Process Worldview
Art and Music
Whitehead and Process Thinking
Bibliographies for Scholars
Ecological Civilization
Social Justice
Sacred Poems
Whitehead Videos
Index of All Titles
Practicing Process Thought
Process Spirituality: A Spiritual Alphabet
Recent Posts
Reflections on Spirituality (more to come)
"A" is for Attention
"B" is for Being Present
"B" is for Beauty
"C" is for Connections
"G" is for Grace
"F" is for Forgiveness
"H" is for Hope
"H" is for Hospitality
"I" is for Imagination
"J" is for Joy
"J" is for Justice
"M" is for Meaning
"P" is for Play
"S" is for Silence
T" is for Transformation
"U" is for Unity
"Z" is for Zeal (Zest for Life)
Breeze on Bare Skin and Gentleness of Every Kind: A Gratitude Collage
The Spirituality of the Earth: Thomas Berry
The Healing Power of Dance: Film Review of Farewell Amor
I Can't Feel Hope but I Can Remenber It: Treasuring Pleasant Memories as Modes of Divine Presence
Process and Silence: The Habit and Practice of Silence in Process Theology
Helping Those Who Can Sing but Not Speak: Melodic Intonation Therapy as Practicing the Presence of God
The Mystics: Kathleen Jacobson
A Spirituality of Playlist-making
What is the Place of Silent Prayer in Open and Relational Theologies?
Process Theology and Multifactorial Healing: Bruce Epperly
The Difference Between Curing and Healing
Wilderness and Interdependence: A Reflection
A Call to Transformation: Graduating as a (Lifelong) Spiritual Practice
Relationships as the Spiritual Web of our Lives
Movie Trailers as Springboards for Soulful Conversation
Blessed are the Caregivers: Film Review of "Diane"
"Tidying Up" as a Spiritual Practice: Marie Kondo brings a little Shinto to the World
Boo Bah Bah: A Daily Dose of Constructive Weirdness
Eight Forms of Mysticism
The Practice of Mystery: To Cherish the Baffling
David Steindl-Rast: A Grateful Day and Loving Your Enemy
Getting Perspective of Life: Eighteen Teachings of Pope Francis
Zest for Life: The Love of Life as a Spiritual Gift and Pleasure
Suffering through the Present Moment: The Pleasure and Angst of Waiting
Collecting Scraps of Light: The Practice of Gratitude as a Thank You Note to Life
Howard Thurman on Religion (Videos)
Smelling: A Theology
Too Much Conviction: The Problem of Overly Fervent Belief
Too Much Connectedness: Whitehead and Kierkegaard on Solitude
Being Hear: Listening to Nature as a Way of Recovering Sanity in a Very Troubled World
Constructive Guilt as a Blessing from God
The Kitchen Sink as Sanctuary: Terry Tempest Williams
Looking out the Window: Being Pleasantly Lost in Thought as a Spiritual Practice
Spirituality: What Is It? (The RSA Report)
You Never Know: Living with Radical Contingency as a Spiritual Practice
Meditation in Prison: Dhamma Brothers
Breathing with the Universe: Process Theology and Tai Ji
The Need to Adore: Rumi and Hartshorne
The Practice of Dreamless Sleep
A Spiritual Alphabet for a Multi-Faith World
Wheel of Life: Eighteen forms of Spiritual Aliveness
What are We Doing When we Pray?
Creative Lamentation
Sacred Speech 101
On Catching a Glimpse of the Sacred
The Listening Side of Love
Cats as Spiritual Teachers
Becoming the Person My Dog Thinks I Am
Zen Meditation
Cooking as a Spiritual Practice
Stepping Inside Your Shoes: Alzheimer's and Validation Therapy
The Religion of Kindness and Beauty
Perpetual Wonder as a Spiritual Virtue
Positive Psychology and Religion
A Process Theology of Marriage
Virginia McDaniel: Now that I'm 95
Trust in Beauty
We Protect What We Fall in Love With
Surfing as Spirituality
Spinning Wool: Empathy for Fiber as Healing the World
Process and Silence: The Habit and Practice of Silence in Process Theology
Process Worldview
Art and Music
Whitehead and Process Thinking
Bibliographies for Scholars
Ecological Civilization
Social Justice
Sacred Poems
Whitehead Videos
Index of All Titles
Practicing Process Thought
Process Spirituality: A Spiritual Alphabet
Recent Posts
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