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Practicing Process Thought
Process Spirituality: A Spiritual Alphabet
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Photo: Susannah Stubbs
Essays by Nita Gilger
A Walk in the Woods: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
Rain: A Poem by Nita Gilger
It's the Little Things Sometimes: Nita Gilger
Mystery and the Sailing Rocks of Death Valley: Nita Gilger
All Creatures Great and Small: Relations with Animals as Relations with God
Yes, I can stay a while: Nita Gilger on Abiding
Having Faith When Life Does Not Make Sense: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
The Courage of Mushrooms: Nita Gilger
The Sublime and the Mundane
Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: Nita Gilger
Setting Sail, God as Wind: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
Connections, Neighbors, and Unexpected Beauty: Nita Gilger
Juxtaposition: Nita Gilger
Deep and Wide: Nita Gilger
Unexpected Journeys: Nita Gilger
Christ in a Fish Bladder and a Hug: Nita Gilger, Jay McDaniel
Wild Turkeys and Wilderness Ways: Nita Gilger
Having a Flexible Strength: NIta Gilge
Relationships as Good Medicine: Nita Gilger
Fixing Like a Child: Nita Gilger
The Arch My Teacher: Living with the Push and Pull of Life
Praying to Red Berries: Gilger and McDaniel
There Can Be Sadness in Holding On: Nita Gilger
Cultivating Compassion and Beauty: Nita Gilger
Building a Canoe: Moving from Rough to Smooth
Shedding in Order to Grow
Life is Like Peanut Brittle
My Life with Aoudads
The Rough and Tumble of Life: Here We go Again
The Good Shepherd: A Universal Love
Resilience in the Waves of Life
Spiral Living: Seeing with Artist Eyes
A Ringy Dingy Super Moon
Beauty in Vulnerability—Looking in the Mirror
Beauty or Beast: Are there Rattlesnakes in Heaven?
Woodpecker Wisdom: A Willingnes to Regroup
Ashes and other Smudges
When Dreams are Interrupted
Children's Wisdom, Grown-Up Wisdom and the Gifts of Mutual Flourishing
Dot-to-Dot Providence: Trust in a God who makes New Plans
Guiding Light
Catch a Falling Star:Blessed Nostalgia as a Spiritual Practice
The Living Christ as a Non-Coercive Spillway of Love
A Tender Care that Nothing be Lost: God the Button Collector
Making Good with What We Have At Hand: God in the Making
O;en and Relational Line Dancing: God's Patience with Missteps
Deep Unto Deep
Bringing Life to Life: One Role of Art in an Ecological Civilization
Mazes of Life
Hope from Peaches
Beyond Mere Interconnectedness: The Hunger for Love and Delight
Sticking Our Heads in the Sand
Free Falling: A Way Other Than Our Own
Being Swept Up and Away: Finding Courage When Fear Calls Our Name
The Gift of Chaos
Every Crevice a Story: The Boulder as Teacher
An Olive Wood Cup: A Short Theology of Holy Communion
Finding Traction in the Darkness and the Light
Loving in the Shadow of Alzheimer's
Learning from Rock Owls in Bryce Canyon
A Call to Deeper Places: The Owl as My Teacher
God, Are You Looking for Me?
The Turtle My Teacher
Life with a Broken Wing
Trying to Understand the Practice of Trusting
Like Oaks, Like Cacti: The Resilient Heart
Process Worldview
Art and Music
Whitehead and Process Thinking
Bibliographies for Scholars
Ecological Civilization
Social Justice
Sacred Poems
Whitehead Videos
Index of All Titles
Practicing Process Thought
Process Spirituality: A Spiritual Alphabet
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