Riot Don't Diet
Sleater-Kinney, Fat Souls, and Riot Grrrls
“The catharsis Sleater-Kinney seek is more than just fun,
it’s a battle in earnest for the human right to know and possess yourself.”
-- Ann Powers
Who are riot grrrls? Why Riot Grrrl? |
Perfectionism, a fairly innocuous word, can in fact make us miserable and neurotic and play heinous tricks on our psyche. It can make us sick. Perfectionism is a dangerous game and, if not watched carefully, can turn tragic. For example, women are inundated from an early age with magazine ads showing gaunt, curve-less bodies as if they are the “ideal.” Anything outside the perimeters of that ultra-thin, half-emaciated ideal is to be stamped INFERIOR, and thus most of us go around feeling quite dissatisfied with—or even ashamed of—our bodies. Thanks to the Tyranny of Thin, eating disorders continue to take their toll on—even kill—bright, talented young women...Truth is, Plato left to his own devices can cause a great deal of mischief. He believed that every imperfect thing has a perfect ideal in some heavenly realm—and that only those perfect “forms” are truly, truly real. Everything else—actual people, trees, and monkeys are mere shadows of their perfect counterpart ideals. It’s as if there are perfect Greek statues lined up in the heavens—perfect body, perfect tree, perfect monkey—looking down on us in judgment...And the more divergent something is from the perfect ideal, the less value it has. NOW IS THE TIME TO INVENT Note to Carrie Brownstein of Sleater Kinney from Helpmedinosaur SLEATER-KINNEY IN CONCERT |