianism acknowledges the wisdom that comes with old age and experience. Furthermore, it recognizes that other living beings and the Earth itself are living elders. They have evolved over countless millennia of natural processes and can be respected and venerated for their presence and wisdom. Filial piety and eco-piety are intertwined, contributing to the development of a culture rooted in an Ecological Civilization.