"We are not about profit alone.
We want to make things
that are small and beautiful.
Things that make people feel happy
and that help build community.
Things that are new and creative,
that combine the past with the future.
Things that add compassion to the world."
Meet Tommy Zhang:
A Process Businessman in China
(scroll down for a short word of appreciation
from an American business professor)

My name is Tommy Zhang . I live in Hangzhou, China. I am founder of the business Tom-Horse.
Tom-Horse is a small craft company in Hangzhou. We design and produce creative crafts, focusing especially on Chinese culture crafts: that is, crafts that integrate Chinese cultural images with new, contemporary designs from popular culture. In this way we appreciate traditional culture and at the same time promote novel, cultural development. We believe that the past is important and also that the future is important. We believe that change or process is part of life.
My own journey to Tom-Horse has a “process” dimension. I worked in the IT field for more than 15 years, up until 2012. But this work was not fulfilling; I wanted to do some kind of work that truly interested me.
I was following a subjective aim, but this aim was not true to my heart. Ever since childhood, I had loved arts and crafts, so I decided to start my own business in the crafts field. It took me six years to develop Tom-Horse; I started with a staff of three persons. Now, as I write this, Tom-Horse has a staff of twenty-five. It began with $10,000 annual sales and now has sales of two million dollars a year.
Our business model is simple. We initiate and design the crafts, and then we send the blueprint to the factory, where workers produce the crafts. After assemblage and quality check, we send the products to the retailers or to chain-stores. Then customers buy them at the stores and enjoy them. Most of the time, the Tom-Horse crafts are selected as gifts, and when the people receive them, they feel surprise and happiness. We think of this as “a business circle” where benefit goes all around. We cooperate with the factory, the delivery company, the wholesalers, and retailers.
A kind of community is created. We appreciate the fact that as people participate in the business circles, they enjoy a sense of beauty in the crafts themselves and also that they become connected to one another. We see this sense of beauty and also the feeling of connection as part of the “process” way.
There is another side to our business that is “process” in spirit. We are not concerned with profit alone. We concerned with our staff, our business partners, our customers. We know that connections can be positive or negative, constructive or destructive. We know that compassion and care are what connections look like when they are positive. In a culture of compassion and care, everyone benefits. So we want Tom-Horse to communicate and embody the idea of a compassionate business.
This idea of a compassionate business is itself new. In former times businesses were about money alone. We want to change that. This willingness to change is part of our very essence. We at Tom-Horse believe in novelty. We are interested in preserving traditional culture and preserving the best aspects of modernity, and we are also interested in newness and adventure. At Tom-Horse we take creativity and openness to novelty as a key to human fulfillment and business success. We know that everything is flowing and changing all the time. We know that human beings cannot and need not cling to their pasts and avoid new ways of living. We hope that our products and our ways at Tom-Horse exemplify such a new and constructive way. We are a “process” business in China.
A Word of Appreciation from an American Professor
Dear Tommy Zhang,
Thank you for your essay. We are "on the same page," as we say in America. In my 32 years of teaching business and accounting to college undergraduates, I’ve taught the concept of increasing the value of your firm by taking care of all stakeholders, not just the stockholders. By stakeholders, I mean the specific entities he mentions in the article: “the factory, the delivery company, the wholesalers, and retailers” and “our staff, our business partners, our customers” and I would add the local community as well as the environment to that list. Businesses that are concerned with profit alone don’t last very long and usually go down quickly in flames. Balancing the needs of all stakeholders is the best way to increase the value of a business and ensure a long life. That’s a sustainable business model. Good work, Tommy. I hope we meet someday.
Dr. Lyle Rupert
Hendrix College
Conway, Arkansas USA
Dear Tommy Zhang,
Thank you for your essay. We are "on the same page," as we say in America. In my 32 years of teaching business and accounting to college undergraduates, I’ve taught the concept of increasing the value of your firm by taking care of all stakeholders, not just the stockholders. By stakeholders, I mean the specific entities he mentions in the article: “the factory, the delivery company, the wholesalers, and retailers” and “our staff, our business partners, our customers” and I would add the local community as well as the environment to that list. Businesses that are concerned with profit alone don’t last very long and usually go down quickly in flames. Balancing the needs of all stakeholders is the best way to increase the value of a business and ensure a long life. That’s a sustainable business model. Good work, Tommy. I hope we meet someday.
Dr. Lyle Rupert
Hendrix College
Conway, Arkansas USA
Chinese Translation
(谢邦秀 译)
莱尔.鲁伯特 博士
(谢邦秀 译)
莱尔.鲁伯特 博士